Description of an exotic fruit. What useful components is atemoya rich in? How a product can help health and why some people should be careful about using it. How it is eaten and used in cooking. These are the delicious desserts you can cook with exotic fruit and feel like a real resident of the tropical continent.
Interesting facts about atemoya

Today atemoya, like its "progenitors" - annona and cheremoya, is actively popularized all over the world. And these fruits have rightfully earned themselves the fame of the most delicious of the exotic. By the way, one of the "progenitors" of atemoya - annona - was appreciated by Mark Twain himself, calling the fruit "Admiration itself."
In Central and South America, not only the fruits of the culture are used in folk medicine, but also other parts of the plant - bark, leaves, roots and even seeds. However, we emphasize that the seeds of atemoya are toxic, and making a medicine out of them is a science available only to local healers, and then only to a few.
The most famous field of application of exotic fruit seeds is the processing of agricultural crops. From them oil is isolated and a natural pesticide is obtained. It is especially effective against pests in tomatoes, melons and soybeans. The peculiarity of this natural pesticide is that after two days it loses its toxicity.
Atemoya leaves are used in Jamaica as a remedy for insomnia, to quickly fall asleep and sleep well, they just need to be hidden in a pillowcase.
In different regions, ateimoya ripens at different times of the year - it ranges from April-May to February. In some countries, the fruits do not have time to ripen during the warm period, in which case they are removed prematurely and left to ripen under special conditions. However, one way or another, fruit that has ripened under unnatural conditions is of inferior quality.
Ripe fruits are best stored in a cool room, otherwise they quickly deteriorate, however, they cannot be supercooled - the ideal storage temperature is 20 degrees, the maximum permissible deviations are 5 degrees in either direction. Please note that darkening of the peel is a normal phenomenon during storage of the fruit, but its deformation, wrinkling and other damage indicate that it has deteriorated.
Watch the video about the atemoya fruit:

Atemoya is an amazing fruit. It's incredibly tasty and incredibly healthy. Gourmets appreciate it all over the world for its unsurpassed taste and aroma, and the inhabitants of the countries in which it grows in a natural climate have found in it a faithful assistant in improving the body's health. Unfortunately, it has an exotic fruit and contraindications. However, if you are not one of those to whom they apply, be sure to try it on occasion.