Peanut butter - composition, benefits, preparation

Peanut butter - composition, benefits, preparation
Peanut butter - composition, benefits, preparation

The composition of peanut butter, the benefits and harms to the body. How to cook a product yourself? Simple recipes and interesting facts.

Peanut butter is a valuable food product that is extracted from the fruits of peanuts (peanuts, Chinese pistachios, Chinese nuts). It was first obtained in 1890 as an alternative to meat, cheese and eggs in a vegetarian diet and has since become widely known for its high nutritional value, pleasant taste and rich aroma. Today the fragrant product finds its application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, medicine, as well as in the production of soap. The oil comes on sale in three versions: liquid unrefined with a bright nutty smell and a red-brown tint; light yellow refined with a delicate taste and light aroma, and sometimes even without it (not deodorized and deodorized) and, finally, having the appearance of a thick paste. The beneficial properties of peanut butter are highly appreciated by sports nutritionists, nutritionists and gourmets, but you need to get used to its specific taste.

Composition and calorie content of peanut butter

Liquid refined peanut butter
Liquid refined peanut butter

Pictured is liquid refined peanut butter

Despite the fact that the squeeze from peanuts is included in the list of dietary products, it has an impressive energy value.

The calorie content of peanut butter is 581-899 kcal for every 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 0 g;
  • Fat - 99.7 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.2 g;
  • Water - 0.1 g.

Depending on the intricacies of the technology and the additives used, the BJU indicators can fluctuate in one direction or another, but the level of fats in the oil always remains stably high, therefore, it is necessary to introduce this product into your diet wisely.

On a note! Oddly enough, liquid butter has a higher calorie content than pasta, unless the manufacturer has decided to add chocolate or other sweet ingredients to it.

Thick peanut butter
Thick peanut butter

Photo of thick peanut butter

As for the composition, peanut butter contains enough easily digestible and essential for health substances to be considered one of the healthy foods.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin E - 16.7 mg;
  • Vitamin B 4 - 1 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 0.7 mg.

Minerals per 100 g:

  • Phosphorus - 2 mg;
  • Iron - 0.03 mg;
  • Zinc - 0.01 mg.

Saturated Fatty Acids - 18.2 g:

  • Myristic - 0.2 g;
  • Palmitic - 10.6 g;
  • Stearic acid - 3, 2 g;
  • Arachidic - 1, 6 g;
  • Begenic - 2, 3 g.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • Oleic - 42, 9 g;
  • Gadoleic - 0.9 g;
  • Linoleic acid - 33.3 g;
  • Omega-6 - 29 g.

Note! When deciding to buy peanut butter, keep in mind that the maximum of useful substances is contained only in the unrefined product obtained by the cold method - that is, without the use of high temperatures and chemical cleaners. This is exactly what you should look for on store shelves.

Benefits of peanut butter

Peanut butter in a spoon
Peanut butter in a spoon

Of course, the benefits of peanut butter lie not only in their high nutritional value, but also in their medicinal properties. And although nut pomace does not amaze the imagination with its content of vitamins - it is much easier to get them from vegetables and fruits, the abundance of useful acids and some other compounds makes it a welcome guest on the table.

What are the benefits of peanut oil:

  1. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body. In particular, protein, carbohydrate, lipid and water-salt, which help to take control of B vitamins.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular, nervous and genitourinary systems. This is largely due to the omega-6 acid, which also evens out the hormonal background and strengthens the immune system. And in combination with other acids and vitamins, Omega-6 cleans the blood from cholesterol, serves to prevent anemia, and helps to control diabetes. However, people familiar with this ailment should consult an endocrinologist before actively consuming oil.
  3. Heals the liver and prevents the formation of gallstones. Vitamin choline (B4) is involved in the synthesis of phospholipids, which directly affect the state of the liver and the activity of the gallbladder.
  4. Increases the brain's ability to concentrate and function. This is facilitated by many components of the nut pomace, but above all the already familiar choline.
  5. Tidies up the digestive tract. The enveloping properties of peanut butter, its ability to enhance intestinal motility and extinguish inflammation, makes this product an excellent natural remedy for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Improves vision. Of course, achieving eagle's vigilance just by adding a spoonful of oil to everyday dishes will not work, but the fact that this simple action will lower the risk of developing glaucoma, cataracts and other diseases of the organs of vision is a scientific fact.
  7. Leaves skin firm and fresh, nails strong and hair strong and shiny. It is not for nothing that vitamin E bears the unofficial title of a rejuvenating apple: its presence in the composition automatically turns the product into an antioxidant. And in the company with vitamin B and fatty acids, it really transforms the appearance.
  8. Helps to lose weight and look younger. Recent studies by German scientists have shown that peanut butter contains a polyphenolic compound called resveratrol, which until then was believed to be present only, for the most part, in red wine and grapes. The discovered substance has powerful regenerative properties, normalizes estrogen levels, promotes weight loss, and activates collagen production.

