Basic exercises and hormones in bodybuilding

Basic exercises and hormones in bodybuilding
Basic exercises and hormones in bodybuilding

Learn how multi-joint movements can increase testosterone production and trigger protein synthesis. It has long been known that natural bodybuilders should focus on basic movements. This has become a kind of axiom and everyone is trying to follow it. First of all, scientists associated the effectiveness of the base with a powerful hormonal response of the body to it.

According to the knowledge available to biochemists, the anabolic background increases with an increase in the concentration of androgenic hormones. It is the basic movements that are the stimulant that makes the body synthesize them more intensively. Thus, it is generally accepted that basic exercises are significantly more effective for achieving muscle tissue hypertrophy in comparison with isolated ones. But today scientists have new information, which gives rise to a reconsideration of the issue of the relationship between basic exercises and hormonal levels in bodybuilding.

Reinventing the relationship between exercise and hormones

Athlete pulls up
Athlete pulls up

After a series of experiments, scientists concluded that after training, relatively little anabolic hormones are synthesized in the body. At least, the concentration of hormones does not increase as much as previously thought. It is also believed that the activity of hormonal substances caused by strength training has practically no effect on muscle hypertrophy.

If the lesson turned out to be low-intensity, then the concentration of androgens completely decreases. As a result, it should be said that hormonal activity after exercise cannot positively affect the rate of muscle growth. This statement of scientists actually turns all ideas about modern bodybuilding upside down.

In addition, such statements indicate the futility of natural training and the need to use AAS. We, of course, should listen to scientists, but it doesn't hurt to have our own head on our shoulders. Quite often, research on sports issues has had significant disagreements with practice. Let's ourselves figure out how basic exercises and hormones in bodybuilding are interrelated.

To do this, you will need to study the results of research that are freely available. All of them are based on the analysis of hormones synthesized by the body, which are in the blood, and not in muscle tissue. The scheme for carrying out these experiments is quite simple. First, the hormone concentration is measured before the start of the training, and then after it is completed. Then it remains to analyze the results and determine the relationship between the concentration of hormones and tissue growth over a certain period of time.

Errors in hormonal studies

Doctor with a test tube in his hands writes
Doctor with a test tube in his hands writes

To understand what mistakes were made during the study by scientists, consider testosterone. This hormone is produced by the testicles and adrenal glands in a certain amount in accordance with circadian rhythms. The hormone can be transported in bound (globulin and albumin) and free forms. For bodybuilders, free testosterone is of interest, since it is he who has the ability to bind to receptors.

It should be noted that free testosterone from its total amount is quite small, no more than 4 percent. Let's now consider the cases when in the course of research it was found that the concentration of the hormone is low or its production accelerated, but this did not give tangible results.

But here the more important issue is the amount of testosterone in the unbound state, and not the total. But scientists did not try to find an answer to it, which is very strange. In addition, hormones in the blood can in no way affect the growth of muscles until they are delivered to the tissues.

A large concentration of the hormone can by no means be a guarantee that at least most of it will be in the muscles. It should be remembered that not all of the free hormone is delivered to the muscle tissue, since it also serves other organs. The number of androgen-type receptors is also important, because only through interaction with them testosterone is able to produce the effect we need. As a result, we can say that it is necessary to study not the release of testosterone after training, but the ability of exercise to increase the permeability of the hormone in the muscle tissue.

Let's imagine another situation where anabolic hormone levels have been found to drop after exercise. This can lead to the claim (which actually happened) that the basic movements are not effective. But the reason for the decrease in the concentration of the hormone in the blood may lie in its delivery to the target tissues, and this is precisely what the base contributed to. This assumption was confirmed by other studies, proving that with low-intensity exercise, the hormone more quickly enters the muscle tissue.

About two decades ago, a study was conducted that showed that during exercise, the concentration of hormones increases, and after a couple of hours it begins to fall. This is followed by a new rise in testosterone levels. It is quite reasonable to assume that the reason for this lies in the improvement in testosterone permeability after training, when the androgen receptors are at their maximum active.

You should also remember about the differences between the organisms of different people. In many ways, this fact can explain the contradictions in research. If the subjects demonstrated a certain result, then it is not a fact that the same will happen to you.

No wonder there are no general training programs, and athletes have to compose them individually. In the meantime, we will continue to believe that basic movements are more effective on the endocrine system than isolated ones. The studies carried out at the moment cannot completely refute this fact.

How to raise testosterone and growth hormone levels in the body through exercise, learn from this video:
