Colored hair is a fashion trend in 2016

Colored hair is a fashion trend in 2016
Colored hair is a fashion trend in 2016

The emergence of fashion for colored hair, stylish bright shades for curls in 2016, the peculiarities of choosing the tone of the strands for the appearance, methods and rules for dyeing using various means. Colored hair is in trend again in 2016. Yellow, orange, pink, purple - choose any shade and amaze everyone with your new image. You can add extreme color to your hair both for a long time and for a short time.

Features of the distribution of colored hair in the world

Multi-colored strands
Multi-colored strands

Colored hair first appeared in the 70s of the last century in London. Thus, British youth expressed their protest against the conservative and sedate lifestyle of society. For the hippie movement, which then swept the whole world, it became one of the ways of self-expression. The then rock musicians also loved to dye their hair. In a similar way, they contrasted their creativity with the sleek manners of pop.

Hollywood producers picked up the idea, and heroines with bright hair began to appear on the screens. The most famous character is Leela and her disheveled orange hairstyle.

The most famous bearer of bright strands is Lady Gaga. Her hair color can be very different and unpredictable. Many young girls often look up to her.

Today, with the light hand of designers, colored hair and multi-colored strands have filled the world's catwalks and have become a normal phenomenon in everyday life. Even in a strict and boring office, you can find a girl with a bright creative hair color. And this does not bother anyone. Moreover, in 2016 it is fashionable.

What hair colors are fashionable in 2016

In 2016, colored hair is again at the peak of popularity. True, when choosing a bright non-standard image for yourself, pay attention to whether this or that color suits you.

Purple hair

Purple hair color
Purple hair color

The presence of purple hair on a girl's head today does not surprise anyone. It's just a way to stand out from the crowd and highlight your individuality. And if the painting is done by a real professional, then the girl attracts the eye. But if the process is carried out incorrectly, then colored hair looks sad.

Purple hair tone suits any woman. But individual data have a significant influence on his choice: age, type, length of hair and their natural shade. The ideal type for purple hair is a natural cool color type. If you are a representative of the warm type, then you should try options for highlighting, coloring, small strands, ombre, etc.

If you have dark blonde or black hair, then a rich deep shade of purple may suit you. In addition to the unusual color, you will also get a visual increase in hair volume.

But the owners of light blond hair or closer to the blonde should give preference to the lavender shade. This hair color will make your look delicate and mysterious, drawing attention to your person.

In order to get a purple tone on your strands, you can use several options: completely dye your hair, dye only the ends, and do highlights.

The first look is best for those with blonde hair. This is due to the fact that before applying the violet pigment, the natural dark color must be etched with special means. It should be noted that this procedure is very harmful to the hair. It destroys their structure, making them brittle and brittle.

The color of the tips is a smooth transition from a darker tone to a lighter one. To obtain this effect, it is used from three tones. In this case, you only need to lighten the ends, without touching the rest of the hair. Hairstyles on such strands look very interesting and unusual. Quite often, girls only paint their bangs or one side.

When highlighting, the lightened individual strands serve as the basis for the purple tone. This option works best for those with dark hair. He brings a touch of singularity and mystery to their image. Daring ladies add other shades to purple. This color looks good with green, yellow, red tones.

Pink hair

Pink hair color
Pink hair color

A girl with pink hair will always be in the spotlight, especially if she has the right clothes, style, makeup. A well-chosen shade can make your appearance delicate and elegant, or it can give it brightness and extravagance.

Choosing the right pink hair color depends entirely on your appearance. Gray eyes and light transparent skin require a bright, rich tone. Warm skin with a yellowish tinge will not blend well with pink hair. This color will give your appearance a vulgarity. Choose a muted shade for yourself.

When choosing a pink hair color for yourself, remember that this tone emphasizes all skin imperfections, makes teeth yellow and requires natural makeup.

Girls with pink hair with any hairstyle will look original. In this case, the length of the strands does not play any role at all.

Before dyeing, the hair is lightened. In this regard, it is easier for owners of blond hair. They do not need to expose their curls to additional stress.

If you're not ready to make drastic changes to your appearance, start at the tips. First, paint them in light, delicate shades of pink. If you have long strands, then this type of dyeing will look great in braids and tails.

A deep pink color is suitable only for a cold color type. On other representatives, he does not look. Therefore, do not conduct experiments that are doomed to failure.

If you want to customize your appearance, choose a haircut with asymmetrical bangs or one side. And paint the ends or individual strands in a smoky pink shade. This option will look more interesting and attractive.

For pink hair, you should choose clothes of beige, grayish, cream colors. But it is better to refuse red and black things.

Red hair

Red hair
Red hair

At the mention of this shade for hair, most often they represent a bright color that only a young girl can afford. However, this opinion is erroneous. Red can have many shades - from scarlet to deep burgundy. This variety allows you to create an elegant and unique look.

If you decide to give your hair a red color, correctly assess your color type. This will allow you to choose the appropriate shade:

  • A dark-skinned, dark-eyed girl will look great with burgundy hair;
  • Light skin and blue eyes will be emphasized by a light smoky shade of red;
  • A rich red tone is chosen for themselves by adolescents and representatives of creative professions.

Before painting, it's best to try on a wig or experiment on a computer to see which shade works best for you.

If you are not ready to completely change your natural color, then highlight individual strands or paint only the ends in red.

Adult women will look great with individual, bold curls. But young girls can choose red tips for themselves. This will give their hairstyles brightness and spontaneity.

Optionally, you can combine red curls with blue, yellow, orange or purple shades.

Colored ombre

Ombre for dark hair
Ombre for dark hair

Colored ombre will be very popular in 2016. This type of painting is a smooth vertical transition from one color to another. They can start both at the tips themselves and in the middle of the hair.

If we talk about who this painting style is suitable for, then first of all it is worth mentioning creative individuals, regardless of age. But on serious business women, he will not be overwhelmed.

If you are going to a party, vacation or holiday, then the color ombre will make you stand out from the crowd and make you a star. Especially if your wardrobe is matched accordingly.

This type of dyeing is easiest to carry out on light and light blond hair. But dark curls must first be lightened.

Colored ombre looks great on long hair, and large curls, and short stylish haircuts. It is better to entrust the choice of colors for this painting to a professional master, as well as the procedure itself. This advice is especially relevant when choosing bright unusual shades.

Pink or peach colors work well for light curls, while grays and reds accentuate the beauty of redheads. Dark-haired ones will be good with lilac, blue and purple tips. The number of tones chosen depends entirely on individual preference.

Blue hair

Blue hair girl
Blue hair girl

If you want to stand out from the crowd, then blue hair color is for you. Depending on your own desires, you can paint in soft blue, bright blue, indigo, turquoise.

Let's note the peculiarity of this tone: it is best suited for blonde girls. Dark blond and black require strong lightening until the yellow tint is completely removed from the curls. Otherwise, you can get green.

Painting in blue requires constant care and "refreshing" the shade with tonics and additional tinting.

If you decide to dye your hair in this tone, then do it exclusively in the salon with a professional master. Otherwise, you risk getting dirty blue with a green tint on your hair.

How to make colored hair

In order to make your hair colored, there are several ways: from tinting products for a couple of days to creative dyes for a long period.

Applying colored hair dye

Spray hair dye
Spray hair dye

Today, a large number of brands produce hair dyes with bright pigments. With their help, you can change the color of the curls from the very ends, or you can - in a certain area. It all depends on personal preference.

Colored hair dye can be ammonia-free and ammonia-based. The use of paint allows you to achieve a lasting result for a long time. In this case, the resulting color can be any - red, blue, yellow, green. To reduce the harmful effects, it is recommended to apply the dye to unwashed hair.

You can also resort to a more gentle coloring with a tonic. When coloring with a tinting agent, you can easily change your natural tone, without damaging the hair structure. This option is perfect for fair-haired ladies, but it is not recommended for ladies with dark hair.

If you want to see your curls in an unusual color, such as orange, then you will have to buy a couple of tonics and get the desired tone by mixing.

How to use colored hair crayons

Colored hair crayons
Colored hair crayons

If you are not ready for a radical change in the color of your hair, but you want to add an unusual touch to the image, then use colored crayons. They are easily washed off without damaging the structure of the curls. You can make red, blue, purple, blue strands. The choice of color palette depends on the natural tone of the hair. Light crayons will be easier to apply and look brighter than dark ones.

Chalk painting technology:

  1. We always put on gloves on our hands.
  2. We put on an old T-shirt or throw a towel over our shoulders. This measure is due to the fact that crayons fall off the hair during application.
  3. We twist the selected strand into a tourniquet and rub it from top to bottom with chalk. For the best effect, it is recommended to pre-wet dark hair with water. You should not do this with dry ones.
  4. The degree of application of crayons can be different - from the tips to the entire length.
  5. After dyeing, it is recommended to sprinkle hair with varnish or go over it with an iron.

If desired, you can use several shades of crayons.

How to use colored mascara

Colored mascara
Colored mascara

The purpose of mascara is to change the color of individual curls or strands from the very roots or partially. It is offered in tubes. It comes with a special brush. The mascara itself does not have a harmful effect on the hair and is easily washed off. Although it is considered safe even for children, it can produce an individual allergic reaction.

In 2016, mascaras that give hair bright light shades with an iridescent effect will be very popular. Mascara is applied to washed and styled hair. The strands should not be wet, otherwise you risk getting clumped together.

For the first time, it is better to carry out this procedure in the salon and carefully observe the actions of the master. This will help you learn how to properly apply mascara to your hair. Staining is carried out from top to bottom along the hairline.

If you want a rich color, then apply mascara several times.

How to make colored hair - watch the video:

There are many ways to customize your hair. It can be a drastic decision, or it can only be done for a party. The main thing is that the chosen color suits you and you feel confident.