The high calorie content of peanut butter does not prevent it from being a part of diets for weight loss and muscle gain. The fact is that the oil suppresses hunger for a long time, and gives the muscles endurance for enhanced workouts. The only thing is small: do not overeat and appear in the gym more often.

Note! Although information about the ability of peanut oil to inhibit the growth of tumors has repeatedly slipped in Internet articles, there is no official confirmation of this data yet. However, it can be a good preventive measure: it is estimated that taking this product three times a week reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by 39%.

Contraindications and harm of peanut butter

Bronchial asthma as a contraindication of peanut butter
Bronchial asthma as a contraindication of peanut butter

Like any other food product, peanut butter can cause considerable harm, but only if you approach its use rashly.

So, nutritionists advise people who are diagnosed with:

  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • various joint diseases;
  • increased blood clotting.

Oil can aggravate all these conditions. This does not mean that it is strictly forbidden to eat it, just first you need to consult a doctor, and only after receiving permission from him, you can gradually introduce a new product into your diet in small doses.

No less carefully, children should be taught to the healing reddish or golden squeeze from Chinese walnuts, and in this case, too, one cannot do without consulting a pediatrician. The fact is that oil is a rather strong allergen and can unpredictably affect the fragile body of the baby.

Note! If you want to use one of the recipes below and get your peanut butter at home, be sure to peel the nuts thoroughly. It is she, and not the nucleolus, that is often the culprit of cases of individual intolerance to the product, although this does not negate caution when tasting the oil for the first time. Start with minuscule doses and observe how your body reacts.

How to make peanut butter?

How to make peanut butter
How to make peanut butter

The photo shows how to make peanut butter

Why make homemade peanut butter at all? First, it's interesting. Secondly, it's simple: the ingredients for the future delicacy can be easily found in any store, you also need an oven, a frying pan (or baking sheet) and a powerful blender. And thirdly, this is the only way you will be 100% sure of the quality of the product you received. No preservatives, no unnecessary flavors, the composition of peanut butter coming out of your hands will be extremely concise and useful.

The homemade product has only one drawback: it has the consistency of a paste, so frying potatoes in oil or pouring them over a salad will not work. But with it you get delicious and hearty sandwiches for snacks. And not only!

How to make classic peanut butter:

  1. Take 200 g fresh (not salted or roasted) peeled peanuts.
  2. Rinse it under running water.
  3. Spread the nuts in a thin layer on a towel and let dry slightly. It is not necessary to wait for a long time, it is enough for the glass to water.
  4. Transfer the kernels to a heavy-bottomed skillet. Cast iron is ideal.
  5. Toast the peanuts over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spatula, until the kernels are golden brown and butter is coming out.
  6. Transfer the toasted peanuts to a blender and chop. On average, it takes about 10 minutes to grind, periodically stopping the device and stirring the mass with a spoon in order to grind the smallest pieces.
  7. If you can get some really fresh nuts, they will release enough oil to make a thick paste. Otherwise, you will have to add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to the blender.
  8. Pour a little less than 0.5 tsp into the blender bowl. salt to enhance the taste and 2 tsp. powdered sugar (you can replace 1 tbsp. l. honey or syrup), and then grind everything again.

Store the resulting paste in a glass jar with a lid on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Recipe:

  1. Spread 500 g of peeled peanuts evenly on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. After 3 minutes, remove the baking sheet and shake gently so that the nuts turn over, fried side up. Bake the peanuts for another 2-3 minutes, but make sure that they are not burnt - this will ruin the taste of the butter.
  2. Let the nuts cool slightly and grind them in a blender to a powder.
  3. Mix 3 tbsp. l. sugar with 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.
  4. In a heavy-bottomed skillet, melt 2 tbsp. l. butter.
  5. Combine melted butter with cocoa and sugar, pour into ground peanuts and blend until smooth. The mass should acquire a pleasant creamy consistency.

Such oil will have a high calorie content, but the taste will not be inferior to the famous Nutella. Sweets will definitely appreciate it.

Note! If you can't find peeled peanuts, fry them directly with the skins, and then cool and peel. This is a painstaking business, but the result is worth it. Experienced housewives advise to do this: sit down with a bowl of peanuts on the balcony, so as not to do general cleaning afterwards, and just blow dry pieces of peel off the nucleoli.

Peanut Butter Recipes

Nut porridge with peanut butter
Nut porridge with peanut butter

Peanut butter has dozens of uses in cooking. Subtle nutty notes and a peculiar but pleasant aftertaste make it a good addition to meat, vegetables, and baked goods.

How to make peanut butter one of the main helpers in your kitchen:

  • Sprinkle a little reddish fragrant liquid on a fresh salad, and guests will wonder what you have added so surprisingly familiar and delicious.
  • Combine oil with ginger, vinegar and hot water for a spicy sauce that turns the most boring vegetables into a royal meal.
  • Fry meat, fish, shrimp, pancakes, mushrooms or potatoes in refined oil, and the taste of familiar dishes will change surprisingly, adding points to your culinary talent.
  • Pour 1-2 tablespoons into the soup, making it sparkle with new flavors.
  • Add to baking dough, giving your pies and buns a mind-blowing nutty flavor, without the need for artificially synthesized additives.

A few simple recipes for inspiration:

  1. Hearty snack smoothie … Cut 1 ripe banana into slices. Whisk together with 100 ml milk and 1 tsp. peanut butter paste. Drink immediately.
  2. Homemade sweets … Melt 100 g milk chocolate in a water bath. Mix with equal amount of peanut butter and thicken with coconut flakes. Roll into balls, roll in finely chopped nuts (peanuts or walnuts, for example) and let sit in the refrigerator so that they do not lose their shape. Sweets are quite sweet, but true gourmets can add 1-2 tbsp. l. icing sugar.
  3. Nut porridge … Boil 300 ml of milk in a small saucepan. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey and peanut butter, season with a pinch of vanilla. Pour 50-60 g of oatmeal into the fragrant milk and cook until the thickness you need. It is recommended to add an apple or pear grated on a coarse grater, banana, berries or raisins diced in circles into an almost finished porridge.
  4. Vegetarian sauce … Combine 200 g of peanut butter (can be used as liquid or creamy consistency without sugar) with 50 ml of soy sauce, 4-5 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, 2 peeled garlic cloves and a 2 to 3 cm long slice of peeled ginger root. Put everything in a blender. Add 100 g of cilantro, after cutting off the tough stems, and chop until smooth. Top up with 50 ml of warm water, whisk again and serve with vegetable dishes. Get previously unknown facets of taste, a breathtaking bouquet of smells and a full set of vitamins in one plate.
  5. Egg pate … Hard boil 4 large chicken eggs, peel and cut into quarters. Peel 2 small onions, chop finely and fry until golden brown. Place eggs, chilled onions, 2 tablespoons each in a blender bowl. l. peanut and any other vegetable oil, garlic, pepper and salt to taste. Whisk until smooth. Serve over chips or lettuce.
  6. Chicken wings marinated … Wash 12 chicken wings, pat dry with a towel and place in a suitable container. Combine equal parts (3 tablespoons) peanut butter and soy sauce marinade. Add chili sauce to taste. Sprinkle with peeled and pressed garlic (1 wedge) and chopped rosemary sprigs. Marinate the wings for 1-3 hours, put in a baking dish, pour over the rest of the marinade and put in an oven preheated to 200 °. In three quarters of an hour, the wings will be ready.

Interesting facts about peanut butter

Peanut harvest
Peanut harvest

In fact, the "Chinese nut" is not a nut at all: it comes from the legume family. Yes, and the homeland of the plant is South America, not the Middle Kingdom. True, it got to Europe by long winding trade routes through Africa and Asia, so the confusion is understandable.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, American planters used peanuts to feed their slaves because of their satiety and cheapness. Today in the United States, a portion of the crop is used to feed livestock for the same reason.

Peanut butter softens the skin so well that it can be used instead of shaving foam if needed.

If your dog doesn't mind occasionally treating himself to a sweet delicacy, he is at risk. And not at all because there are special contraindications for peanut butter for animals. It's just that instead of sugar, the finished paste often contains xylitol, which is dangerous for tailed pets. Do you want to continue to pamper your pet with sweet things? Prepare the oil yourself.

American astronauts love peanut butter. To such an extent that they even developed special tortillas with butter, which can be eaten in zero gravity.

But some people go around peanut paste three miles away. These are arachibutyrophobic people - those who experience an irrational fear of a viscous product, fearing that it will stick to their throats.

On January 24, gourmets and gourmets of the planet celebrate World Peanut Butter Day.

Watch a video on the properties of peanut butter:

Any product can pose a potential threat to our waist, skin or health, it is not without reason that there is a whole science - nutrition, which determines what and in what quantities is worth eating. But this is not a reason to deny yourself small pleasures! Knowing exactly all about the benefits and dangers of peanut butter, you can easily enrich your diet with useful substances and get refined pleasure without risking anything. It is not for nothing that the famous oil is so widespread in North America and Europe - they already know a lot about goodies there.
