Rules for drawing up a diet in the fall

Rules for drawing up a diet in the fall
Rules for drawing up a diet in the fall

Find out what foods to balance your diet in the fall in order to get the maximum of useful microelements for the body. Proper nutrition in the fall has some peculiarities that you should be aware of. However, in any case, your diet should be as varied as possible. Only in this case the body will receive all the nutrients necessary for normal functioning. Winter is ahead of us, and this is additional stress, great risks of developing colds and infectious ailments, as well as significant energy consumption. Today we will tell you how to eat right in the fall.

The diet must be balanced

One of the food options included in a balanced diet
One of the food options included in a balanced diet

This statement is true for nutrition at any time of the year, but in the off-season it becomes as relevant as possible. In the fall, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and prepare it for winter. Otherwise, you will be susceptible to ailments of an infectious and cold nature. Actually, in the fall, you can easily get sick, because the sun no longer warms, and the wind becomes cold. Do not forget that the psycho-emotional background deteriorates in the fall.

Eat vegetables

A large number of different vegetables
A large number of different vegetables

In the fall, a wide variety of vegetables should be present on your table. These foods are high in micronutrients and plant fiber. You can eat vegetables raw, stew and bake them. Unleash your culinary imagination and eat healthy as well as satisfying food. Garlic and onions must be present in your diet. These are strong anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral products. Even in the midst of a flu epidemic, garlic and onions will help you avoid illness.

Eat dairy and fermented milk products

Various dairy products
Various dairy products

These foods are an important part of the fall diet. With a high nutritional value, they have a relatively low energy value. We recommend using medium-fat dairy products. Surely you know that fermented milk products are very useful for the intestinal tract. Thanks to its use, you can avoid the development of dysbiosis, which can bring many problems.

Control the amount of fatty foods

A piece of fatty meat
A piece of fatty meat

After a warm summer, the body may require warming food in the fall. Surely you already understood that we are talking about fatty foods. However, in everything it is necessary to observe the measure, because it is in the cold season that the body actively stores energy in the form of fat. This suggests that you have to be extremely careful with some products. At the same time, healthy fats are necessary for the body. These products include lean meats, poultry, nuts, vegetable oil, etc.

Eat soups

Pot of homemade soup
Pot of homemade soup

In autumn, the ambient temperature constantly drops, and first courses are perfect for warming the body. However, they must be consumed in accordance with certain rules:

  1. Try to use the minimum amount of salt.
  2. Eat vegetable first courses first.
  3. Spices, herbs and spices can be added in unlimited quantities.
  4. Do not season soups with sour cream and flour fries.

It should also be said that the soup should be warm when consumed, not hot. As a result, the body will take longer to process the dish, and you will not feel hungry.


A few slices of boiled potatoes
A few slices of boiled potatoes

Many people believe that potatoes are not a good diet choice. However, an exception can be made in the autumn. Potatoes are an excellent source of potassium, ascorbic acid, and phosphorus. It should be noted that most often the main reason for weight gain is not the potatoes themselves, but high-calorie sauces and related foods. In addition to all of the above, you need to learn how to properly cook this root crop. Potatoes should be eaten baked, boiled, and also "in their uniform."

Replace sugar with healthy sweets

Dried fruit diet sweets
Dried fruit diet sweets

As strange as it may sound, sweets can be useful. In autumn, the body is under severe stress, and the mood deteriorates significantly. If you want to know how to eat properly in the fall, then use permitted sweets. If you drink tea, then do it with halva, dark chocolate, etc. Of course, even healthy sweets in large quantities cease to be such.

Follow the established diet

Young girl and fresh vegetables
Young girl and fresh vegetables

It is always necessary to follow the meal schedule, but it is especially important in the cold season. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, food should be consumed five to six times a day. Besides the three main meals, you should have a couple more snacks.

Never be hungry in the fall and winter. This will lead to overeating and weight gain. Today, scientists have proven that fasting negatively affects the work of all body systems. During snacks, you should choose your meals wisely, among which there is no place for sources of simple carbohydrates.

Eat whole grains

Several varieties of whole grain breads
Several varieties of whole grain breads

They are excellent sources of plant fiber. Let us recall that these substances accelerate the processes of utilization of toxins and toxins, which is extremely important in the cold season. Also, plant fibers have a positive effect on the work of the digestive system and maintain a high rate of metabolic processes. We recommend adding whole grain breads, cereals and nuts to your diet. These products will not only supply the body with a lot of nutrients, but also suppress hunger for a long time.

