Carbohydrate-free diet - rules, menus, reviews

Carbohydrate-free diet - rules, menus, reviews
Carbohydrate-free diet - rules, menus, reviews

Basic rules of a carbohydrate-free diet, principle of action, permitted and prohibited foods. Examples of menus for the day, week, month. Reviews of real people about the effectiveness of the diet.

A carbohydrate-free diet is protein, protein again, a little fat and a very small proportion of carbohydrates. Losing weight on it is easy, but you have to play by the rules. By frivolously purging outlawed organic matter from your diet, you run the risk of providing yourself with a host of health problems from constipation to coma. How to make the right menu and organize safe weight loss will be discussed further.

Features and rules of a carbohydrate-free diet

Carbohydrate-free diet for weight loss
Carbohydrate-free diet for weight loss

By and large, the essence of any diet boils down to one thing: create an energy deficit and force the thrifty organism to go for it to the pantries located on the sides, abdomen, thighs and other places prone to fat accumulation. Usually a simple formula is used for this purpose: burn more calories than you eat. And this path, although correct, but hungry.

The developers of the carbohydrate-free diet did not want to starve and found a workaround. Instead of putting the body on a cut ration, they suggested removing only carbohydrates from the menu - the main source of energy, while leaving a sufficient portion of protein so as not to experience hunger cramps in the stomach. Finding that the supply of the usual fuel has ceased, the body tries to hold out for some time on the glycogen stored in the liver, and then rebuilds to a new diet and begins to break down fat cells. This process is called ketosis. It is he who underlies all protein weight loss systems.

Pros of a carbohydrate-free diet:

  1. Protein foods contribute to long-term satiety, so while losing weight you will not be haunted by the feeling of hunger.
  2. Muscles will not lose their shape, however, provided at least minimal physical exertion.
  3. The abundance of permitted foods will make the diet pleasantly varied.

Cons of a carbohydrate-free diet:

  1. A sharp rejection of carbohydrates, in particular glucose, can lead to a breakdown, decreased mental activity, drowsiness, depression, and a lack of fiber can lead to constipation.
  2. Long-term protein nutrition overloads the digestive system, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and in addition, promotes the growth of blood cholesterol.
  3. Lack of nutrients and vitamins will adversely affect both the general condition of the body and the appearance. Hair, nails, skin are at risk of being hit.

In some cases, ketosis can develop into ketoacidosis, and this is already a pathological condition that develops very quickly and leads to serious consequences, including coma. This is why protein diets should not be overused.

Basic rules of a carbohydrate-free diet for weight loss:

  1. Despite the prefix "without", it does not imply a complete exclusion of carbohydrates. For good health, you will still need to consume them in an amount of 20 to 120 g per day.
  2. Although the diet is considered satisfying, this does not mean that you can consume any amount of boiled meat or cottage cheese. Doctors recommend calculating your daily protein intake as follows: 0.8-1 g per kilogram of weight with a sedentary lifestyle and 1.2-1.7 g for sports fans.
  3. In order not to overload the stomach with heavy food, you need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day.
  4. Products need to be boiled, stewed and baked. Sometimes recipes for a carbohydrate-free diet allow for the use of a grill or quick frying in a pan, but you should not get carried away with them.
  5. Protein diet leads to dehydration, which will help to resist 1.5-2 liters of still drinking water per day.
  6. Do not neglect physical activity. Firstly, they will accelerate weight loss, and secondly, they will not allow the skin to sag and the muscles to sag.
  7. Most doctors advise adhering to a carbohydrate-free menu for a limited time - on average 1-2 weeks on a strict diet and no more than a month on a light version.
  8. It is better to leave the diet without haste, gradually increasing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

There are categories of people who can be on a protein diet for a long time: for example, dry athletes or patients with type II diabetes. However, this does not mean that you can follow their example. The condition of the athlete is monitored by an experienced coach, the diabetic is looked after by a doctor, and you have only common sense. Listen to his advice and do not break the established rules.

