How to build huge triceps and abs?

How to build huge triceps and abs?
How to build huge triceps and abs?

Do you want to have nice muscles? Then, in the first place, start pumping your abs and triceps using the secret technique of iron sports stars. Most athletes pay special attention to training their arms and abs. This fact is easy to explain, because hands are almost always visible, and every man dreams of becoming the owner of six cubes. Today you can learn how to build huge triceps and abs.

How to build huge triceps?

Athlete demonstrates huge triceps
Athlete demonstrates huge triceps

To build large and powerful triceps, you should choose those movements that allow you to maximize the load of all three sections of the triceps. It is most effective to work out the long section of the muscle in a stretched position. Such exercises are, for example, extensions from behind the head or French presses.

In an extended position, the long section of the triceps is able to contract with maximum amplitude, which very effectively stimulates the growth of muscle tissue cells. It is the long section of the triceps that is called upon to work out the movements that have just been discussed.

If you perform exercises that require keeping the shoulder joints pressed against the body, then the maximum load will fall on the lateral section. In this position, the long section is practically excluded from work, which makes it possible to localize the load.

As a result, all novice athletes can be given the following advice: start pumping triceps using French presses and various types of extensions. Going back to training the long section, there is a very effective movement that is a combination of the French press and half faith. To do this, you need a horizontal bench and an EZ bar. You need to sit on the bench so that your head is on the very edge. The exercise begins with straightening the arms, as in the French bench press. After that, begin to bend your arms towards the forehead as low as the shoulder joint allows. Make sure that it does not stretch too much.

From the bottom position of the trajectory, it is necessary to pull the elbow joints up and towards the shoulder joints. As a result, the sports equipment will again be at forehead level. After that, it remains to make the last movement, similar to the French bench press, excluding the elbow joints from the work.

Thus, the entire exercise can be divided into four phases:

  • We direct the projectile from the starting position towards the forehead.
  • The elbow joints should be lowered to the lowest position of the half-verse amplitude.
  • We direct the projectile to the forehead again.
  • We straighten our arms, returning to the starting position.

Do as many reps as you can. After the onset of muscle failure, you can begin to do a simple French press. This will allow for a few more repetitions. This combined exercise perfectly loads the triceps, namely their long section. If you have enough strength, then to top off what you started, you can do push-ups on the uneven bars to "finish off" the lateral part of the muscle. And now we will give as an example several triceps training programs.

1 program

  • Half + French press - 3 to 4 sets of 10-12 reps each.
  • Dips on the uneven bars - 4 sets to failure.

2 program

  • Extension from behind the head in a sitting position - from 3 to 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions each.
  • Press down on triceps on blocks - 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions each.

3 program

  • Dips on the uneven bars - 3 to 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions each.
  • French press - 4 sets of 10-15 reps each.

How to pump up the press?

The muscles involved in the crunch
The muscles involved in the crunch

Training the press, in fact, is quite simple and does not require any sophistication. It is enough to perform one movement with a leg raise, and then move on to crunches. It is very important to perform the movements as smoothly as possible and strain the abdominal muscles in each repetition. This will focus all the load on the target muscles and exclude the hip flexors from the work. It is enough to train your abdominal muscles once a week. Let's give an example of a training program.

1 program

  • Hanging leg raises - 4 sets to failure.
  • Bench or ground crunches - 4 sets to failure.

2 program

  • Bench Leg Raises - 3 to 4 sets for failure.
  • Crunches (you can use a fitball for better stretching) - 4 sets to failure.

You should also understand that if you have a lot of fat in your abdominal area, then no training program will allow you to get the cherished cubes. Of course, the abdominal muscles will develop, but they will become visible only after you get rid of the subcutaneous fat. Follow your training plan and stick to a proper nutritional program. In this case, the result will not be long in coming. This recommendation applies to training any muscle group.

Learn how to build huge triceps at home from this video: