Pickled mushrooms for the winter: TOP-7 best recipes

Pickled mushrooms for the winter: TOP-7 best recipes
Pickled mushrooms for the winter: TOP-7 best recipes

Features of the preparation of mushrooms, methods and nuances of cooking snacks. TOP 7 best step-by-step recipes for pickled honey agarics for the winter. Video recipes.

Pickled mushrooms
Pickled mushrooms

Pickled honey mushrooms are a spicy appetizer, relevant both on a festive and on an everyday table. Mushrooms are also used in the preparation of mouth-watering and hearty salads. You can pickle mushrooms in a quick way to immediately put them on the table, but they can also be canned for the winter, when they can significantly diversify and enrich the diet.

Preparing honey agarics for pickling

Preparing honey agarics for pickling
Preparing honey agarics for pickling

Forest mushrooms are appreciated by housewives for their special ability to absorb various marinades and spices. Thanks to this, mushrooms can "sound" completely differently, depending on the recipe used. You can prepare pickled mushrooms for the winter, skillfully combining various ingredients of the brine to reveal different flavors and give the desired aroma.

You need to go for honey mushrooms to damp places. The ideal place for their growth is a rotten tree stump or windbreak-fallen trees. That is, it is best to climb into old forests to gather honey agarics.

The great advantage of mushrooms is that they grow in heaps. It is enough to find a corner that mushrooms have chosen to collect a whole basket in just 10-15 minutes.

A very long period is considered to be harvestable - from August to the end of October (depending on the air temperature). Sometimes the season extends to mid-November. Most often, families bear fruit in waves. For example, the first crop can be harvested in August, the second in September, and the final crop towards the end of autumn.

To prepare delicious pickled mushrooms, it is important not to make a mistake when picking mushrooms. The fact is that there are several types of them in nature, including false ones. Moreover, they also settle in damp, heap in the same way. The key difference between a real mushroom is the so-called "skirt" on the leg, which is a thin filmy ring. The false mushroom does not have this "decoration".

Several types of mushrooms belong to real mushrooms:

  • Autumn … The fruit body is yellowish in color, reminiscent of honey. Possible ebb in bright orange or light brown. As a rule, the color depends on the wood on which the family has settled.
  • Northern … Differs in color. More often it gives off to light brown than to yellow.
  • Fatleg … Its name speaks of a key feature: it has a thicker leg at the base. Also, in color, such mushrooms are slightly paler, but in general they look strong. Another difference is that families usually number up to 10 mushrooms, while ordinary autumn mushrooms grow in much more impressive colonies. These mushrooms are sometimes found even in July, if the year is generally warm.
  • Onion-footed … It differs in color, and if the mushroom grows on a tree, then it has a pronounced tuberous swelling at the base of the leg. The shade is very bright - from brown to yellow. In this case, the cap is noticeably darker than the leg. It tastes a little worse than autumn mushroom. Especially in the part of the leg below: it is often woody and tasteless, so it is better to cut it off.

To prepare pickled honey mushrooms according to the simplest recipe, young strong mushrooms are used, which grow with caps up to 3-5 cm in diameter and with legs up to 10 cm long. As it ages, the pulp coarsens, so it is no longer of interest to cooks. In addition to the specific woodiness, it also loses its taste.

When assembling, it is better to cut off the mushroom not at the very base, but leaving a small part of the leg. It is better to put honey agarics in a basket: in a bucket, they instantly sweat, lose their shape. Also, right in the forest, it is worth clearing the crop from twigs, leaves, so as not to waste time on this later.

Primary treatment is simple: it mainly consists in cleaning the litter. Some housewives remove the film skirt, and many leave it altogether. It does not affect the taste of the mushrooms in any way, and you have to tinker with it for a long time.

Features of cooking pickled honey mushrooms

Cooking pickled honey mushrooms
Cooking pickled honey mushrooms

Before pickling honey mushrooms, it is recommended to soak them for a short time - literally for half an hour. This is necessary to remove insects and their larvae. But you should not leave the mushrooms in the water for a long time. They will absorb it, having lost their taste, and therefore will be more watery, not with such a rich aroma and taste as they would like. Alternatively, the mushrooms are soaked in water, adding citric acid to it. Many housewives share that this helps to preserve their color.

The preparation of pickled mushrooms begins with cutting off the legs: the older the mushroom, the shorter it should remain, right down to the cap. It is not necessary to throw out the trimmings: you can put them on the caviar. Sometimes the caps of large mushrooms are canned separately, but cutting them into pieces beforehand.

Some housewives will certainly sort the mushrooms so that each jar contains specimens of approximately the same size. It takes more time and effort, but mushrooms pickled at home will look especially impressive and appetizing. No need to put too large mushrooms, withered, damaged in the jar! In extreme cases, they are left for frying or for soup.

You can roughly estimate how many containers for twists will be needed, based on the fact that a kilogram of mushrooms is placed in 3 three-liter jars. But when cooking, they are boiled down to a volume of only 1 liter jar.

If in the summer it was not possible to make seaming, but it turned out to be frozen, then you can relatively quickly prepare a treat for the holiday. It is quite easy to cook pickled mushrooms without sterilization from frozen ones, and they do not even need to be thawed beforehand.

Although a lot of recipes are used, they can be divided into two types according to the cooking method:

  1. Cold - with preliminary boiling in clean water and subsequent immersion in the marinade;
  2. Hot - boiling honey agarics immediately in brine.

Ideally, boil the mushrooms for about 10 minutes, and then change the water before marinating the mushrooms for the winter in jars. This is done in order to get rid of toxins. The second mushroom water can be used to make the marinade. It can also be drained to make bouillon cubes: freeze in ice cube trays. In any case, during cooking, it is necessary to constantly remove the foam, since all the most harmful and dangerous substances come out with it.

Many housewives know very well that it is better not to close mushrooms in jars with metal lids in order to avoid creating a favorable environment for the bacteria Clostridium botulinum - better known as the culprits of botulinum toxin poisoning. It is not surprising that mushrooms pickled without vinegar in barrels were popular among the people and are still loved. However, you should not be completely afraid of metal covers.

If you are interested in trying the recipe without adding vinegar or lemon juice, then it is really better to seal the container with plastic lids. They "breathe", and Clostridium botulinum bacteria need an airless environment. But when the classic recipe for pickled mushrooms with vinegar or its analogue with another acidifier is used, then you can safely take metal lids. The fact is that the aforementioned bacteria do not like an acidic environment. Of course, it is very important to perfectly wash and scrub the mushrooms, as well as sterilize the jars. Then you can completely reduce the risks of poisoning to "no".

TOP-7 recipes for pickled honey mushrooms

First, you have to decide whether to make pickled mushrooms in a hot or cold way, and depending on this, a recipe is chosen. Pre-boil cooking is considered a safer and safer method. But the hot way is faster. Mushrooms are boiled in a marinade, so that they are instantly saturated with aromas and an interesting taste thanks to the addition of spices and spices. Therefore, if you need to quickly make a snack for the upcoming holidays, this option will save you. In any case, there are a lot of great recipes. You just need to find your ideal one.

The classic recipe for pickled mushrooms with garlic

Pickled mushrooms with garlic according to the classic recipe
Pickled mushrooms with garlic according to the classic recipe

Pickled honey mushrooms for the winter in jars will turn out to be tender and tasty, but at the same time with a slight piquancy. Since the classic recipe involves preliminary boiling, this will protect against poisoning if a false honey accidentally ends up in the basket.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 18 kcal.
  • Servings - 5
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes + 48 hours


  • Honey mushrooms - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Vinegar - 4 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cloves - 4-5 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation of pickled mushrooms with garlic according to the classic recipe:

  1. First, preliminary preparation for pickling is performed.
  2. Mushrooms are sent to a saucepan, filled with cold water, boiled for 20-25 minutes.
  3. While the mushrooms are boiling, you can make a marinade: in a separate saucepan, combine water (1 liter) with all the ingredients, except vinegar. After boiling, it is kept for 10 minutes, at the end adding vinegar. After another 5 minutes, the marinade is turned off and left to cool.
  4. At the end of cooking, the mushrooms are thrown into a colander. When the liquid drains, you can put them in jars (sterilized) and add the marinade.
  5. Having twisted, they are put in the cold for a couple of days.
  6. Next, the snack can be served or sent to storage in a dry, dark place.

The marinade for this recipe for pickled mushrooms with vinegar for the winter is made from pure water - then it will retain its ideal transparency.

A quick recipe for pickled honey mushrooms with lemon juice

Pickled honey mushrooms with lemon juice
Pickled honey mushrooms with lemon juice

If you don't have much time to harvest mushrooms, you should try this method. It involves the use of cans with screw caps, which in itself makes the task simpler and easier. This recipe for pickled honey mushrooms with vinegar also does not require a long fuss with the marinade. So the process proceeds very quickly, and such twists remain in the winter.


  • Honey mushrooms - 1 kg
  • Salt - 30 g per 1 liter of water
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp

Step-by-step preparation of pickled mushrooms with lemon juice according to a quick recipe:

  1. Mushrooms are processed by peeling in a standard way.
  2. Honey mushrooms are sent to a pan to boil - in water with salt.
  3. At the end of cooking, add lemon juice to the marinade.
  4. Place the pot with mushrooms in a container of cold water.
  5. Having cooled, honey mushrooms are laid out in banks.
  6. Filling with marinade, the seams are sterilized for 15 minutes.
  7. After tightening the lids tightly, turn the cans over and check for bubbles.
  8. Next, the twists are wrapped and left until they cool down.

According to this recipe, pickled mushrooms turn out to be beautiful, light-colored, as if they had just been cut. Their taste is pleasant - sweet and sour. If you want to try how the result of your work came out, it is better to do it at least after a couple of days, when the mushrooms gain taste from the marinade. Jars are stored successfully up to six months.

Pickled honey mushrooms with carrots in Korean

Pickled honey mushrooms with carrots in Korean
Pickled honey mushrooms with carrots in Korean

If you want to surprise your family or guests on holidays with something unusual, you can and should try such a delicious recipe for pickled honey mushrooms. A big plus - the appetizer is prepared quickly, and if desired, it can be made for future use, for the winter. For this method, large mushrooms are ideal, which can be cut narrowly so that they look beautiful in a plate along with carrots.


  • Mushrooms - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. medium size
  • Red bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 100 g
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • Pepper, salt and sugar to taste

Step-by-step cooking of pickled honey mushrooms with carrots in Korean:

  1. Mushrooms are pre-cooked: cleaned, washed.
  2. Next, mushrooms are sent to boil: 20 minutes is enough, after which they are thrown into a colander so that the water is well glass.
  3. Meanwhile, vegetables are being prepared. Peel carrots and peppers, cut into long strips. Carrots can be grated on a special grater.
  4. The vegetable mass is quickly fried in oil in a well-heated frying pan. The goal is to make them delicious, golden. At the same time, it is important that they do not languish, do not become soft, but retain their elasticity.
  5. Separately, a marinade is prepared in a saucepan: water is boiled with salt, pepper and sugar, at the end pouring in vinegar and vegetable oil. How much spice you need depends on individual preference. You can make a spicy snack - then add more pepper, someone loves sweetish mushrooms in Korean - in this case, sugar is not spared. It is enough to boil the marinade for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Mushrooms and vegetables are distributed in jars and poured with brine (when it cools down).
  7. The twists are sent to the refrigerator, and after a day they can be eaten or put in a place where they will be stored until winter.

If the house loves Korean carrots and has their own proven recipes, then you can borrow some additional spices from them. But since it is these mushrooms that willingly take someone else's taste and aroma, it is important not to overdo it so that their taste characteristics remain.

Pickled mushrooms with vinegar without sterilization

Pickled mushrooms with vinegar without sterilization
Pickled mushrooms with vinegar without sterilization

Many housewives deprive the whole family of such pleasure as crispy pickled mushrooms, because they do not like or are afraid to tinker with jars that must be sterilized first. However, there is a proven recipe for making pickled mushrooms without sterilization. This is the case when the jars are closed only with plastic lids, and stored exclusively in the refrigerator.


  • Honey mushrooms - 3 kg
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 ml
  • Salt - 2, 5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Carnation - 4 inflorescences
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation of pickled mushrooms with vinegar without sterilization:

  1. First, the mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes after boiling. To maintain elasticity, it is important to throw them into already boiled water.
  2. Then add salt, sugar and spices. Everything together is still cooked for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. At the end, vinegar is introduced. As soon as the liquid boils again, the pan is immediately removed from the heat.
  4. When the mushrooms in the marinade have cooled, they are laid out in clean jars.
  5. To eliminate the risk of developing pathogenic microflora, it is recommended to pour 2 tablespoons of hot vegetable oil from above.
  6. Now the cans are sealed and sent to the refrigerator.

After a couple of days, the workpiece can be tried. It is better to eat the mushrooms right away or store them for a short time - no more than 5 months.

Pickled honey mushrooms with horseradish according to an old Russian recipe

Pickled honey mushrooms with horseradish according to an old Russian recipe
Pickled honey mushrooms with horseradish according to an old Russian recipe

This is an old proven recipe for pickled honey mushrooms without vinegar. It is worth trying it to get acquainted with how interestingly the taste of mushrooms is revealed, if you know a skillful combination of simple and available to all seasonings, spices and spices.


  • Honey mushrooms - 5 kg
  • Salt - 200 g
  • Garlic - 3-4 heads
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Dill - several umbrellas
  • Horseradish - 1 root, grated
  • Cherry and currant leaves - several pieces
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation of pickled mushrooms according to an old Russian recipe:

  1. At the first stage, the mushrooms are prepared for pickling in the usual way - they are cleaned and washed. But then they are poured with water and left in this form for 2-3 days. Every day, a couple of times the water is changed to clean. This helps to remove absolutely all insects and remove toxins to the maximum.
  2. Soaked mushrooms are placed in containers, layering with the rest of the ingredients. For this, the peeled garlic is cut into plates.
  3. Having filled the container to the top, shifting layers of mushrooms, chopped garlic, grated horseradish, spices and spices, cover with a clean cloth on top.
  4. Having put the load, you will have to wait until the mushrooms pick up the marinade and salted. This will take about 2 months. It is important for the container with the workpiece to find a dry, dark and cool place. And all this time the oppression is not removed.

Honey mushrooms pickled according to this cooking recipe turn out to be interesting in taste. They can be served with onions and vegetable oil for the perfect snack.

Pickled honey mushrooms with dill and currant leaves

Pickled honey mushrooms with dill and currant leaves
Pickled honey mushrooms with dill and currant leaves

Due to the fact that these mushrooms so well absorb odors and flavors, there are many ways among people how to pickle honey mushrooms for the winter. In terms of the set of spices, this recipe is somewhat similar to the old Russian one. But it is simpler, the preparation is made faster. And since the process involves the addition of vinegar and the use of sterilized containers, it is calmer to eat such a snack later: if you follow all the rules of preparation, these pickled mushrooms with vinegar will be guaranteed to be safe.


  • Honey mushrooms - 1, 4 kg
  • Water - 1, 2 l
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 1, 5 tablespoons
  • Allspice peas - 5-7 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • Carnation - 3-4 inflorescences
  • Dill - several umbrellas
  • Currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml

Step-by-step preparation of pickled mushrooms with dill and currants:

  1. First, the mushrooms are boiled in clean water for 5 minutes, and then, pouring out the broth, pour clean water.
  2. When the pan boils, add salt and sugar, bay leaves and pepper, and cloves.
  3. Let the marinade with mushrooms boil for 25-30 minutes, but the lavrushka is removed from it literally after a quarter of an hour.
  4. Readiness is determined by the mushrooms: they should sink to the bottom when they are well boiled.
  5. Now it remains to pour the vinegar, as soon as the marinade boils, turn off the heat.
  6. Mushrooms are laid out in banks.
  7. The marinade is boiled again, dill and currant leaves are added to it. Let the brine simmer for up to 5 minutes.
  8. Now you can pour and twist the cans.

According to this recipe, mushrooms pickled for the winter will be ready for use after a month. You can store them for about six months.

Pickled honey mushrooms with cinnamon

Pickled honey mushrooms with cinnamon
Pickled honey mushrooms with cinnamon

If you have tried the most common methods, it is probably interesting to know how else mushrooms are pickled in a jar. Remembering that it is these mushrooms that give interesting results in the case of experiments with spices, you can try the method that involves the addition of cinnamon. It should be noted right away that he is not for everybody. After all, not everyone likes this spice.


  • Honey mushrooms - 3 kg
  • Water - 1 l
  • Salt - 4 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Allspice peas - 6-7 pcs.
  • Carnation - 4-5 inflorescences
  • Ground cinnamon - 1/2 tsp
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Vinegar essence 70% - 3 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tablespoons

Step by step preparation of pickled mushrooms with cinnamon:

  1. Mushrooms are boiled, and then the water is drained and cleaned.
  2. When the mushrooms are cooked (about 20 minutes), they are thrown into a colander, and then laid out in banks.
  3. In a separate saucepan, marinade is made: 1 liter of water with salt and spices is boiled. At the end, vinegar is introduced, and when the brine boils for another couple of minutes, the fire is turned off.
  4. You can pour the marinade into jars. Vegetable oil is added to each on top.

According to this recipe, mushrooms marinated in a jar will be ready in 7-10 days. They will be liked as an independent dish, even without the addition of onions and vegetable oil.

Video recipes for pickled mushrooms

Having learned how to cook pickled mushrooms step by step, you can make a lot of delicious dishes with these mushrooms. Depending on the method of pickling, then the preparation is used for salads, soups, as an independent snack, caviar.