Allowed foods on a carb-free diet

Allowed foods on a carb-free diet
Allowed foods on a carb-free diet

The list of foods on a carbohydrate-free diet varies depending on the duration of the diet.

So, for the shortest "protein races" 5-7 days long, you can use:

  • Meat, including pork prohibited by other diets;
  • Bird;
  • Fish, including its fatty varieties;
  • Seafood;
  • By-products;
  • Milk;
  • Kefir;
  • Ryazhenka;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Yogurt;
  • Sour cream;
  • Cheese;
  • Eggs;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Vegetable oils.

When choosing dairy products, do not stretch out of habit to low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, they do not have much benefit. Let the packaging of the pack you choose have any numbers from 1, 5 to 5%.

Do not forget that the menu of a carbohydrate-free diet for weight loss, even in its strictest version, should contain a certain amount of carbohydrates, which are easiest to get from nuts (healthy fats), dried fruits (glucose) and bran (digestion).

If your choice is a two-week leanness spurt, increase your daily carbohydrate intake to 50-60 g, including in your diet:

  • Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • Green vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce);
  • Spices;
  • Fruits and berries - sour apples, citrus fruits, plums, cranberries, lingonberries;
  • Wholemeal rye bread;
  • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Vegetables can be eaten raw with lemon juice, stewed, steamed, baked with spices, or soups. But try to limit your salt intake and remember that seasonings increase your appetite.

The carbohydrate-free diet menu for 20-30 days should be even more gentle. It is necessary to expand the list of permitted vegetables, fruits and cereals, raise the rate of carbohydrates to 100-120 g per day and start taking vitamin complexes.

To understand exactly what and how much you can afford, refer to the table of carbohydrate-free diet products, which shows the average data on the carbohydrate content for every 100 g of "conditionally allowed" meals:

Products Carbohydrate content per 100 g Products Carbohydrate content per 100 g
Chinese cabbage 2 Lemon 3
Arugula 2, 1 Mandarin 7, 5
Cucumber 3 Currant 8
Asparagus 3, 1 Orange 8, 4
Radish 4, 1 Raspberries 9
Tomatoes 4, 2 Gooseberry 9, 9
White cabbage 5, 4 Apple 9, 8
Broccoli 5, 2 Apricot 10, 5
Eggplant 5, 5 Cherries 12
Dill 6, 3 Oat groats 59, 5
Bell pepper 7, 2 Buckwheat 57, 1
Parsley 8 Millet 68
Celery 9, 2 Bulgur 75
Onion 9, 5 Brown rice 77

Remember that every day on a carbohydrate-free diet, your body will get rid of fluids. To compensate for the losses, drink plenty of plain and mineral non-carbonated water, black and green tea, herbal decoctions. If you choose a gentle menu option, add to this list compotes and fruit drinks, slightly sweetened with a sweetener.

Prohibited foods on a carbohydrate-free diet

Flour products as prohibited foods on a carbohydrate-free diet
Flour products as prohibited foods on a carbohydrate-free diet

Despite the flexibility of the diet and a sufficient number of indulgences, there are dishes that should under no circumstances appear on your table.

What is prohibited on a carbohydrate-free diet:

  • Fast food of all kinds;
  • Flour products;
  • Sugar, candy, marmalade and other sweets;
  • Honey;
  • Sausages - they may well contain carbohydrates;
  • Vegetables and cereals with a high starch content (potatoes, corn, beets, carrots, white rice);
  • Sweet carbonated drinks and packaged juices;
  • Alcohol.

If you're on a diet for a month, you can occasionally indulge yourself with a side dish of durum pasta.

Carbohydrate diet menu

Let's not engage in empty theorizing. We bring to your attention 3 ready-made dietary options with limited carbohydrate intake.

1 day carbohydrate-free diet menu

Of course, one day on squirrels will not affect your weight or waist in any way. The carbohydrate-free diet menu for the day serves rather as a first acquaintance with a new diet. If you want to know how the body will feel when it has suddenly lost its usual energy, want to test willpower or simply don’t like long dietary "marathons", this option is for you.

An example of a carbohydrate-free diet menu for one day:

Eating Menu
Breakfast A glass of medium fat kefir and 1 dessert spoon of bran. You can eat the bran and wash it down, or you can pour it into kefir, let it swell and use it like porridge.
Snack Hard-boiled egg, tea, 2-3 pieces of dried apricots or prunes.
Dinner 200 g chicken breast baked with dry herbs and a slice of cheese. Several sprigs of parsley.
Snack 5 pieces of walnuts.
Dinner 3-5 tablespoons of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of sour cream.
1, 5-2 hours before bedtime A glass of low-fat kefir.

This menu with small variations can be repeated for 1-5 days, but no more. Don't forget to drink water!

Carbohydrate-free diet menu for the week

7 days of a carbohydrate-free diet will not go unnoticed for your figure, and the higher your weight, the more pleasant the results will be. However, remember that at this time the body will need some relief.

An approximate menu of a carbohydrate-free diet for a week looks like this:

Day of week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Cottage cheese pancakes with bran (200 g) Chicken broth with vegetables (200 ml) and pieces of boiled chicken (100 g) 150 g baked fish with fresh herbs
Tuesday Muesli without sugar and honey (50 g) with dried fruit pieces and milk (200 ml) Boiled chicken breast (200 g) with a bowl of fresh vegetable salad 100 g mozzarella with tomato and basil leaves
Wednesday 2 egg omelet with steamed vegetable pieces Vegetable soup (200 ml) with chicken meatballs Steamed chicken breast (200 g) with a bowl of fresh vegetable salad
Thursday Oatmeal with milk (150 g) Mashed mushroom puree soup (200 ml) with chicken breast pieces (100 g) Vegetable stew with meat (200 g) and a glass of kefir
Friday 3 protein omelet with large tomato Meat casserole with vegetables and cheese (300 g) Boiled fish (200 g), green apple
Saturday Smoothie made with 200 ml milk, whipped with a handful of pitted cherries 300 ml fish soup cooked with celery, onions and parsley root Seafood salad (200-250 g)
Sunday Hard-boiled egg, a slice of whole grain bread, hard cheese or curd cheese Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions (150 g) Boiled beef tongue (200 g) and a bowl of stewed vegetables

Every day between main meals you should have two snacks, one of which should be carbohydrate and the other protein.

Carbohydrate Snack Options:

  • Orange;
  • Apple;
  • 5-6 pieces of nuts;
  • A handful of seeds;
  • Diet bread.

Protein snack options:

  • A glass of yogurt without fillers;
  • A piece of hard cheese;
  • 100-150 g of cottage cheese;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • Hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg.

If you wish, having endured the first week, you can go back to the beginning and repeat everything one more time.

Carbohydrate-free diet menu for a month

Stretching protein food for more than 2 weeks is a responsible occupation. Only those who have already withstood 5 days, a week or half a month on a protein diet should take it up and have not felt unwell.

A carbohydrate-free diet for a month can be as follows:

