Secrets of mental repetition in bodybuilding. Learn and start progressing in muscle building like an iron sports pro. If you have tried to set a personal best in any exercise at least once, then you understand the importance of a mental attitude. And this applies to all sports. Take, for example, the decisive penalty kick in the World Cup final. The athlete first necessarily mentally attunes himself to this action.
Many professional athletes believe that 75 percent of success depends on the mental attitude. At the same time, not many bodybuilders give it due importance. In the classroom, in most cases, they simply perform certain movements and do not think about participating in this process of mental skills. Today we will look at the importance of mental repetition in bodybuilding.
What is Mental Repetition in Bodybuilding?

Most of the outstanding athletes before the start of the competition more than once replay their upcoming actions in their minds. By the way, this can be very useful in everyday life, for example, during study. Very often during such mental rehearsals and, especially in their final phase, a person can become nervous and lose the necessary concentration.
This is a serious enough problem that can seriously harm you. To avoid this, you should learn how to breathe correctly. Thus, you can relax, which is sometimes very important in any area of human life.
In order for you to be able to qualitatively prepare yourself for the upcoming important event, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. Any psychologist will tell you that a person's consciousness is capable of concentrating on one thing. This is the essence of correct breathing.
Inhaling deeply, you should focus on your breathing. All other thoughts need to be thrown out of your head. If you cannot do this, then there has been a mistake somewhere. After you master the art of deep relaxing breathing, you can move on to mental repetitions in bodybuilding or other endeavors.
It is very important that you are ready to master the breathing technique. If you are not enthusiastic, then success will not come. First of all, as we said above, you only need to think about one thing. Prepare for the fact that at first you will not be able to maintain concentration for a long time, and after a few minutes your thoughts will scatter. However, you should be patient and keep training. When you can maintain concentration for 20 minutes, it will be an excellent result. Let's take a closer look at the technique of mastering mental repetition in bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding Mental Repetition Technique

First, find a secluded spot for yourself where no one will disturb you. As you improve, you will be able to achieve concentration in noisy places, but at first this will not be possible. It is very important that you feel comfortable. For someone it is convenient to sit on a bed or sit on a pillow, here you have to decide on your own.
For effective breathing, you should sit up straight with your feet on the ground. Move your shoulders back slightly and keep your head straight. The palms of the hands are best placed on the hips. Having taken a comfortable position for you, begin to clear your consciousness of everything around you and concentrate only on the breath.
Raising your head slightly, inhale air through your nose and slowly fill your lungs with it. With the chest expanded, inhale as much air as needed. After reaching the limit, hold your breath for a count of ten. After completing the count, slowly exhale the air through your mouth. After there is no air in your lungs, start counting to ten again and inhale again.
At first, you may not be able to hold your breath for the required length of time, but soon you will be successful. Now it is important for you to understand and master the rhythm of correct breathing. With each new workout, you will be able to hold your breath for longer, and this will mean that you are on the right track. As a result, you will begin to feel the relaxation you were striving for.
Thanks to this technique, you will be able to prepare well for important upcoming events in your life. Let's say you recall the working weights you used in the last week. It can also be useful for simple relaxation after a hard workout. Don't underestimate the power of your mental abilities. We know very little about them so far, but the available information should be used with benefit.
How important the mental aspect is in bodybuilding and life, you will learn from this video: