Inflammation in muscles and tissues

Inflammation in muscles and tissues
Inflammation in muscles and tissues

Find out why fiber inflammation occurs and how it can affect your bodybuilding progress. Everyone wants to live as long as possible and painlessly. For this reason, scientists are constantly working on the creation of new medicines and methods for eliminating various inflammatory processes. This article will address the issue of inflammation in muscles and tissues.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation pathogenesis scheme
Inflammation pathogenesis scheme

Inflammation is the human body's response to injury or infection. It should be noted that often painful sensations. The pain sensations arising at the time of inflammatory processes are associated not with the damage itself, but with the body's response to it.

After activation of the inflammatory process, the body releases special substances - cytokines. Due to this, local expansion of blood vessels and capillaries occurs, which leads to an increase in temperature and redness of the damaged area. After the expansion of the vessels, the gaps between the cells located in the vessels increase, and the blood plasma, along with the immune cells in it, gets to the site of injury. This in turn causes swelling.

Thanks to cytokines, the cells lining the vessels attract the immune cells (white) of the plasma to themselves and they seep to the site of injury. To cleanse tissues of pathogenic microbes and dead tissue, white cells synthesize special substances that increase the inflammatory process. Also during this period, even intentional tissue damage is possible, which causes pain. Despite the rather negative description of this process, acute inflammation is an integral part of human life.

Due to the creation of temporary edema, the body increases the number of immune cells at the site of damage, which destroy pathogens, thereby starting the recovery process. If this did not happen, then the consequences could be much more serious.

Exercise-related muscle and tissue inflammation

Causes of pain after exercise
Causes of pain after exercise

You should understand that the inflammation caused by intense training is positive. Muscle contraction accelerates the synthesis of cytokines that activate muscle tissue inflammation. For immune cells, the presence of cytokines means the ability to communicate.

They are signaling protein compounds and are of great importance for the body. For example, interlik-6 increases the ability of muscle tissue to absorb glucose and fatty acids, thus obtaining the required amount of energy. As a result, we can confidently say that cytokines activate muscle growth processes.

When microdamages are received by muscle tissues, the production of mechanical growth factor is locally accelerated, which, in combination with an increase in the number of white cells, activates the division of satellite fibers. As an analogy to this process, one can cite the construction of structures that began after their partial destruction by a tornado.

What is chronic inflammation?

Diagram of lipid metabolism pathologies
Diagram of lipid metabolism pathologies

Doctors consider chronic inflammation as "slow killers," as does overexertion. If acute inflammation can be considered a necessary and important process, then chronic inflammatory processes are systematic and can cause muscle pain. With the development of severe forms, chronic inflammation can lead to heart disease and a sharp increase in insulin resistance. The main problem with chronic inflammatory processes is not that they create temporary disability, but the possible consequences in the future.

Most often, chronic inflammation is associated with a violation of fat metabolism. This is possible when the balance in the use of omega-3 and 6 is imbalanced. As a result, this leads to high competition between these substances. Thus, you should be wary of calls to consume more than 20 grams of fish oil per day.

Substances that provoke inflammation

Scheme of cellular mediators of inflammation
Scheme of cellular mediators of inflammation

Now we will talk about several substances that can cause inflammation in the body under certain conditions:

  1. Prostaglandins. These are metabolites of fat metabolism, capable, under certain conditions, of activating the inflammatory process or suppressing it. For example, all prostaglandins that are produced during omega-3 metabolism have anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Trans fats. Remember that these substances must be eliminated from your diet. Trans fats have the ability to inhibit normal fat metabolism. In addition, they replace useful fatty acids in cellular structures, which, as a result, leads to an increase in insulin resistance.
  3. Alcohol. It has a mechanism similar to trans fats in slowing down the synthesis of omega-6 desaturase. In the body of alcoholics, there is most often a focus of a chronic inflammatory process.
  4. Insulin. Now we are talking about an exogenous hormone that is often used by athletes. This drug can also stimulate inflammation in the body.

The need and ways to combat the inflammatory process

The doctor diagnoses tissue inflammation in the athlete's ankle
The doctor diagnoses tissue inflammation in the athlete's ankle

If you use anti-inflammatory drugs as directed, they will not harm your body. Another thing is when a person drinks handfuls of, say, headache pills. The use of this type of drug can significantly slow down the muscle growth process.

To avoid chronic inflammation, your primary concern is maintaining a balance between omega-6 and 3. You should also prefer meat from grass-fed animals. Unlike livestock raised on compound feed, it has a complete amino acid profile. Avoid consuming large amounts of sugar and if you are overweight, try to get rid of it.

For more information on the biochemistry of muscle tissue, see this video:

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