Balsamic pyrethrum

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Balsamic pyrethrum
Balsamic pyrethrum

"Forgotten" seasoning feverfew balsamic, calorie content and chemical composition. Useful properties and contraindications for use. Interesting facts about the many-sided plant. It is well established that the composition of canufer flowers contains pyrethrins. This natural insecticide inhibits the vital functions of protozoa, insects and helminths, but is not dangerous for humans. Thanks to this bioutrient, balsamic feverfew was recognized by official medicine, and the extract from it is used in antiparasitic agents.

Useful properties of balsamic pyrethrum

Kalufer leaves
Kalufer leaves

The healing effect of the plant was used even before our era. healers of Ancient Greece and Rome.

The benefits of balsamic feverfew when consumed in food:

  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity and helps to cope with the introduction of viruses during the epidemic season;
  • Stops diarrhea, eliminates intestinal spasms;
  • Reduces soreness during menstruation, pain in the abdomen, head;
  • Pronounced diaphoretic and antipyretic effect;
  • Restores the liver, helps to cleanse it of metabolites and toxins, stimulates the production of bile;
  • Suppresses the vital activity of parasites, regardless of the focus of localization;
  • Accelerates recovery from infectious cystitis and pyelonephritis;
  • Increases the tone of the body and fights hypotension;
  • Accelerates the regeneration of the mucous membrane with erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract and intestines.

External application of the leaves prevents the development of purulent-inflammatory processes, accelerates the regeneration of the skin, including with thermal and chemical burns.

The leaf tincture can be used for douching in the treatment of vulvovaginitis and colpitis.

Harm and contraindications to the use of kalufer

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

There are no absolute contraindications to the aromatization of dishes with canuper, allergic reactions were encountered in isolated cases.

A negative reaction of the body was noted to a fresh plant:

  1. Due to the sharp aroma, a respiratory type allergy may occur - shortness of breath, bronchospasm, posterior wall hypertrophy and laryngeal edema;
  2. Due to the spicy juice, a skin-type reaction can develop - a rash and redness when touched.

After heat treatment, essential oils saturate the dishes, change their properties, and their aggressiveness decreases.

Relative contraindications to balsamic pyrethrum as an ingredient in dishes are:

  • Exacerbation of peptic ulcer and gastritis with high acidity due to the property to stimulate bile secretion;
  • Gout - contributes to the accumulation of uric acid in the joints;
  • Pregnancy - an increase in the tone of the body can provoke the tone of the uterus.

If you follow the dosage recommendations in recipes, negative side effects do not appear when consumed.

Recipes with pyrethrum balsamic

Pickled mushrooms with kaloufer
Pickled mushrooms with kaloufer

Dried chamomile buds are used as a seasoning and flavoring agent for food. Fresh leaves are an ingredient in numerous salads, and are well suited for pickling various vegetables, be it zucchini or cucumbers. The milled dry herb is used to flavor beverages such as home brew or kvass and confectionery. In addition, balsamic tansy is used in the production of sausages.

To make a seasoning to add to hot dishes, the plant is cut in July before the buds open. With the onset of flowering, the amount of essential oils in the composition decreases. Dry in the shade by spreading it in 1 layer on clean paper or a metal baking sheet. When the leaves and buds begin to crumble when touched, they are ground into powder and poured into a dry glass container. It is better to choose dishes made of dark glass, the sun's rays destroy the beneficial properties. Shelf life is 3 years from the time of collection.

Recipes with pyrethrum balsamic:

  1. Pepper with Saracen mint … It is advisable to use pork or a mixture of pork and beef. 10 large bell peppers, light green in color, are prepared by cutting off the caps and removing the seeds and white septa. Meat, 1 kg, ground into minced meat, salt, pepper, add a teaspoon of canufer powder, combine with 125 g of boiled rice until half cooked. Bring the minced meat to full homogeneity, stuff the peppers, put them in rows in a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom. Pour halfway with water, cover and leave to simmer over low heat. Tomatoes in their own juice, about a half-liter jar, grind and pour into a saucepan 10 minutes after the start of the boil. Then bring to a boil again and leave to simmer for 40 minutes. Served with sour cream.
  2. Pickled mushrooms with canuper … Collect 2.5 kg of "assorted" tubular edible mushrooms: mushrooms, boletus, boletus and boletus. There should not be any conditionally edible species so that you do not have to soak. Boil for 15 minutes, changing the water 1 time, for reassurance. Place in sterilized jars (0.5 l) on the bottom over a Saracen mint leaf and an umbrella of dill. The marinade is cooked: 1 heaped tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water, spread the mushrooms there. Bring a saucepan to a boil, dip a bag of spices into it: 2 cloves, 2 bay leaves, 2 allspice peas. Boil for 5 minutes. Place the mushrooms in pre-prepared jars, add half a coffee spoon of vinegar 9% each, roll up the lids. Leave to cool upside down under the covers. Store in a cool place.
  3. Chokeberry jam … Proportions of ingredients: berries - 1 kg, sugar - 1.5 kg, fresh Saracen mint leaves - 5 pieces. Boil water with canufer, dip the chokeberry into it. There should be enough water so that the berries do not float on the surface. The fire should be very small so that there are almost no bubbles, otherwise the mountain ash will be cooked, and it should be blanched. The berries are removed, and the syrup is boiled in saturated water. The rowan is laid out in sterilized jars and poured with syrup. If you do not plan to store the jam for a long time, you can blanch the berries immediately in the jar for 15 minutes, and then pour boiled syrup and roll up the lids.

Canufer powder can be added to all homemade pickles, based on 1 liter teaspoon. Leaves can be inserted when cooking jam, if the main ingredient is citruses, apricots, quince or peaches. It is helpful to chew a fresh or dry leaf in the morning. It tones the body, increases the appetite before breakfast and has a healing effect.

You can carry leaves with you and use them instead of mint gum to freshen your breath, but you need to take into account: the smell is rich, characteristic and may not be liked by someone. Therefore, it is better not to risk it.

Interesting facts about the kalufer

Dried kalufer buds
Dried kalufer buds

In ancient Rome and Greece, statues of gods were decorated with balsamic pyrethrum wreaths, giving preference to a rare species with flowers similar to chamomile.

Together with the settlers, the Kanufer spread throughout Europe and moved to Britain. Here it was first appreciated as a spice. The British were not spoiled by Indian spices due to their geographic distance.

Already from 800 AD, during the reign of Charlemagne, balsamic pyrethrum entered the obligatory range of plants that were planted in the gardens of monasteries. In total, there are 72 names of valuable herbs in this list.

With the ships of the conquistadors, Saracen mint penetrated into North America - it was an obligatory "medicine" in the ship's first-aid kit. There she received a new name - the biblical sheet. The leaves were used as bookmarks in the Bible. Later, the Mormons smelled the plant during the many hours of services, restoring the tone of the body.

Russian clergy also put leaflets in the Bible. Thanks to this use, feverfew was named balsamic popovnik.

In the Middle Ages, Saracen mint was already grown specially in gardens and was actively added to dishes.

But Peter the Great brought the canufer to Russia. Maybe the plant has already been found in the wild, but it was not used for food and as a healing raw material.

The dried leaves and buds were sewn into bags, mixed with lavender balls, and the packages were laid out between clothes or bedding. It helped protect things from moths and scent instead of perfume. Bouquets of Saracen mint "for sweet dreams" were placed under pillows by young girls.

During the wars, the canufer was used as a remedy for lice, sprinkling the heads of long-haired girls. Until now, dried powder is used to protect against bugs and cockroaches, especially if there are pets in the house. To prevent insects from starting, all wooden furniture is poured with dried buds.

Saracen mint oil has a healing effect. It can be obtained by steeping the leaves and buds in olive oil. The tool is used to treat purulent wounds and burns, to combat acne and eliminate dry skin.

Watch a video about pyrethrum balsamic:

It is very easy to grow a plant in a garden area, it does not require careful maintenance. The main conditions for germination are sunlight and regular watering. The seeds can be purchased at a flower shop or harvested by yourself in September, after ripening.
