Potato balls - tsybriki, Belarusian cuisine

Potato balls - tsybriki, Belarusian cuisine
Potato balls - tsybriki, Belarusian cuisine

A delicious, uncomplicated dish that will surely please both children and adults - potato balls - will keep you an excellent company while watching your favorite movie.

Potato balls
Potato balls

Remember, in the movie "Girls" the heroine listed the names of potato dishes? Do you remember if there were potato balls among them? This is a wonderful, mouth-watering dish, for the preparation of which you will need nothing at all: actually, potatoes and a little flour. The potato balls are deep-fried and served with sour cream, ketchup or hot sauce.

See also how to make cheese-filled potato croquettes.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 90 kcal.
  • Servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Step-by-step cooking of chicken potato balls:

Grated potatoes
Grated potatoes

1. We clean the selected potatoes, wash them and rub them on a fine grater. Squeeze the grated potatoes through a fine mesh sieve so that the minced potatoes are not too wet. The preparation is in many ways reminiscent of the recipe for the famous pancakes - grated potato pancakes. Salt the potatoes to taste, and if you want, add a little black pepper for flavor.

Ball of minced potatoes
Ball of minced potatoes

2. Form small potato balls. Their diameter should not exceed 2.5-3 cm.

Ball of minced potatoes in flour
Ball of minced potatoes in flour

3. Dip each ball in sifted wheat flour.

Potato balls in a frying pan
Potato balls in a frying pan

4. Pour a sufficient amount of refined vegetable oil into the pan, heat it well and fry the balls on all sides until golden brown. By the way, you can also use ghee or lard for frying.

Chickpeas in a bowl
Chickpeas in a bowl

5. Serve this appetizing potato delicacy hot (although it tastes great when cold) along with sour cream, ketchup or any of your favorite sauce.

Ready potato balls
Ready potato balls

6. Potato balls - tasty and not at all complicated, and most importantly a budget instant dish, ready. Call everyone and play your favorite movie: the balls will keep you a great company!

See also video recipes:

1. How to cook potato balls

2. Appetizing potato fries