Day of week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday A glass of kefir, 3-4 walnuts Chicken liver pancakes (200 g) with tomato and cucumber salad Steamed fish (200 g) on a pillow of stewed bell pepper, tomatoes and zucchini
Tuesday 150 g oatmeal in milk Beef steak with 100 g of boiled broccoli Chicken hearts salad (250 g)
Wednesday Unsweetened yogurt without fillers, a handful of seeds Vegetable soup (200 ml), a portion of boiled beef (100-150 g) Sauerkraut salad with pieces of boiled meat (250 g)
Thursday Buckwheat porridge with pieces of dried fruit (150 g) Boiled fish (200 g) with stewed vegetables garnish Baked pork (200 g) with bell pepper, cucumber and tomato salad
Friday 3 egg whites omelet with 1 yolk, ham and chopped onion Chicken soup with green beans (200 g), portion of chicken meat (100 g), salad Mushroom julienne (200 g)
Saturday Slice of wholemeal bread, goat cheese, ham and herbs 150 g brown rice with chicken (50 g) Boiled beef (150 g) with fresh or stewed vegetables of your choice
Sunday A glass of kefir with bran, 1 fruit Lamb soup (200 ml) and sliced meat (100 g) Pair of eggs stuffed with mushrooms and cheese
Monday Bran fritters (200 g), fried in a pan with a drop of oil Champignon salad with chicken breast and cheese (250 g) Oven-style chicken with tomatoes in Italian (200 g)
Tuesday Cottage cheese casserole with one whipped protein and sour berries (150-200 g) Fish soup (200 ml) with fish meatballs Meat casserole with vegetables and cheese (150-200 g)
Wednesday Oatmeal in milk (200 g) with grated apple Chicken roll with green beans (200 g) Boiled squid (200-250 g)
Thursday Omelet of 2 eggs with a piece of boiled fish (100 g), bread Buckwheat with boiled chicken (200 g) Red fish baked in foil with pepper and onion (200 g)
Friday A bowl of cucumber salad with fresh cabbage and 1-2 egg whites Chicken broth (200 ml), vegetable salad Baked spinach with eggs (200 g)
Saturday Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic (200 g) Lamb broth (200 ml), boiled meat (100 g), lettuce Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls with chicken (200 g). Do not add rice
Sunday 2 eggs stuffed with ground boiled chicken liver with pepper and dill Salad with chicken, green apples and walnuts (150 g) Shrimps with vegetable salad (200 g)

The rule of two snacks a day remains valid.

Results of a carbohydrate-free diet

Results of a carbohydrate-free diet
Results of a carbohydrate-free diet

As is always the case with weight loss programs, the results of a carbohydrate-free diet are individual. From someone, excess volumes flow away like water, but on someone they hold surprisingly tightly, so you have to return to protein nutrition more than once or twice.

But if we talk about the average results, they look something like this:

  • A week. 1-3 kg depending on the initial body weight. The larger it is, the more impressive the plumb line.
  • 14 days. 3-6 kg subject to moderate physical activity.
  • Month. On the net you can find stories about how someone managed to lose up to 10 kg during this time, but you should not rush to such a dubious result. Even if the weight is far over a hundred, rapid weight loss will not bring health benefits and will cause the skin to sag. This is the case when "you drive quieter - you will continue."

Real Reviews of the Carbohydrate Diet

Reviews of a carbohydrate-free diet
Reviews of a carbohydrate-free diet

Regardless of the controversial reviews about a carbohydrate-free diet are found online, most of them are positive. And as you know, one of the best types of motivation is to be inspired by the results of those who have already paved the cherished path to you. So read on, shake your head and gain determination to go towards your goal.

Vasilisa, 23 years old

The diet is perfect for those who want to quickly get rid of extra pounds precisely at the expense of fat and at the same time not feel wild hunger. For a long time, of course, you cannot sit on it, but 1-2 weeks, I think, will not harm the body. I myself lost 8 kg and still use it when necessary. I advise everyone.

Alena, 28 years old

The first days in the evenings I was terribly hungry. Yes, and the weight kept, but lightness appeared. Then it went better, the body got used to what was given. For a week - minus 5 kilos! At the moment I'm still in the process of losing weight, but I'm happy with the result.

Nastya, 32 years old

There is no doubt that a protein diet works, and not badly. But it is also true that it is capable of causing colossal harm to the body. Follow weight loss guidelines, use a carb-free diet chart, set a clear time frame for weight loss, and listen to your feelings. And ideally, first consult with your doctor, and you will get a thin waist without sacrifice.

Watch a video about a carbohydrate-free diet: