Nowadays, tongue piercing is very popular. We will talk about this today. Learn about piercing and caring for this type of piercing. Few people know that since ancient times the practice of piercing different parts of the body has come to us. Archaeologists very often in their excavations found mummified bodies with pierced ears, which were more than 5300 years old. Around 2500 BC BC, dates back to the year of the oldest burial in which ear piercings were discovered, and this find gives confidence that the piercing has already existed for a thousand years. Later, archaeologists found evidence that ear piercing was popular in ancient Egypt, China and India. Excavations showed that every year the tendency to pierce the ears, and in the future, and other parts of the body, only increased.
The piercing of the tongue, most likely, came to us from the ancient Aztecs and Mayan tribes, who performed this procedure for ritual purposes. Proof of this is the images on the walls of caves and rocks, where only the most senior members of the tribes used thorns to anneal their tongues. Also, the Australian aborigines were engaged in piercing tongues, believing that in this way they “release evil magic from the body.” Starting from the IV century and ending in the 16th century, piercing faded into the background, one might even say about it began to be forgotten. The reason for this was the headdresses, which in those centuries were at the peak of their popularity. And only starting from the 1900s, piercing gradually returned to the "world arena", and more and more attracted people. Now it became fashionable not so much to pierce the ears as to pierce other parts of the body: the nose, eyebrows, nipples, genitals, lips and tongue.
It is recently that young people have become the target audience of tongue piercing. Tongue piercing ranks third in danger and possible harm to human health, and will only bring trouble, instead of serving as a decoration on the human body. Only genital and nipple piercings shared the first and second places, but fortunately so far this type of piercing attracts only extreme lovers.
Basic guidelines for tongue piercing

- If you decide to do this type of piercing, then first of all you need to take very seriously the choice of a master who will pierce you. You should never trust such a thing to a dubious professional who tells himself how many successful piercings he made and how many clients he has. Or even worse, when the "pseudo master" is hiding behind the reputation of the salon in which he works, and the employees of the same salon, you intrusively advise him. If you finally found a good master, then take the time and effort, look at reviews of his work on the Internet, ask for a portfolio, certificates, let him show that he has all the antiseptic drugs. You must be firmly convinced that you are "putting yourself in the hands" of a reliable and trusted person who will undoubtedly do everything correctly and efficiently.
- It is necessary to go to the piercing firmly convinced that you do not have problems with blood clotting, you are not pregnant, do not have diabetes, and you are not allergic to antiseptics or any materials that can be used in the work of the master. It is better to postpone the piercing procedure if you suddenly get the flu, sore throat, or even the common cold. And one more thing, it is not advisable for girls to get pierced during menstruation, it is better to wait a few days, since the healing process will be much longer and more problematic.
- You must eat immediately before the piercing procedure. Indeed, even the simplest food will cause discomfort and pain for some time. You need to be sure that for a week or two you will not want chocolate, chips, nuts, or some other favorite treat. After all, the first 4–5 days, after the piercing procedure, even a few spoonfuls of soup will cause discomfort and pain.
- Care must be taken when choosing piercing jewelry. The best decoration is a plastic rod with balls on either side. But also many now make jewelry from titanium, bioplastic, surgical steel and gold. For the first time, it is necessary to put on a longer barbell, because after a puncture the tongue swells greatly and if it is short, it threatens with unforeseen and unwanted troubles. After the swelling has passed (about a week), you can already put on the jewelry of the proper size and shape. It is up to you to decide which decoration you give priority, but the main advice is that this decoration should not oxidize under any circumstances. Also be prepared for the diction to deteriorate, especially in the first week, but you do not need to get depressed, the swelling will subside and everything will return to normal.
- Puncture and healing. The puncture itself is almost painless, pain and severe discomfort brings a healing period. After all, our tongue consists of fibers, the needle easily passes between them, as if through a thick fabric. For the early healing of the puncture, you need to sit on a diet for some time that excludes acidic, spicy and salty foods. And about alcoholic drinks in general it will be necessary to forget, until complete healing. Do not be alarmed if you produce more saliva than usual, white fluid flows out of the wound, these are just dead blood cells. All these processes are natural and everyone who decides to have a tongue piercing goes through them. It will also be unusual and uncomfortable to feel a foreign object in your mouth, but after a few days, the swelling of your tongue will go away and you will feel much better. Also, during the healing period, you need to talk less, often use antibacterial throat lozenges, rinse your mouth with an antibacterial agent for at least 14 days after the puncture. After complete healing, periodically check whether the jewelry particles are well connected to each other to avoid risk, swallow them or inhale them.
After two weeks, the shape of the tongue should fall into place, the puffiness will pass, every day the decoration in the mouth will cause less and less discomfort. After this healing period, you can safely change the primary jewelry, for the one that you have dreamed of for so long, and which will definitely not ruin your teeth. After studying or at least carefully reading our article, you will know how to correctly and from which side to approach the issue of tongue puncture, so that later there will be no health problems.
You can visually familiarize yourself with the procedure for piercing the tongue in this video: