You don't have to visit beauty salons to look beautiful and fashionable. Find out how to make a stylish side hairstyle, what tools you need for this. Every girl loves beautiful and interesting hairstyles, but there is not always time for complex styling. However, you can choose not only original, but also fairly simple hairstyles to create. For example, side hairstyles look very bright and stylish, which are ideal for almost any occasion and can be done on hair of different lengths.
What are the features of side hairstyles?

The main feature of absolutely any hairstyle that has an asymmetrical shape is that on the one hand it will certainly be smooth, and on the other, lush.
Because of this feature, the hairstyle on the side is not suitable for all girls, since certain facial features will stand out, which many may simply be ashamed of.
Before doing this, you should read a few simple guidelines:
- Falling light curls will help to mask too large or protruding ears, making the hairstyle brighter, more playful and lively.
- Owners of oblique bangs need to take into account the fact that most of the hair should be located exactly on the side in which the bangs "look". If you neglect this advice, the hairstyle will not look neat, and the hair will literally begin to bristle in different directions, which should not be allowed.
- For girls with round and slightly plump cheeks, it may seem that such an asymmetrical hairstyle changes their appearance literally beyond recognition. Correct the situation will help correct makeup, with which you need to highlight the eyes and emphasize the shape of the lips.
Who is the side hairstyle suitable for?

Before you do your hairstyle on your side, you should know who it suits, and who would be best off with such styling:
- This is the perfect hairstyle for girls who have certain flaws in their appearance that they would like to hide. Side hairstyles are a great disguise for moles, scars, signs of acne and other facial features.
- Owners of too large ears that bulge ugly. Especially if one eyelet sticks out more, a side hairstyle will be the perfect solution.
- The hairstyle on one side will be a real salvation for the owners of thin and thin hair. In this case, to create a beautiful styling, in which the hair will visually be more voluminous and lush, you need to collect the strands and pin them, slightly lifting them, giving airiness and lightness. An asymmetrical hairstyle not only brings together but also organizes all the hair on one side. Such a hairstyle will turn even a rare mane into a gorgeous head of hair.
- A side hairstyle is also perfect for the case when, after a long sleep, the hair has strayed to one side. The main thing is to lay the strands in the direction in which they themselves gathered, so that the hairstyle will look stylish and neat.
Versatile side hairstyles

Among the advantages of this type of styling is that it is ideal for almost every girl and its creation will not take too long.
Side hairstyle with shaved temples

This hairstyle has not lost its relevance for quite a long period of time and is suitable for young, confident girls who like to attract the attention of others. This is a great way to show your own individuality and show that they are emancipated in modern society.
Such a haircut will leave you no choice but to style your hair on your side and wear your hair on one side. This styling emphasizes the duality of nature - the ability to show rigidity appears, but at the same time remain very gentle and feminine.
This hairstyle is easy to do on your own at home and the whole process does not take much time. It is quite enough to simply select the area of the head where the hair is shaved. It is worth adhering to the following advice - cut the area in the area of the temple, slightly above the ear.
When you change your image on your own, a comb with a thin end is taken, after which a strand is carefully separated, which will be shaved. In this case, the main part of the hair is collected on the other side, so as not to interfere during work.
But it is best to seek help from a specialist, because the master can not only shave the hair, but also make some interesting pattern.
Side hairstyle with bangs

This hairstyle is suitable for almost all women of the opposite sex. Many girls don't know which side to bang on. In this case, you can use a simple advice - choose the side that is opposite to the working hand. Consequently, a right-hander can style bangs on the left side and vice versa. First of all, this is due precisely to the fact that from the side of the working hand, as a rule, vision is worse, so you should not do even more stress.
Side hairstyle for long hair

Owners of long hair often face such a problem as how to style the strands beautifully so that they do not develop, and the hairstyle is kept in almost perfect condition throughout the day. This styling is easy to do yourself at home.
To create a stylish, modern and at the same time business image, you should choose the option of a sleek hairstyle on the side. A simple ponytail tied with an elastic band looks too boring. And if you place it on the side, the image becomes brighter and more interesting.
First, a side parting is done with an even movement of the comb in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. Then, on one side, on which more hair was distributed, a tail is formed at the level of the ear, but you can place it a little lower, covering the ear. The strands are attached with a vertical hairpin or elastic band.
To turn a hairstyle into a bun, you only need to use a few bobbins. To do this, the strands are fixed around the place where the tail is attached and the hairstyle is completely ready.
If this hairstyle will cover the ear, it is better to leave the ponytail, as the bun will begin to create an edge, and the styling will cause a strong feeling of discomfort or disintegrate after a few hours.
Side hairstyle with a braid

Owners of long hair can safely braid various options for braids. Even the simplest tail, pulled together with an elastic band, will look much more interesting and brighter if you supplement it with an oblique fishtail or a French braid. And a simple three-strand braid, braided slightly casually, will look stylish in a bun.
An excellent choice would be a French braid, braided on one side. First, a side parting is done, after which weaving begins in the direction from the back of the head and to the opposite ear. In order for the braid to be directed in the desired direction, additional strands are taken from the side to which the movement is going.
If you start taking additional strands from the opposite side of your direction, the resulting braid will resemble a tourniquet moving in the right direction.
After the braid is braided to the end, you can tie it with a beautiful elastic band or form a bun. Here you can safely choose absolutely any option, taking into account the event you plan to go to.
For an evening out, you can make another interesting version of such a hairstyle. First, a braid is braided, starting from the ear, and at the same time it is important to constantly adhere strictly to one direction - between the hair line on the forehead and the back of the head, otherwise the braid will not turn out neat.
Do not tighten the strands too tight during weaving, especially if the hairstyle is done on your own. If you tighten the braid very strongly, ugly "roosters" may appear, which simply cannot be disguised. During weaving, you need to ensure that there is no strong tension on the strands, but only slightly raised above the hairline. In this case, the hairstyle will not only turn out to be quite lush, but will also help to reveal the face.
After braiding is complete, you need to pull in some strands a little to give additional volume and uniformity to the finished hairstyle.
If such a hairstyle is chosen on the side with a braid, it is useful to adhere to a few simple recommendations:
- The thinner the strands are, the more sophisticated the finished braid will be.
- You need to braid only clean and completely dry hair, a hairstyle done on the second or third day after washing your hair will turn out to be sloppy.
- With the help of a hairpin, it will be possible to hide all the naughty strands that have come out of the braid.
- If the haircut has uneven strands, you can conduct small experiments in advance, braiding different options for braids in order to choose the one that is more suitable for yourself.
Side hairstyle with curls

This is one of the easiest hairstyles to do and is much quicker to do than a simple braid. However, to create it, you will need to use a curling iron, curlers or an iron to get beautiful curls.
Before proceeding directly to the creation of curls, it is necessary to roughly determine at what level they should be located. To this end, the hair is split into two parts, the resulting parting will have to be preserved during styling. Then the curls are collected on the side, and the height at which the curls should begin is marked.
As soon as the hair is curled, it is necessary to fix the curls with varnish so that they do not fall apart. Now you can proceed directly to the formation of the tail, which can be pulled tight or casually tied, there are practically no restrictions. You can leave a few playful strands near your face to add lightness and romance to the image.
Smooth side hairstyle

This hairstyle is perfect for medium length hair. To create it, you will need to take about 10-15 invisibility and a mirror, so that it is convenient to consider your own back of the head if you do your own hairstyle.
On the side where the hair will be smoothly combed, a not too large strand is taken and wrapped in a curl, then fixed with an invisible one, slightly leading it back. Then the next strand is taken and the previous action is repeated.
As a result, each subsequent strand, stabbed with invisibility, must overlap the previous one so that the hairpin is not visible. If the hairstyle needs to be light and playful, the ends of the pinned strands can be pulled through the next one. In this pattern, the hair is pinned until the opposite ear is reached. In this place, slightly below the ear, a slightly sloppy bun is collected and the hairstyle is completely ready.
Thanks to a wide variety of different types of hairstyles on the side, each girl will be able to choose the perfect styling for herself, which will emphasize the advantages of her appearance and reliably hide the existing minor flaws.
How to weave a hairstyle from curls to the side, see this video: