The use of a natural mixture of mummy for stretch marks, composition, useful properties, contraindications to use, release form and instructions for the use of mountain resin. Many people, both women and men, are faced with such a cosmetic problem of the skin as stretch marks. This skin defect does not cause problems for the functioning of the body, however, it is a cosmetic defect, which is not easy to get rid of. There are many remedies available to combat stretch marks. An effective remedy is mummy - the so-called mountain resin of natural origin.
Composition and properties of mummy

Shilajit is a complex complex of substances, organic and mineral, which is of exclusively natural origin. This mixture contains over 90 components.
An approximate description of the biochemical composition of mummy:
- Amino acids - glycine, histidine, glutamic acid, threonine, phenylalanine, methionine, lysine, valine, arginine, isoleucine, tryptophan, aspartic acid and others.
- Fatty acids - petroselinic, linolenic, oleic, linoleic and others.
- Organic acids and phospholipids - adipic, benzoic, hippuric, succinic, oxalic, citric, lichen, tartaric, kojic and others.
- Provitamin carotene, as well as B vitamins, rutin, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamin E.
- Resins, resinous substances, various essential oils.
- Enzymes, flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, chlorophyll, coumarins, tannins, terpenoids.
- About 60 names of macro- and microelements, the list of which is headed by potassium, cobalt, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, silicon, chromium, aluminum, magnesium, manganese, zinc, sulfur, selenium, silver, sodium, nickel and many others.
The composition of the mummy is inconsistent. This is justified by the existence of several varieties, for example, evaparite, coprolite mummy or mummy breccias. The existing classification is based on the territory of origin and appearance.
In a general sense, mummy is a mixture of natural components in the form of pieces of various sizes and shapes that have a heterogeneous density. Mountain resin is a solid mass, the surface of which is uneven or grainy, matte or shiny.
The consistency of the mummy can be fragile or stiff. The color can also be different: brown, dark brown, black. Sometimes there are pale gray spots on the surface. All varieties are united by the presence of a specific smell and a bitter taste.
Each company carries out the purification of natural material from unnecessary and, possibly, dangerous for the body, impurities according to its own technology. The most acceptable is the method of cleaning the mummy using low temperatures, which allows you to preserve most of the useful components of the natural mixture.
To get rid of the specific smell of mummy, before the procedure, add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture, for example, peppermint, any citrus, rose, ylang-ylang or grape seed oil. However, there are substances that only enhance the aroma, these are lavender, bergamot and coffee oils.
Useful properties of mummy

Shilajit, due to the unique combination of its constituent components, is an almost universal remedy, in comparison with the powerful drugs it contains.
Useful properties of mummy:
- Regenerating … Shilajit activates tissue regeneration, therefore it is actively used to heal external and internal wounds, as well as bone fusion in case of fractures.
- Antibacterial … Many pathogenic organisms, for example, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, enterococci, Escherichia coli, pathogens of diphtheria, dysentery and typhoid, are susceptible to the action of mummy.
- Preventive … The use of mummy favors an increase in the body's resistance to attack by external factors, which include unfavorable environmental conditions (toxins, carcinogens, infectious agents), climatic changes (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure). All body systems under the influence of mountain resin are better adapted to external factors.
- Fortifying … The impact of the entire set of useful substances that lead to the composition of the mummy helps to strengthen the immune system, improve all metabolic processes, and establish hormonal levels.
- Anti-inflammatory … Taking mummy is associated with a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process and a decrease in the symptoms of an inflammatory disease that appear.
- Enrichment of the body with useful substances … With the help of mountain resin, it is possible to replenish the vitamin reserve, enrich the body with a multitude of micro- and macroelements that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
Mumiyo: contraindications for use

Mumiyo, like any product, has its own contraindications. But they are few in number, because this natural mixture is non-toxic and does not cause allergies or accumulation of harmful substances in the human body even with prolonged or constant treatment.
It is not recommended to use mountain resin in any form and in any way in the following cases:
- The period of gestation (pregnancy) and breastfeeding;
- Age up to 12 years, although some manufacturers of preparations with mummy do not prohibit its use at any age, only for children they significantly reduce the allowable dose;
- The presence of cancer;
- Reduced blood clotting;
- Hemorrhagic diathesis;
- Individual intolerance to the components of the mummy.
People suffering from hypertension should use the mummy with great care.
In any case, as a precautionary measure before purchasing mountain resin and starting treatment, consult a medical professional (dermatologist, gynecologist).
The use of mummy involves a complete rejection of alcohol.
Features of the use of mummy for stretch marks
Shilajit is actively used in the field of cosmetology to combat skin problems: acne, allergic reactions, stretch marks, etc. Let us consider in more detail the reasons for the formation of stretch marks, the mechanism of action of the mummy on these defects and options for its use.
Shilajit as a remedy for stretch marks on the skin

During pregnancy, the female body is attacked by hormones that cause some changes in many body systems. In particular, a change in the hormonal background sometimes leads to disorders in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which contributes to the thinning of the skin, a decrease in its elasticity, followed by atrophy, which manifests itself in the appearance of stretch marks.
However, the problem of stretch marks is not unique to women during pregnancy. Similar processes of violation of protein synthesis can occur even in men. Sometimes the appearance of stretch marks is associated with a sharp change in weight, i.e. an increase in body weight or a decrease in it.
Over time, the stretch marks change slightly, this is noticeable by the change in their color. Fighting them is a rather laborious process. In some particularly difficult cases, stretch marks are removed using plastic surgery. However, it is better not to bring the situation to a surgical intervention. The mummy will help with this.
Getting rid of cutaneous atrophy with the help of mummy occurs due to the following processes that this natural mixture provides:
- Enrichment of the skin with vitamins, minerals;
- Restoration of damaged cells;
- Stimulation of protein synthesis (collagen, elastin).
The processed material is sold in various forms: tablets, powders, capsules, ready-made creams and infusions with the addition of mumiyo, in natural form.
Use of mummy for stretch marks in tablets

