Features of laser resurfacing of stretch marks

Features of laser resurfacing of stretch marks
Features of laser resurfacing of stretch marks

The essence of laser skin resurfacing against stretch marks, its features and methods of carrying out, the advantages and disadvantages of this method of treating stretch marks, contraindications and the correct rehabilitation period after laser exposure to the skin. The number of sessions required will depend on how severe the skin problem is. The fewer stretch marks, the shorter the treatment will be. For example, you will say goodbye to stretch marks on your chest after a couple of sessions, but stretch marks on your abdomen and hips are more problematic, and you will need to devote more time to them.

Benefits of laser stretch marks removal

Comfortable conditions for the patient
Comfortable conditions for the patient

Laser skin resurfacing is an absolutely safe and effective procedure for removing stretch marks, the main advantages of which are as follows:

  • The procedure can be done on all areas of the skin.
  • This treatment is not a surgical procedure.
  • Noticeable results will be visible after the first session.
  • Such treatment will help to effectively get rid of not only stretch marks, but also of spider veins and age spots, since the laser affects both hemoglobin and melanin.
  • Treatment takes place in a comfortable environment for the patient, small wounds after the procedure heal quickly without leaving any traces.
  • During the procedure, skin cells are deeply warmed up, which allows the skin to rejuvenate on its own, even after several months after resurfacing.

However, before agreeing to such treatment, you need to consult a dermatologist. Before laser treatment, blood tests are required, since during the procedure the specialist will contact the biological environment of the client.

Disadvantages of laser stretch marks removal

Old stretch marks
Old stretch marks

The main disadvantage of this procedure is the long process of restoring the skin. In one session using a laser, you can burn only 1 mm of problem skin in depth, and the depth of stretch marks directly depends on their age. Therefore, if you want to get rid of or make old stretch marks less noticeable, you will have to carry out a lot of procedures.

After resurfacing, it will take about a month to restore the skin in order for it to renew the destroyed layer. During the rehabilitation of the skin, there is increased itching and peeling, which causes discomfort to patients. The rehabilitation process feels like the effects of a sunburn.

One session is short-term, but it is worth remembering that the course consists of at least five laser resurfacing sessions. This means that the complete removal of stretch marks will take six months.

Cosmetologists also warn that the procedure will be less effective when working with old stretch marks. In most cases, they can be treated with a high-quality laser, but its rays often cannot completely remove them. The procedure will significantly reduce the visibility of marks, even out the structure and color of the skin. Only small marks will remain.

Contraindications to laser resurfacing of stretch marks

Tanned body as a contraindication to laser resurfacing
Tanned body as a contraindication to laser resurfacing

If you have recently returned from a vacation where you got a fresh, even tan, then you should wait a few months before starting treatment for stretch marks. Any specialist will not recommend doing the procedure to a pregnant woman, since it is not known what the expectant mother's reaction to laser intervention will be. Also, with caution, laser exposure is prescribed to nursing mothers.

You should not take the course if you suffer from diseases of the blood or endocrine system. It is strictly forbidden to carry out laser resurfacing of stretch marks in the presence of herpes or pustules on the skin. Any skin damage must first be healed, and only then proceed to laser resurfacing. It is not recommended to start treatment if you have varicose veins.

Many women who dream of getting rid of stretch marks are afraid of resurfacing, believing that the laser can cause cancer. Doctors are in a hurry to dispel this myth: the development of cancer can be triggered by ultraviolet rays, which have a certain range of action. The equipment used to treat stretch marks does not contain such rays.

How to remove stretch marks with a laser

Erbium laser
Erbium laser

In beauty studios, new devices are used to treat problem areas of the skin at a depth of only one micron. It is known that there are two types of lasers that are used for this procedure:

  1. Erbium laser … This type of apparatus will act on the skin at a high speed and quickly evaporate the cells. The wavelength of the infrared beam is 2950 nm. During this time, cells in neighboring tissues do not receive thermal effects, and it is due to this property that the laser is called "cold". Erbium laser treatment is practically pain-free, after which only a layer of dried cells will remain, which must be removed after a couple of days. Erbium laser has a version - fractional apparatus called "Fraxel". With its help, a local (point) effect is exerted on the skin.
  2. Carbon dioxide laser … The penetration depth of the beam of this type of laser is up to 20 microns, and with the help of this apparatus, the layers of the epidermis are restored at a deeper level. It has been confirmed that the carbon dioxide laser acts on the skin faster than the erbium laser and actively triggers the production of neocollagens. This type of laser has a double effect: it heals the upper layers of the epidermis, and injures the deeper ones. After the procedure, a small layer of crust remains on the body, which should fall off in ten days. When using a CO2 laser, you will need local or general anesthesia.

To get rid of stretch marks without a trace, two methods are used in modern cosmetology:

  • Classic (full) grinding … It is performed with an erbium laser. The cells are evaporated to the desired depth, the procedure is carried out over the entire affected skin surface. Immediately after exposure, fibroblasts begin to work actively, and cells begin to restore healthy tissues. The depth of exposure can be set individually. Thus, grinding can be carried out both superficially and deeply. Local anesthesia is sometimes required. If a large area is being treated at once, then it makes sense to apply general anesthesia.
  • Fractional laser thermolysis … This method differs from the classical one in that the laser action occurs on specific areas (fractions) of the skin. In this case, adjacent tissues remain intact (not affected). This procedure is less painful and allows you to achieve an effective remodeling result.

Resurfacing can be carried out on old and new striae. It is worth noting that recovery after erbium laser treatment is twice as fast as after carbon dioxide treatment.

Rehabilitation period after laser resurfacing of stretch marks

Taking a light shower
Taking a light shower

After a course of laser treatment, patients will have to rehabilitate for several weeks until the damaged layers of the skin are restored again. During this period, certain reactions may appear on the treated areas in the form of red spots, swelling and peeling. If you are the owner of sensitive skin, then minor pains may bother you.

After ten days, all reactions and pain should disappear. To do this, you need to strictly follow all the doctor's instructions, take care of the skin with the help of special creams and ointments. However, if the unpleasant symptoms have not gone away within the specified time, the condition of the skin does not change or even worsens, then you should seek advice from the clinic. It is possible that an infection has entered the body or a latent disease has begun to worsen.

During the first month after treatment, it is necessary to protect the skin well from UV rays. Also, for two to three weeks, you can not take hot baths, visit saunas, baths and swimming pools. The maximum that can be allowed from water procedures is taking a light shower for five minutes.

Effect of laser removal of stretch marks

Body mesotherapy
Body mesotherapy

Thanks to the use of modern equipment, the procedure for laser skin resurfacing is very effective, and the effect from it will be quite long - up to two to three years.

It is worth remembering that the best effect of laser exposure on striae is achieved when they are "young" - up to two years old. In this case, the connective tissue in them is not hardened and is easily resorbed. To achieve the optimal effect, it will take 3-6 treatments.

Stretch marks that appeared 5-10 years ago are difficult and time-consuming to remove. They often do not leave without a trace and remain in the form of inconspicuous traces. In such striae, dense scar tissue has formed, which is not easy to completely remove.

The effect of laser exposure is noticeable almost immediately after the procedure. After complete healing, skin imperfections will become almost invisible. The width of the old stretch marks will be reduced to 1 millimeter, and they can only be seen with a thorough examination.

Please note that laser treatment can and even be useful to combine with other methods of exposure to the skin to remove stretch marks. A good effect is obtained by combining a laser with ozone and mesotherapy. The skin in the area of treatment will retain a fresh and elastic appearance for a long time.

How to remove stretch marks with a laser - watch the video:

Laser skin resurfacing for stretch marks treatment is a modern effective way to eliminate imperfections. The procedure has few contraindications and side effects. If all the recommendations of the cosmetologist are followed, the rehabilitation process will be reduced to a minimum, and the result will please after the first session.
