Tips for Beginner Aquarists: Botsia Chess

Tips for Beginner Aquarists: Botsia Chess
Tips for Beginner Aquarists: Botsia Chess

Tips for novice aquarists on the maintenance and feeding of the chessboard, as well as the characteristics and description of these fish. Among the variety of types of battles there is a fish, which the aquarist world learned about relatively recently. Today I want to present to your attention another type of fight, which is called a chess fight. So!

Chess battle or Botia kubotai is a freshwater fish of the loach family. Lives in freshwater lakes, reservoirs and rivers of Burma. For the first time they started talking about her in 2004, but since then the glory of the beauty of this fish has been ahead of her by leaps and bounds: today this type of fights can be found in pet stores throughout the CIS.

Fish - Chess battle (Botia kubotai)
Fish - Chess battle (Botia kubotai)

The body shape of a chess battle is similar to a small torpedo: it is elongated and rounded. The head is large, dull. The mouth is lower, around the mouth there are four pairs of very sensitive antennae, which serve as additional organs of touch. With the help of these antennae, the chess battle successfully finds food in the water column, and also senses the slightest fluctuations in the water, which allows the fish to quickly determine the approach of the enemy. The dorsal line is slightly curved, but does not resemble a hump. The dorsal fin is moderately high, not long, and resembles a triangle in shape. Colored in a light background, but against this light background there are several small dark spots. The two-lobed caudal fin is light-colored and has two dark spots on each lobe. All other fins are also covered with dark spots. The abdominal line is flat. The body is colored in two colors: light and dark. To be more precise, the color of this fish, indeed, is somewhat reminiscent of a chessboard. This similarity is created by the combination of white and dark spots. In a home aquarium, a chess fight grows up to 10 centimeters in length.

The chess fight has a very peaceful character. This is a schooling and a little shy fish: it really does not like loud, sharp sounds! The "chess players" should be kept only in flocks of 6-8 individuals: they cannot stand loneliness and quickly perish. They are very active and, which is important for aquarists, a daytime lifestyle.

Conditions of keeping chess battles

For a flock of 6-8 individuals, an aquarium of 80 liters or more is required. It is recommended to use clean coarse sand or very fine river pebbles as a soil. Shelters such as driftwood, empty pots, shells, grottoes, and so on are required. Of the plants, broad-leaved plants with a powerful root system are recommended. Plant plants only in the background of your aquarium: this way you will leave your battles (by the way, not only chess ones) a lot of space for free swimming. Make sure to have a few broad-leaved plants in the aquarium and a few flat stones at the bottom for the fish to use as a resting place. Lighting for the fish needs moderate and soft.

The water parameters should be observed as follows: temperature +25 ° С, +28 ° С, acidity 6, 5-7, 8 (Ph), hardness 5-15. A weekly change of aquarium water is required, in the amount of 1/3 of the volume of the aquarium. Aeration should be constant.

When changing the water, it is recommended to add a little table salt: salt neutralizes the possibility of small skin parasites in the aquarium, which can greatly damage your battles. Salt is taken in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 5 liters of water.

Feeding the boci is very easy as they are omnivores. Of live food, bloodworms, koretra, daphnia, cyclops, snails are preferred. As for plant foods, he loves not only aquarium algae and plants, but also does not refuse chopped lettuce and spinach leaves. It is advisable to use dry food that is granular and sinks quickly.


absolutely all battles do not control themselves in food and are prone to obesity. Arrange fasting days for them: at least once a week, do not feed them at all!