A common version of the form of release of the mummy are tablets. Their shelf life significantly exceeds the shelf life of creams with mountain resin, which, moreover, are much more expensive. The advantage of tablets comes from packaging. Each tablet is packaged separately in compliance with the tightness. It is known that shilajit can lose some of its properties when exposed to air.
The disadvantage of this form of packaging is how the mummy is processed to form tablets. The easiest way is to dissolve and further heat the natural material. An increase in the temperature of mountain resin above 40 degrees is fraught with the loss of many beneficial properties.
Shilajit tablets are usually taken orally according to the scheme: 2 tablets per day for at least one month. However, external use is also possible, for example, to get rid of stretch marks. To do this, the tablet is thoroughly ground in a ceramic or glass container, then added to skin care products.
One tablet of mummy contains 200 mg of nutrients. Depending on the manufacturer, the package contains from 10 to 60 tablets. The lower price threshold is 50 rubles per package. For example, a package of the Altai mummy "Balsam of the Mountains", consisting of 10 tablets of 200 mg each, costs 50 rubles, and a package of the same drug, containing 30 tablets, costs 80 rubles.
Since mummy in tablets is not included in the register of medicines, this natural material is, to a greater extent, related to biologically active additives.
Ways to use mummy for stretch marks

The use of mummy for the treatment of skin defects can be both local and oral. Taking the mummy through the mouth, the components of the substance enter the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. The effect in this case is complex.
It is better to treat stretch marks with a local effect, with this method the maximum possible supply of the necessary substances to the affected skin areas is ensured. In addition, if a person has an individual intolerance to any component, then external use reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
Let's describe some recipes for creating mummy-based stretch marks:
- Ointment with mummy … The composition includes the following ingredients: mummy (4 g), water (1 tablespoon), anhydrous lanolin (35 g), medical petroleum jelly (90-100 g). First of all, sterilize all components, except for the mummy, at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees, as well as tools for preparing the ointment. Heat the mummy using a water bath at a low temperature - up to +30 degrees. Next, dilute the mummy with water and combine this mixture with lanolin and petroleum jelly. Stir until smooth. Such an ointment must be stored in a dark place at temperatures up to +20 degrees.
- Water-based solution with mummy … To prepare it, simply dissolve 1 g of mummy in 2 tablespoons of warm water. Use this 2% solution at the beginning of the course, then reduce the amount of water to 1 tbsp. l. Do not store the prepared solution for more than a day.
- Scrub with mummy … Take 1 tablespoon of ground coffee, mix it with any shower gel and add mummy. Apply this scrub to problem areas every day for at least 1 month.
- Mummy mask … Crush 3-4 tablets of mummy and mix with 1 tbsp. l. bee honey. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 25-30 minutes. The treated areas should be wrapped with plastic wrap to enhance the reaction. Then rinse with warm water.
- Cream for stretch marks with mummy … Mix the mummy powder (2-3 g) diluted in warm water with any body cream, you can take a baby cream. A portion of the cream should not exceed the volume required for one application, so that you do not have to throw away the excess.
The described methods of preparing anti-stretch marks with mummy can be used in combination. For example, first apply a mask, then use a scrub, and when the body is dry after a shower, apply a water solution or ointment.
Essential oils in cosmetics with mummy are used not only to get rid of the unpleasant odor of the natural mixture. Each oil option provides additional benefits. So, rose oil not only gives a delicate feminine scent, but also helps in the fight against long-standing stretch marks.
Remains of the product or mummy stains can be removed with lemon juice.
Mumiyo: instructions for use for stretch marks

Tablets, capsules, creams or mummy in their natural form have different recommendations for use regarding dosage, duration of the course. Each manufacturer provides its own individual instructions for use. However, there are general rules for the storage and use of natural material, dictated solely by its properties.
Some rules and tips for using various mixtures with mummy:
- It is not recommended to heat the mummy above 40 degrees.
- Avoid direct sunlight.
- Do not store prepared solutions for more than a day.
- When mixing with other ingredients, use clean, preferably sterilized dishes.
- Any product with mummy is best applied to a steamed body in order to improve the penetration of nutrients into the skin.
- Apply the mummy in a full course, which cannot be interrupted. The minimum course is 1 month. In the best case, it is worth continuing to take up to 4 months.
- To accelerate the beneficial effects of Shilajit and the desired results, apply the natural mixture twice a day.
- When ingested, the mummy is recommended to be washed down with milk, sweet tea or honey water. Morning pills should be prescribed 1, 5-2 hours before breakfast.
- There should be a break between courses of treatment - from 10 days to 1 month.
How to use a mummy for stretch marks - watch the video:

Many consider the mummy to be a remedy for all diseases; they actively use it as a medicinal product. Others are skeptical about it as a useless dietary supplement. However, there are a lot of positive reviews about this complex natural substance, as well as numerous historical references to the miraculous mountain resin. To be sure of any of the opinions, it is better to try the mummy on your own experience. Moreover, there is no need to visit salons or medical offices to receive procedures. All procedures can be done at home.