What is the Tabata slimming system, its features and secrets. How to properly conduct training, recommendations and restrictions. A basic collection of effective exercises for beginners. Photo and video.
Many people dream of getting a beautiful, slim and fit figure, but there is not always the time or opportunity to spend a day in the gym. To lose weight and get your body in good shape, you should pay attention to Tabata gymnastics. This technique is based on short, but very intense loads, the duration of which is only 4 minutes. At first glance, it may seem that everything is very simple, but this is a deceptive impression and not everyone can withstand such activities.
History of the origin of gymnastics Tabata

The founder of this unique and effective technique is the Japanese physician Izumi Tabata. The very history of creation suggests that this gymnastics is not for beginners. Professor Tabata was engaged in the development of gymnastics precisely to increase the effectiveness of skaters' training. It is not difficult to imagine how large the loads should be.
The system was not only developed but also tested at the Tokyo Institute of Sports and Physical Education in the 90s. However, today this complex is actively used in the fitness industry for losing weight and improving the body. And this is not surprising, because Tabata workouts are the most effective and allow you to burn a large amount of calories in a short period of time.
The effectiveness of the Tabata complex, photo

This technique is based on interval training, when the right combination of intense loads and a period of maximum relaxation occurs. But in the Tabata system, the cycle of muscle work and rest is no more than 4 minutes. It may seem like a workout of only 4 minutes is too short to work hard on different muscle groups. But this is not at all the case. Those who choose the Tabata system and exercise regularly claim that the first results become noticeable after a month. And most importantly, you don't have to go to the gym to lose weight.
There are several secrets of the Tabata system:
- You need to perform exercises not at half strength, but at the limit of your own capabilities. After training, you should literally collapse with fatigue. Thanks to this approach, the maximum calories are burned during exercise, as opposed to a simple monotonous workout in the gym.
- It is imperative that a warm-up and a cool-down are performed before the lesson - about 10 minutes.
- Gradually, when the body gets used to such a load, you can add another cycle of 4 minutes. Remember to increase the load periodically. In the first month, one cycle will be enough, and sometimes you need to start with a light version of the exercises.
During any type of physical activity in the body, metabolic activity accelerates and remains at a high level for some time after training. Therefore, even while at rest, the body continues to burn calories.
It has been proven that after training Tabata, the period of accelerated metabolism lasts from several hours to several days. It all depends only on the individual characteristics of the organism. But such an effect can only be achieved through systematic training in the Tabata style. To get the perfect figure and lose weight, you must not skip classes.
The number of workouts per week depends on the physical form. If you started playing sports quite recently, you first need to increase endurance with the help of simple workouts or a lightweight complex. In this case, it is enough to exercise once a week until the muscles get stronger and the body gets used to new loads. If you have enough experience, you can go through 2-3 cycles in one workout.
Training safety in the Tabata system

Despite the fact that the Tabata system is one of the most effective means for losing weight, at the same time, it is a serious stress for the body. It is strictly forbidden to start this type of high-intensity training and apply great physical activity without consulting a specialist. It is imperative to find out the opinion of the attending physician, especially if there were previously or are now health problems. For example, a doctor's consultation is needed in such cases:
- during rehabilitation after a long illness, it is better to start with light physiotherapy exercises;
- with low endurance of the body, you first need to master a simple set of exercises and only after that start training Tabata;
- if there are various injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
- diseases associated with blood pressure;
- problems associated with the vestibular apparatus.
Without fail, a light warm-up is performed before training in order to smoothly transfer the body from a state of rest and prepare for the upcoming stress. At the end of the complex, a hitch is done - exercises for relaxation and stretching. You need to make sure that you do not go beyond the permissible load. Remember to check your heart rate periodically during exercise, especially if weights are to be used. To do this, you can use a special heart rate calculator.
Workout according to the Tabata system in 4 minutes

The Tabata training system is ideal for people who have practically no free time. It is quite enough to devote only 4 minutes to classes. But it is during these 4 minutes that you will have to work very actively at the maximum of your own strength.
It is important to constantly alternate high loads with short periods of relaxation. But during relaxation, you should not be distracted by anything, because you need to fully concentrate on the lesson and try to bring the workout to the end.
How to choose the right exercises for the Tabata system?

Even if during the lesson you need to work out only a certain part of the body, for example, to remove a sagging belly, it is better to select complex exercises. During their implementation, the maximum number of muscles is included in the work. Remember, weight loss cannot occur locally, as it is a long and complex process in which the entire body is involved.
The exercises should not be equally difficult to perform and require well-developed coordination. Remember, the simpler the execution technique, the more accurate the movements will be, and during the lesson you will be able to develop the highest possible pace. If you have a desire to include more complex exercises in the complex as soon as possible, do not deceive yourself. First of all, you need to learn how to correctly perform each exercise. Only if you follow the correct technique can you achieve maximum efficiency.
There are some subtleties of performing typical exercises according to the Tabata system:
- running in place - pull yourself together, keep an even posture, land softly on your feet, otherwise you risk damaging your joints;
- lunges - knees at an angle of 90 degrees, the back remains flat, while lifting, include the abdominal muscles in the work;
- jumping rope - the back is straight, the landings are soft so as not to injure the joints;
- squats - it is important to keep your back straight, do not tilt your body forward, do not let your knees protrude beyond the socks, otherwise your knees will take all the load;
- push-ups - the body is perfectly even, use the abdominal muscles, the arms are spread wide, the chest should not fall down.
During any exercise, you need to constantly monitor the beauty of the lines - the back is perfectly straight, the stomach is always tucked up. Even if you tighten your stomach a little, the center of the body is turned on, thanks to which the whole body is toned.
Preparing to workout Tabata

To keep track of the exercise time, it is recommended to use a special tabata timer that will count down the time and tell you when to relax and the remaining number of rounds. If you are exercising at home, you can turn on the timer on your phone or computer screen.
During your workout, you will start to sweat intensely and feel intense thirst. Place a towel next to it to wipe away sweat and stay active. You can drink, but only a few sips.
We start training on the Tabata system

First of all, a warm-up is performed to prepare the body for the upcoming stress. Before any workout, it is imperative to bring the body into working order, to disperse the blood - this is very important before training in the Tabata style. In the fight against excess weight and maximum efficiency of the exercise, it is important that the bullets are accelerated. Be sure to pay attention to the warm-up of the joints and ligaments, otherwise you risk serious injury.
For the entire workout of Tabata, one exercise is performed:
- work at the maximum force limit for 20 seconds;
- for the next 10 seconds, relaxation and rest, but the muscles do not cool down and remain in working order, so you cannot sit down or fall on the floor;
- while resting, walk at a low pace, which will help bring the pulse back to normal and restore breathing;
- the round is repeated 8 times.
If you still have strength after training, you can start the second cycle, but now another exercise is being performed.
Tabata exercises for beginners

Experts advise to do only one exercise per Tabata cycle. But beginners can choose for themselves several different exercises, which will help to tone the body faster and increase endurance. As a basic exercise, you can use the complex below.
Running in place and jumping rope

Active jumping rope or running on the spot is a great start to your workout. Even if after a warm-up you are not yet fully tuned in to the exercise, running or jumping will help you quickly rectify the situation.
Be sure to keep your back perfectly straight, land on your toes softly, without sudden jerks. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, it is recommended to raise the knees as high as possible to the chest, which will help to work out the abdominal muscles.
Remember - you cannot tilt the body forward to the knees. The back should always be flat, only the legs rise.

The set of exercises Tabata very often includes lunges, as they help to effectively work out the muscles of the legs and buttocks. It is an ideal exercise for losing weight in problem areas. You can perform lunges not only forward and backward, but also to the sides, working on different muscles.
While performing lunges, you need to keep your back straight. Try to keep straight angles - the knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle. Make sure that the front knee does not move forward, and is located above the heel. The back knee should not touch the floor.
Push ups

This is a classic and popular exercise for training the whole body. It is used not only as a means of combating excess weight, but also for the effective development of muscles.
Exercise will only be beneficial if done correctly:
- take an emphasis lying;
- Tighten your stomach, the lower back should not fall through, the back is straight;
- the body should be stretched out like a string;
- while lowering, bend your elbows;
- try to hold the body not only with your hands, but also include your abdominal muscles.
If this exercise seems very difficult and difficult to perform, use the simplified version - knee push-ups.
Reverse push-ups

To complete this exercise, you need to take a chair, you can also focus on a sofa or chair.
Reverse push-ups are performed according to the following scheme:
- rest your hands on the back of the chair;
- you need to make sure that the arms are parallel to each other;
- the shoulder blades should not rise too high;
- keep your back straight, try to pull your shoulders to the sides;
- lift the pelvis off the floor and lift the body with your hands;
- during the exercise, the press should also work.
Wide squats

When doing wide squats, the knees are not as heavily loaded as with the classic version. That is why it is recommended for beginners to perform it. Wide squats allow you to work out the inner thighs as much as possible, which is very important for many women who dream of getting slender legs.
Wide squats are performed as follows:
- Spread your legs as wide as possible;
- keep your back straight;
- Tighten your stomach and tighten your abdominal muscles while squatting;
- while squatting, the knees should not go beyond the socks.
Raising the body in the half-bridge

An excellent exercise, the regular implementation of which allows you to eliminate congestion in the pelvic region. To get the most out of it, stick to the following flow chart:
- you need to lie on your back;
- bend your legs at the knees;
- put your heels as close to the buttocks as possible;
- gently tear the pelvis off the floor and lift it up as much as possible;
- at the top point, linger for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position;
- the shoulder blades should be pressed to the floor at all times, the shoulders should be straightened, do not round them.
Exercise boat on the press

This is one of the most effective exercises, but in order for it to be beneficial, you need to follow these guidelines:
- you need to sit on the ischial bones, but not on the tailbone;
- back straight, tighten the abdominal muscles;
- gently lift your legs off the floor;
- at first it will be very difficult to straighten your legs, so you can leave them bent at the knees;
- lift your legs up and support them with your hands to maintain balance.
This exercise is static. If you fail to complete it and keep your lower back straight, you can replace it with another exercise - pull your legs to the body with light springy movements.
Burpee exercise (burpee)

It is recommended to do this exercise at the end of your workout. Burpee is not only very effective, but also a difficult exercise that allows you to work out different muscle groups and burn as many calories as possible. This exercise combines a jump, push-up and squat.
The burpee execution scheme is as follows:
- first you need to sit down and touch the floor with your hands;
- jump back and partially transfer the weight to the palms;
- do push-ups;
- jump back to the squat position;
- jump out with your hands up.
If you have joint problems, you should be very careful with this exercise so as not to get injured.
After you get used to this complex and do all the exercises correctly, you can choose a more complex workout option for yourself. Today, a lot of useful information and recommendations have been presented on how to properly perform Tabata exercises so that they bring maximum benefit. During your workout, be sure to use the timer and do not forget about the rest period.
Just like any other type of physical activity, the Tabata complex can bring not only benefits, but also great harm. It is very important to select a set of exercises correctly and taking into account the available physical fitness. Only in this case will the positive effect of Tabata training be obtained. The process of losing weight is much faster and easier if you supplement physical activity with proper and rational nutrition. In this case, in a short period of time you can get the perfect and slender figure that you have dreamed of for so long.
Slimming Tabata system - video how to lose weight in 4 minutes a day