Hair yeast masks: recipes and preparation

Hair yeast masks: recipes and preparation
Hair yeast masks: recipes and preparation

Useful properties and chemical composition of yeast, contraindications and rules for using yeast masks for different types of hair at home, as well as recipes for effective treatment of damaged curls with means based on them. Hair yeast is a rich source of vitamins and minerals with unique beneficial properties. Due to their composition, the components are able to give dry hair softness, thin hair - strength and volume, and oily curls return natural beauty and freshness.

The benefits of yeast masks for hair

Hair after yeast mask
Hair after yeast mask

With regular use of yeast masks, you can see significant changes in the internal and external condition of the hair. The curls will become softer, fuller, more elastic and stronger, and the hair roots will become stronger. The main benefit of the procedure using yeast masks is the activation of hair growth, which will become noticeable after the first month of treatment.

The beneficial effect on the hair of this cosmetic product is achieved due to the unique chemical composition of the main ingredient. Each substance contained in yeast penetrates deeply into the hair structure and performs its main functions:

  • Vitamin B … Other names are riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenic acid. Getting into the layers of the skin, it activates blood circulation, thereby improving cell metabolism and resolving stagnant processes in the blood vessels of the scalp. Due to the influence of these elements, the strands acquire freshness, energy and tone, ceasing to look dull and lifeless.
  • Folic acid … Perfectly protects curls from the negative effects of the environment and heat treatment with household styling products: a hairdryer, tongs, irons and other hair styling tools.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) … Refreshes curls and gives them a natural shine.
  • Vitamin PP (niacin) … Gives dull and colored hair a rich color and inhibits the appearance of early gray hair.
  • Vitamin H (biotin) … Possesses moisturizing properties.
  • Amino acids … Strengthens hair, makes it elastic and resilient. Yeast can be used as a remedy for hair loss.
  • Minerals … They have nutritional properties and are involved in metabolism, which helps to improve the condition of human skin and hair.

The complex of vitamins and minerals contained in yeast simply will not leave a chance for diseases of the scalp and hair in general. It guarantees rescue from dandruff, strengthening hair follicles, restoring split ends and getting rid of many other problems associated with deteriorating curls.

Contraindications to the use of a yeast mask

Burning sensation in the ear
Burning sensation in the ear

Among the many positive qualities of a yeast hair mask, you can find negative reviews about its use. Criticism towards the use of the product is due only to non-compliance with cooking technologies or contraindications to the constituent components.

It is known that yeast can provoke an allergic reaction in people who are allergic. That is why, before starting the course of treatment, it is necessary to test the cosmetic product on the skin in the ear area. If a burning sensation and redness appear, wash off the mixture immediately and treat with an antiseptic.

In general, the yeast mask has no contraindications and cannot harm hair and health.

Hair Yeast Mask Recipes

There are many recipes for making a yeast mask mixture. For these purposes, it is recommended to use only live yeast. The choice of additional components of the composition depends on the desired effect and the type of problem present.

The classic recipe for a yeast hair mask with sugar

Applying a yeast mask with sugar
Applying a yeast mask with sugar

This is the simplest yeast-based hair mask. To prepare the mixture you will need: 100-125 g of warm water, 10 g of pressed yeast, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

We prepare and use the mask like this:

  1. Dilute sugar and live yeast in warm water and mix thoroughly until they are completely dissolved.
  2. Cover the container with a towel and set aside in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  3. When the fermentation process is over, apply the finished mass to the scalp and hair roots.
  4. Cover the mask with cellophane and a towel and wait for about 1 hour.
  5. After the expiration of time, rinse your head with warm water and regular shampoo.

After just a few procedures, the hair will become much softer and stronger.

Kefir and yeast hair mask

Application of a mask of kefir and yeast
Application of a mask of kefir and yeast

This formulation is used to enhance growth, prevent hair loss and get rid of dandruff. For its preparation you will need: a small piece of live yeast (1 x 2 cm), 125 g of warm kefir, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.

Dissolve yeast and honey in kefir and set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes. The mixture should acquire a foamy consistency. Apply the mask to the head and distribute it over the entire length of the hair. We put on a plastic cap and wrap our head with a warm terry towel. We keep it for 45 minutes and rinse it off with non-hot water and regular shampoo.

Hair mask from live yeast and yolk

Live yeast
Live yeast

This recipe is perfect for treating fine and weak hair. To prepare the mixture, you will need: 20 g of live yeast, 120 g of milk, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.

Mix heated milk up to 35 degrees with yeast and set aside in a warm place for 20 minutes until a lush foam forms on the surface. Add yolk and olive oil to the mash and mix thoroughly. We gradually apply the finished mixture to the roots and distribute it along the entire length of the hair. We wrap it with plastic wrap and a terry towel and wait about 50 minutes. We wash off the mask with water several times, using shampoo.

Yeast and mustard hair mask with yolk

Mustard powder
Mustard powder

This composition of components has strengthening properties, stimulates growth and gives shine to hair. To prepare the mask you will need: 10 g of live yeast, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of warm water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard powder, 1 yolk.

We dilute the yeast in warm water and let it brew for about 1 hour. Add yolk and mustard to the foamy mixture. Mix until smooth and rub thoroughly into the scalp. We put on a cellophane cap or film on top. We warm it with a towel and wait 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Yeast hair mask preparation technology

Pouring yeast into the mask
Pouring yeast into the mask

For the preparation of a strengthening and regenerating hair mask, both dry and live yeast are suitable.

There are a number of nuances of making yeast masks at home:

  • For oily hair, use drying ingredients such as cinnamon, onion, rosemary, or ginger.
  • For dry hair, olive, burdock, sunflower or castor oil is suitable.
  • To give the mask nutritional properties, you need to add honey and yolk to its composition.
  • The main process is cooking mash. Yeast is diluted in warm boiled water or other liquid, which is indicated in the recipe.
  • To prepare a yeast mask, you must use components whose temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees.
  • The mixture is left to ferment for 30-60 minutes until foam forms.
  • Additional components are added only when the yeast mass has acquired a foamy consistency.
  • The yeast mixture must be constantly mixed so that lumps do not form in it, which will complicate shampooing and combing after the action of the mask.
  • Salt will help increase blood circulation to the scalp and hair growth.
  • Add cognac to the yeast mask - and you get rid of dandruff and normalize the sebaceous glands.
  • The added protein will dry the skin and completely eliminate the effect of sebaceous strands.

Remember that in order to obtain a positive result, it is necessary to strictly follow the recipe for the preparation of the composition.

Rules for applying yeast masks to hair

Mask application
Mask application

The maximum positive effect can be achieved when using a hair yeast mask, only by observing all the rules for the preparation and use of the drug.

It is important to follow the technology of applying the mask to the hair:

  1. Before applying the mask, you need to wash your hair and dry it slightly with a towel.
  2. It is very important to apply the mask in stages: first, coat the scalp with circular movements, and then distribute the mixture along the entire length of the hair.
  3. Since the main process of yeast action is fermentation, it is very important to create all the necessary conditions for this. Apply the mask in a warm room, and cover your head with a cellophane cap and a towel.
  4. The period of action of the mask in each recipe is different. This is justified by the addition of additional ingredients that can inhibit the fermentation process. On average, the holding time of the yeast mask on the head is 40 minutes.
  5. It is recommended to wash your hair after applying the yeast mixture with warm water and lemon juice. This combination can enhance the effect of the mask. Shampoo can also be used, especially if oil is an additional ingredient in the recipe.
  6. To enhance the effect of the yeast mask, additional rinsing of the hair with herbal infusions will help.
  7. The course of hair treatment with yeast masks lasts about 2 months with a frequency of application once a week.

How to make a hair mask from yeast - watch the video:

Live yeast masks are the most effective home remedy for hair loss. The beneficial properties of this product have been proven by research in many medical laboratories. After several months of diligent treatment, the curls will acquire a healthy shine and vitality.