Get the most out of your physical activity

Girl jogging in the autumn park
Girl jogging in the autumn park

To combat blues and depression, be as active as possible. You don't have to go in for sports, although we recommend doing so, you can just go hiking in a nearby park. Even though the weather is cold, you have to move. Only in this case you will maintain excellent physical shape and will always be vigorous.

Slow carbohydrates

List of slow and fast carbohydrates
List of slow and fast carbohydrates

Many people are sure that in the fall, the body especially needs protein compounds and fats. However, in practice, the body needs more carbohydrates. These are the so-called polysaccharides or slow carbohydrates. This nutrient is the main source of energy for the body. With a deficiency of carbohydrates, metabolic processes may be disturbed.

The main difference between slow and fast carbohydrates is the absence of a sudden surge of insulin. All this suggests that your diet must necessarily contain vegetables, herbs, cereals, as well as fruits and vegetables. Also, remember the importance of plant fiber to the body.

If you consume sprouted legumes and grains, you will get significantly more benefits. This is due to a sharp increase in the amount of micronutrients in foods. Sprouted grains can be consumed in any quantity without fear for their figure. To germinate the grain. It must be pre-rinsed and all debris removed.

After that, fill the grain with water and change it several times throughout the day. After that, you need to lay it out on a plate, cover with gauze and put in a warm place. Sprouts will appear in a maximum of 12 hours. Legumes can be consumed. When the length of the shoots has reached one centimeter, and the cereals - from 1 to 3 millimeters. Since legumes are a fairly heavy food, we recommend steaming them for five to ten minutes before eating.

If you want to know how to eat right in the fall, then you can also afford sweets. It can be honey, dried fruits, candy, etc. It is quite obvious that these products cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities. You can make a great energy cocktail. To do this, beat with a blender two or three tablespoons of sprouted grains and add water to them so that the mixture begins to resemble gruel. Various fruits can be added to this mixture.

Strengthen your immune system

Family riding bicycles in the autumn park
Family riding bicycles in the autumn park

We have already briefly touched on this topic, but it requires more detailed consideration. Scientists today often talk about the fact that the immune system is connected to the intestinal tract. We can agree with this, because it is there that all the nutrients are absorbed and some vitamins are synthesized. To improve the functioning of the intestinal tract, you need to introduce food sources of plant fiber into the diet, as well as consume fermented milk products.

To strengthen the immune system, you can also use infusions of some herbs. The most effective in solving this problem are chamomile and rose hips. Use decoctions of these herbs instead of tea. Also, seafood is important for improving the work of the body's defense mechanisms. They are able to supply iodine, healthy fatty acids and high-quality protein compounds to the body.

To preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in seafood, it must be cooked gently. It is also advisable to eat sea fish, since it contains much more nutrients in comparison with river fish. If you do not like seafood, we recommend that you pay attention to pharmacy supplements containing fish oil. To put the required amount of iodine into the body, eat seaweed. Delicious and healthy salads can be made from this product.


Jar and packaging with tryptophan
Jar and packaging with tryptophan

Tryptophan amine is great for fighting autumn depression. This substance is essential for the synthesis of serotonin. The maximum amount of tryptophan is found in chocolate and bananas. You can just eat a piece of chocolate bar, however, this is not the best solution. Scientists say that it is better to consume cocoa or hot chocolate. A group of American researchers have proven that regular consumption of cocoa improves mood, activates the brain, increases efficiency, and also improves tone. A maximum of two cups of hot chocolate or cocoa can be consumed during the day.

Recall that today we talked about how to eat right in the fall. However, it is important to adhere to a competent diet throughout the year. This will avoid many problems. In the cold season, the body may be deficient in vitamin D, which will lead to a deterioration in mood and even the development of depression. Eat more plant-based foods. Pay special attention to orange-colored vegetables, because they are the main suppliers of beta-carotene.

You probably know that this substance can improve the condition of the skin. It is also necessary to support the production of collagen, and for this it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein compounds. An excellent remedy for colds will be ascorbic acid, which is found in many vegetables and fruits. Whatever recommendations you use, it is important to listen to your own body.
