Stanislav Lindover is a popular person in bodybuilding. His advice is useful to many aspiring athletes. Learn the secrets to training for impressive muscle mass. The athlete was born in St. Petersburg in 1972. Stanislav Lindover has the title of Master of Sports in bodybuilding and is the absolute champion of the continent in classical bodybuilding. He repeatedly became the champion and prize-winner of the Russian championships. Today Stanislav is considered the most popular athlete of the Yougifted Russia channel, broadcast on the YouTube service. He also continues to prepare for new tournaments. It should also be said that in 2002 the athlete graduated from the Ben Weider College of Fitness and Bodybuilding.
Stanislav's workouts in bodybuilding

Tips for beginner athletes from Lindover

Often athletes who have previously played other sports come to bodybuilding. Of course, great prospects open up for those who have previously been involved in weightlifting, throwing or powerlifting. This is due to the similar specificity of training in these sports disciplines.
It has long been known that novice athletes progress quickly enough with almost any training program. Since muscle growth is the body's response to physical activity, athletes with a low level of initial fitness will progress over a longer period of time. This is due to the fact that their body will take longer to adapt.
According to Stanislav, novice athletes should not divide training into periods of fat burning and mass gain. It is important for them to experimentally determine the best combination of essential nutrients over a period of time. This will allow you to avoid an increase in body fat and progress in gaining mass.
Optimal number of sessions

The split system for athletes must be designed for seven days. Today it has been established that the main role in muscle growth is played by anabolic hormones, the level of which, in comparison with catabolic hormones, should be high. It is only on the basis of this knowledge that the correct training program can be created. Strength training has a big impact on the rate at which muscle protein is produced. As you know, the main factors in this process are hormones and amino acid compounds.
Physical activity activates the mechanisms of synthesis of anabolic hormonal substances. Thus, we can say that frequent training helps to maintain a high anabolic background and, with appropriate nutrition, protein synthesis is supported. Unfortunately, it is often forgotten that the body is not able to continuously produce hormones and the endocrine system needs rest. Recovery is an essential part of muscle growth. After intense training, the nervous, energetic and endocrine systems should recover.
Thus, submaximal weights should be used no more than once every 14 days. It also makes no sense to do more than three times a week, provided that you are not using AAS. It is known that anabolic steroids significantly accelerate the recovery of the body and when using them, you can train more often.

Everyone knows that athletes should consume from two to two and a half grams of protein compounds per kilogram of your body weight. Although traditional medicine says that one gram per kilo of your weight is enough. There are several reasons for this discrepancy in figures. First, athletes need more protein to build muscle. And secondly, amino acid compounds are used by the body not only for building tissues, but are involved in various processes.
It should also be remembered that the body cannot absorb all of the protein consumed. If we turn to physiology, then it is possible to calculate a lump sum of proteins that will be completely and quickly processed by the digestive system. This figure ranges from 40 to 70 grams. It is quite possible to gain this amount of protein compounds in four or five meals.
If we talk about the ratio of nutrients for gaining mass, then an individual approach is still important here. At the same time, the following figures can be taken as a starting point:
- Proteins - 2.5 to 3 grams per kilo of body weight.
- Fat - 0.7 to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight.
The situation is somewhat more complicated with carbohydrates. It makes sense to increase your nutrient intake gradually, say 50 grams each week. At the same time, you should not exceed the dosage of 150 grams. You should also weigh yourself weekly and keep an eye on your appearance so that fat does not appear.
Shoulder workout from Stanislav Lindover in this video: