How to use a badyag from stretch marks?

How to use a badyag from stretch marks?
How to use a badyag from stretch marks?

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks. What is badyaga and how does it help to remove stretch marks on the body? Features of its use, contraindications. How to care for skin after resurfacing, real reviews.

Badiaga from stretch marks is an effective remedy that will help eliminate fresh stretch marks and reduce the depth of old ones. However, the procedure is associated with deep skin trauma, significant painful sensations and a long recovery period, and it is important to approach it responsibly.

What are stretch marks?

Girl's stretch marks
Girl's stretch marks

In the photo, the girl's stretch marks

Stretch marks (striae) are a kind of breaks formed in the surface layer of the epidermis and filled with connective tissue. They represent a cosmetic defect of the skin, while they do not pose a danger to the body and do not have a negative effect on health.

Stretch marks most often appear on areas of the body with increased body fat - the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and chest. But it is also possible to form them on the palms and feet, the lower back and shoulders, that is, throughout the body, with the exception of the face.

Stretch marks are observed in 50-90% of women, appear in girls in adolescence. But men and boys also have stretch marks during their growth spurt.

At the very beginning of the formation, stretch marks are pink in color, they are located close to the surface of the skin. Over time, striae acquire a purple or red color: the stretched tissue is no longer fresh, but is also permeated with blood vessels. After 4-5 months, the stretch marks turn blue. Old scars that are more than 8 months old become whitish as the tissue loses pigment.

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks:

  • Weight jumps … When you gain excess weight, the skin does not have time to stretch under the increasing volume of the body, and tears appear in the surface layer. Stretch marks can form in different places. If a person is dramatically losing weight, you can also face this problem: stretched skin breaks, folds form, which break under pressure, like dry paper.
  • Pregnancy … During this period, significant changes occur with the woman's body: the body expands, hormonal fluctuations are observed, the composition of the connective tissue changes against the background of a rush of progesterone, it becomes fragile. In areas with the greatest tension, striae appear - chest, abdomen. As a rule, the process of their formation starts after the sixth month.
  • Heredity … Naturally, stretch marks are not transmitted through the maternal line. However, despite this, from the mother you can get poor skin stretching ability and low elasticity of the epidermis.
  • Improper nutrition … Stretch marks occur when there is a catastrophic shortage of protein foods, the skin in this case stretches worse. Protein is the building block for collagen and elastin, and they, in turn, determine the elasticity of the epidermis.
  • Taking medications … Medicines that cause any physical changes - weight gain, swelling, bloating, threaten to stretch the skin and provoke the formation of stretch marks. These drugs include hormonal drugs, corticosteroids that reduce inflammation, and birth control.
  • Puberty … Stretch marks can appear during puberty, when the body changes and the balance of hormones is imbalanced, which leads to thinning of the skin. During this time, bones grow faster than muscles, and the epidermis with poor elasticity begins to tear. The main places of localization of stretch marks in adolescence are the lower back, chest, hips.
  • Dehydration of the body. With insufficient fluid intake, the skin becomes dry. And the use of moisturizing creams is indispensable here, since without a certain supply of water in the body, it will not work to keep the moisture received from the outside in the skin. Losing it, the epidermis also loses its elasticity, the ability to stretch, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Some diseases … Striae can occur in diabetes mellitus, as the skin cracks and dries out, endocrine diseases, pancreatic diseases, because during this period there is more cortisol in the body, which leads to a weakening of the connective tissue. Surgery can also cause stretch marks.

Note! The main cause of stretch marks is a sudden change in weight. Stretch marks are observed both with an increase in body weight and with weight loss. Also, a rapid set of muscle mass can cause them to appear.

Regardless of the causes of stretch marks, it is completely impossible to remove old stretch marks. Therefore, you need to start taking action immediately.

Useful properties of badyagi from stretch marks

Freshwater sponge badyaga from stretch marks
Freshwater sponge badyaga from stretch marks

Photo of a freshwater sponge badyaga from stretch marks

When fighting stretch marks, they actively use a remedy such as a badyaga. This is a substance of animal origin, which is made by drying and grinding freshwater sponges. Initially, the powder was used in medicine: it was used to treat rheumatism, bruising, scars, hematomas, bruises.

It is sold in the form of a powder, cream or gel, however, according to reviews about a badyag for stretch marks, it is preferable to buy the first remedy, since it is 100% natural, it retains the maximum amount of nutrients, and there are no impurities and extraneous additives in the composition. Creams and gels contain additional components in the form of dyes and fragrances, as well as substances to accelerate cell regeneration.

At home, on the basis of badyagi, creams, masks, scrubs are prepared. Cosmetologists compare the result of their use with the effect of laser resurfacing or preparations based on fruit acids. After just a few procedures, it can be noted that the stretch marks have become less pronounced, and the barely noticeable stretch marks have disappeared altogether.

Stretch marks powder
Stretch marks powder

The price of a badyagi for stretch marks in powder - from 50 rubles

The tiny, sharp skeletal elements of the freshwater sponge, which are called spicules, are mildly scrubbing and exfoliating when applied to the skin. "Needles" injure the stratum corneum and cause damage in the deeper layers of the skin. The procedure is akin to a good peeling.

In the irritated epidermis, powerful regenerative processes are triggered, cells are actively dividing, blood circulation and the rate of elastin production are accelerated. Thanks to this effect, the skin is renewed and acquires good elasticity. And the spongin contained in the badyag provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

The procedure for using a badyagi against stretch marks is quite painful. The peak of discomfort is observed on the second day: the areas treated with a sponge turn red, swelling and itching appear. This is a normal reaction and does not have any dangerous consequences.

But if the pain persists after 4-5 days, the inflammatory process does not stop, pus appears from under the flaky skin, you need to seek help from a doctor, most likely, such a reaction is the result of too intensive rubbing of the composition for a long time.

Interesting! Since ancient times, badyagu has been used for aesthetic purposes - as a blush. The powder was irritating to the cheeks, causing a beautiful blush.

Contraindications and harm of badyagi

Pregnancy as a contraindication for stretch marks
Pregnancy as a contraindication for stretch marks

Because of the pain, the use of badyagi against stretch marks should be abandoned by women in position, since such stresses are useless during pregnancy. As a last resort, you can buy a gel or cream based on freshwater sponge extracts, which has a milder effect, since the spicules that damage the skin are more crushed. But count on the result will be less pronounced.

The same goes for the breastfeeding period. It is allowed to use creams and gels based on badyagi for stretch marks. However, they are not allowed to be used on the skin of the breast.

You can not use funds made on the basis of badyagi, with its individual intolerance. First, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction and test the substance. Mix the badyag with water and apply to the inside of your wrist, wait 10 minutes and rinse off. In the absence of negative manifestations during the day (inflammation, redness, itching, rashes), use the composition as directed.

It is not recommended to use badyagi powder for stretch marks, creams and gels based on freshwater sponges on areas with inflamed skin and rosacea, in the presence of itching, rash, open wounds, cuts and scratches. It is forbidden to carry out the procedure if you have sensitive skin.

There are other contraindications for using a freshwater sponge:

  • Skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Heat;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Infectious diseases.

In other cases, badyaga is considered an effective remedy for stretch marks.

Preparation for use of badyagi for stretch marks

Showering before using the stretch mark badyagi
Showering before using the stretch mark badyagi

Before proceeding directly to the use of badyagi and grinding stretch marks, it is recommended to take a shower and steam the body.

You can also pre-do a gentle peeling of problem areas using a scrub made of granulated sugar or coffee grounds. However, if you have a low pain threshold, it is better to skip this stage, as there is a difficult test ahead. Pat dry with a thick towel.

Be sure to wear gloves before proceeding to avoid getting your hands dirty.

Recipes for masks with badyagi for stretch marks

Mask with a badyag from stretch marks
Mask with a badyag from stretch marks

Masks based on freshwater sponge, when used correctly, affect the skin at a deep level, cause the removal of dead cells, regeneration and renewal of the epidermis.

To prepare an effective remedy, badyagi powder for stretch marks should be diluted using warm mineral water and enriched with additional ingredients. Most often, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, honey, and clay are used in tandem with a freshwater sponge.

The most effective remedy is badyaga with peroxide for stretch marks. Use a non-metallic container to prepare it. Pour 5 g of freshwater sponge powder into it and pour in 3% peroxide until a homogeneous consistency is achieved. With this mixture, you need to rub the stretch marks for a few minutes, and then let it dry. After 10 minutes, the mask is washed off. Apply the product for 3-4 days, then let the skin rest for a week.

Another effective recipe for anti-stretch marks badaga is with the addition of apple cider vinegar. Freshwater sponge powder is diluted with water and vinegar, taken in equal proportions. The mask is applied to the skin for half an hour.

Badiaga in tandem with oils shows a good effect on dry skin. It is best to choose olive, sunflower, almond, linseed, apricot, peach or grape seed. A bag of badyagi powder is diluted in 50 ml of oil. To enhance the effect of the mask, citrus essential oil is introduced into the composition in an amount of a few drops. The resulting mixture is applied to the problem area, and wrapped on top with cling film. The exposure time of the mask is 45 minutes. It is recommended to carry out such wraps every 2 days, the recovery course consists of 10 procedures.

For delicate areas of the body, the badyagu in powder is diluted with several tablespoons of gel or cream based on it. You can also dilute it with Phytolysin cream with a mild analgesic effect.

Rules for the use of badyagi

Anti stretch marks powder
Anti stretch marks powder

The skin restoration course with the badyagi consists of 10 procedures. Sessions are held once every 2 weeks. Long-term use of the product is not recommended, as the skin may become too sensitive.

It is convenient to carry out the procedure while standing in the bath. The product, prepared on the basis of a freshwater sponge, is applied to clean, dry skin. At the same time, massage movements are performed: the badyag from stretch marks on the priest and hips is rubbed more intensely, but on the stomach it is distributed without much pressure.

The duration of the procedure is 15-45 minutes. The first session should not last more than a quarter of an hour, gradually the exposure time of the badyagi can be increased and brought to the maximum, but make sure that there is no strong burning sensation. It is forbidden to overexpose the composition, you can face unpleasant consequences.

To enhance the effect of the product and create a thermal effect, you can additionally wrap problem areas with cling film. However, if the skin is highly sensitive, you can do without it, let the mixture dry in the open air.

If you feel a slight burning sensation when applying badyagi, do not panic, this is a normal skin reaction. But if the sensations have become unbearable, the composition should be washed off immediately.

After the specified time, the dried mixture is washed off with water without using soap and shower gel. After the procedure, you should wear ironed clothes made of soft natural fabric.

Features of the use of badyagi on different parts of the body:

  • If you want to get rid of stretch marks on the bottom and thighs, you can massage and wrap the problem area with plastic wrap along with using freshwater sponge powder.
  • Badyag from stretch marks on the abdomen is used differently. You need to choose a more gentle mixture, rub it in - gently, without intense movements.
  • Stretch marks formed on the chest require a delicate and careful attitude, because this is the most delicate part of the body. It is worth using exclusively ready-made products. Yes, purchased gels and creams do not guarantee such a quick effect as badyagi powder, but there will be no unforeseen consequences.

Note! If the badyag gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, rinse the affected area thoroughly. If you have any discomfort, see your doctor.

How to take care of your skin after using badyagi?

Skin restoration after applying badyagi for stretch marks
Skin restoration after applying badyagi for stretch marks

A few days after the stretch marks are resurfed, the skin will begin to renew itself and crusts will appear. The treated area will peel off and peel off, as after a sunburn - this is how the top layer of the skin comes off. Remember not to tear off the crusts that have formed! The process should take place naturally.

On the second day after the procedure, the painful sensations will intensify, as the skin begins to regenerate. Itching and burning will appear. Sunbathing is prohibited at this time.

It is not recommended to wet the damaged areas 2-3 days after the procedure, use softening and cooling creams, otherwise you can get a chemical burn and aggravate the skin condition. Only the use of Panthenol, which accelerates skin regeneration, and talcum powder are allowed.

At this time, wear loose-fitting clothing made from soft natural fabrics.

Re-use of the badyagi is allowed only when the skin is fully restored, acquires a normal appearance, pink color.

Real reviews of the badyag from stretch marks

Reviews of the badyag from stretch marks
Reviews of the badyag from stretch marks

Reviews about the badyag from stretch marks, photos before and after confirm the high effectiveness of the product. Many girls recommend performing the procedure at night, or even better on Friday evening, in order to recover over the weekend, since on the second day after resurfacing, the skin becomes sensitive, redness and soreness appear. However, this unique remedy will bring positive results and skin renewal only if it is used correctly.

Olesya, 34 years old

Never use a badyag on sensitive skin and without first testing the product. My unforgivable mistake is too negligent attitude to the procedure of skin resurfacing. As a result, not only did I not remove the stretch marks with the badyag, but also made myself additional problems. Long recovery period, excruciating painful sensations, red skin with damage, as after a severe burn. Take care of yourself!

Ksenia, 27 years old

And my body is accustomed to all sorts of aggressive effects - laser resurfacing, peeling with fruit acids. In general, I am a fan of salon cosmetology, but I also like to arrange spa treatments at home. Initially, I diluted the badyagi powder for stretch marks just in water, the skin tingled a little, did not turn red very much, but I did not notice any result and an increase in pain on the second day. Then I tried to mix a sponge with peroxide, they say that this is a more effective remedy, I applied the mixture, rubbed it some more, then wrapped it with cling film on top. And I decided to hold it as much as possible, about an hour. Now it was really painful, the skin was burning, on the second day it was impossible to walk, touch, I thought, burned my thighs. This went on for 3 days, and then the crusts began to peel off, well, and all the accompanying affairs - burning, itching. Now I see that the result is definitely there, the depth of the stretch marks has decreased, and this is only after the first session. Of course, I continue on!

Tatiana, 35 years old

Girls, badyaga really helps with stretch marks. They gradually compare to the skin and then go away! But I supplemented the grinding with the normalization of the diet, I do massages. And one more thing: the faster you start fighting stretch marks, the more expressive you can get. Old striae are difficult to influence badyagi, and any means in general.

How to use a badyag from stretch marks - watch the video:
