Cosmetic paraffin makes the heels tender, the skin on the legs is smooth, and most importantly, it relieves the feeling of lead heaviness in the limbs. You can give your feet such luxury at home, knowing the recipes for masks and baths. Paraffin for feet is a unique substance that has long been used in the treatment of various diseases of the lower extremities. In cosmetology, paraffin therapy is used to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, improve blood circulation and remove toxins from the body. This technique is suitable for people with dry and fading dermis. It is easy to carry out a useful procedure with paraffin at home, if you choose and use the main ingredient correctly.
Purpose of paraffin for feet

Paraffin for feet is a mixture of solid, high molecular weight hydrocarbons of a limiting nature, which are mined underground and are a product of oil refining. It looks like a solid, greasy substance of light gray color, similar to wax.
Pharmacies may stock two types of paraffin - medical and cosmetic. The latter is enriched with additional natural ingredients - oils or vitamins, which make the substance even healthier for the skin.
Paraffin therapy is often called an express sauna, because the effect it gives is very profound. The main purpose of this substance is to moisturize the skin at the cellular level, and this happens due to the unique heat transfer. What does this mean:
- Possessing a high heat capacity, paraffin is able to release its energy for a long time, keeping the skin warm. He heats it up by 1-2 degrees during the procedure, and this starts a number of important processes.
- Paraffin opens pores and, together with sweat, removes dust particles and other harmful substances, in other words, it works as a sorbent.
- When the paraffin cools down, the skin begins to absorb moisture, which penetrates deep into the tissues and absorbs it efficiently. In this case, toxins remain on the surface of the dermis or are absorbed into paraffin.
The task of paraffin therapy is to make the skin on the legs smooth, healthy, prevent cracks, and also get rid of chronic fatigue. Please note that 67% of women complain about the above problems.
Composition and components of paraffin

The chemical composition of paraffin is quite diverse, but the main "working" components are complex carbohydrates. During heating, they make the substance liquid and suitable for use in various forms and for various purposes.
What components can be part of paraffin:
- Useful minerals … They are responsible for oxygenation of the dermis.
- Herbal extracts … Often, almond oil or wheat germ oil is present in the composition, which enhance the moisturizing effect by penetrating deep into the tissues.
- Cocoa butter … This ingredient is responsible for delicately softening paraffin, making it more plastic and suitable for complex procedures. It also acts as a fragrance and gives a subtle pleasant aroma to paraffin.
- Vitamin A … Has a healing function and prevents the appearance of cracks in the feet.
- Vitamin E … It slows down the aging process, has a regenerating property, renews cells.
The above are the main components of cosmetic paraffin, if at least half of these components are included in the composition, we can already say that a quality product has fallen into your hands.
The main thing is that the paraffin does not contain artificial colors and flavors, as they can cause allergies and will not bring the desired result.
Useful properties of paraffin

Hard cosmetic wax is indicated for people with rough or flaky skin on the feet and for those who suffer from chronic leg fatigue or pain in the calf muscles. Paraffin has a whole range of medicinal properties.
Useful properties of paraffin:
- Stimulates blood circulation … Due to the fact that it slowly gives up its warmth to the skin, this makes it possible to improve blood and lymph circulation, and accelerate cell renewal.
- Moisturizes … Warm paraffin qualitatively opens the pores, cleansing them, and when it cools down, it does not allow moisture to evaporate, and it is re-absorbed by the cells, thus deep hydration occurs.
- Has a smoothing effect … When it cools down, the paraffin shrinks a little, thereby exerting a lifting effect on the dermis. The skin becomes firm and smooth.
- Nourishes … Beneficial substances that penetrate the tissues through the pores continue to work for another day, leaving a subtle film on the skin.
- Increases tissue tone … At the end of the procedure, paraffin has a massage effect: it slightly pinches the skin, thereby increasing the tone of the dermis.
- Relaxes … Immersing your feet in warm paraffin, you get incredible pleasure and completely relax.
The healing properties of paraffin have long been known - it has been used for decades in the treatment of joints. And today, in cosmetology, at the peak of popularity, a variety of procedures with high-quality paraffin wax.
Contraindications to the use of paraffin therapy

Despite the many useful properties, the "express sauna" for feet is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications cannot be neglected, because such a procedure can be a serious test for people with certain diseases.
When to refrain from paraffin therapy for feet:
- Varicose veins of the limbs and vascular disease … Any thermal treatments on the legs can only enlarge the vein mesh.
- Diabetes mellitus and any heart disease … These diseases involve the use of gentle cosmetic procedures, paraffin therapy is not one of them.
- Any wounds, abrasions, rashes, or cuts on the skin … Open wounds of any size can act as gateways for infection.
- Hypersensitivity of the skin … Paraffin is not considered an allergen, but this thermal treatment can be irritating for those with sensitive skin.
Pay attention to your nails: burrs are also a temporary contraindication to the procedure.
Before using the paraffin wax, check carefully for any wounds on your legs.
Recipes for foot masks with paraffin
Paraffin masks allow you to immediately solve a complex of problems: to make the skin smooth and tender, get rid of cracks, renew the dermis, restore water balance. According to their effect, paraffin foot masks are divided into two categories - moisturizing and nourishing.
Moisturizing paraffin foot masks

"White wax" itself is a unique moisturizer, and in combination with fruit and lactic acids it is a doubly useful remedy. You can easily prepare such masks at home.
Moisturizing mask recipes:
- With orange juice … In a steam bath, soften 50 g of paraffin and, when the substance is almost completely liquid, add 20 ml of fresh orange juice to it. Stir the ingredients with a wooden spatula and rinse immediately to prevent the paraffin from setting. Allow the mixture to cool to a suitable temperature and apply in layers to mid-calf (including heels and toes). Put on special bags on top or wrap the legs with cling film. Put on your socks and lie down for 20 minutes. Then remove everything and unwind the film. The paraffin will fall off in pieces along with the film, remove the remaining wax with your hands. This mask has not only moisturizing, but also tonic properties. Paraffin opens pores, and orange contains many vitamins that penetrate tissues.
- With kefir … Melt 50 g of paraffin and add 15 ml of low-fat kefir to the liquid mass. The product should be lukewarm. Apply to your feet in layers, then wrap in plastic and put on your socks. Kefir contains valuable acids that help the skin to renew itself faster and moisturize the surface layer of the dermis well.
- With aloe juice … Grind the aloe in a blender and squeeze 3 tablespoons out of it. l. juice. Melt 40 g of paraffin wax and mix with aloe juice. Cover the feet and legs up to the knees. Aloe in tandem with paraffin performs not only moisturizing, but also anti-inflammatory function, prevents the appearance of cracks.
Paraffin-based nourishing foot masks

Nourishing masks are designed to have a long-lasting effect. After using them, the skin of the legs becomes soft, healthy, and this effect lasts up to two weeks. The result is achieved due to the ingredients that make up such masks.
Nutritious mask recipes:
- With white clay … Dilute 1 tbsp. l. white clay with some water to the state of rare sour cream. Simultaneously soften 40 g of paraffin in a water bath and combine the two masses until smooth. Apply a thick layer to the legs and wrap them in plastic, and cover them with a warm blanket on top. It is important to keep this mask warm. It very well saturates the skin with useful microelements that make up the clay.
- With coconut oil … Take 10 g of extra virgin coconut oil, which looks like paraffin - it is thick and white in color. Melt 40 g of paraffin and combine with coconut oil. Apply to feet and calf skin, wrap with plastic and towel. This is a top class cosmetic procedure. It gives the dermis deep nutrition, has a sauna effect, saturating cells with useful minerals and fats.
- With avocado … Grind the pulp of one avocado fruit in a blender and add this pulp to 30 g of paraffin melted in a water bath. Apply the mixture in a thick film to your feet. This mask is designed to deeply nourish not only dry and thin skin on the forefoot, but also tough skin on the heels. Such a remedy is an excellent remedy for corns, and its regular use reduces the need for a pedicure by cutting off the skin with a razor.
Such masks take very good care of the legs and give a stunning result if they are used at least once a month after a pedicure.
Paraffin foot bath

Paraffin foot baths are designed to relieve a woman of eternal problems - fatigue, swelling, numbness. If done regularly, spider veins can even be prevented. Many girls only thanks to such baths can afford to wear the highest heels, because they not only relieve tension and care for the skin, but also tone up the muscles.
Do not think that such a procedure can only be carried out in salons: buy the required amount of cosmetic paraffin at the pharmacy and you can safely do it at home.
How to make a paraffin bath:
- Melt 200-300 grams of paraffin in a water bath.
- Scrub your feet to remove dead skin cells.
- Pour the liquid paraffin, previously melted in a water bath, into a special tray or bowl.
- Lower your legs into the bath and hold them for ten seconds, and then lift them up, straightening your knees.
- Repeat the dipping procedure 5-7 times to leave a thick layer of wax on your feet.
- Carefully cover the legs with cling film or a bag, and put on socks on top.
- To achieve maximum results, you need to go to bed with such a compress. If you are uncomfortable, spend at least two hours with him in a horizontal position.
- After the procedure, treat your feet with a nourishing cream.
After just one session, you will feel lightness in your legs and see that the feet have become softer and softer to the touch.
Technology of using paraffin for feet

The main feature of this product is that paraffin for feet at home works no worse than in any salon. Basically, this inexpensive wax can be purchased over the counter and self-administered. Just first familiarize yourself with the technology of its use.
Basic rules of application:
- Before carrying out a procedure of any nature with paraffin, the skin of the legs must not only be washed, but also cleaned with an antiseptic.
- The beneficial properties of paraffin are revealed in a molten, warm form. But with increased sensitivity of the dermis, you can use a cooled agent, however, it loses its useful properties a little.
- Check if you have an allergic reaction to paraffin: drop a liquid substance on the skin and wait five minutes, if no irritation appears, you can start the procedure.
- Adjust the wax temperature according to your sensitivity. It should be warm, but not too hot, so as not to harm or burn.
- The working time of the mask with paraffin is 15-20 minutes. If you keep the product longer, you can spoil the result - the upper layers of the dermis will begin to dry out.
- Use a special brush to apply the mask. It will not be possible to distribute liquid paraffin with your hands, and soft sponges absorb a lot of liquid into themselves.
- In cosmetology, paraffin is applied once and discarded. It picks up toxins and other harmful substances, therefore it is not suitable for repeated application.
- When purchasing paraffin from a pharmacy, read its composition and pay attention to the expiration date. Medical paraffin, which is considered more readily available, is gray in color and is considered less useful for cosmetic purposes.
- When mixed with other ingredients, "healing wax" does not lose its positive properties. The only thing is to add minor components to the already melted product.
- It is possible to bring paraffin to a liquid state only in a water bath. If you put a container with a substance on fire to speed up the process, then only spoil it.
How to use paraffin for feet - watch the video:

Paraffin is an excellent foot care product for women with hard skin prone to corns. Your feet will feel smooth and healthy after using this product. Please note that regular use of paraffin will relieve severity and chronic fatigue.