Read how you can lose weight with ground red hot pepper. There are contraindications and a strict diet regimen. Read in detail at … For those who want to lose weight extremely and with a twist, we suggest you familiarize yourself with a spicy diet. Yes, you understood me correctly, you need to include red hot pepper in your diet every day, you can ground it. Many who hear about this option for losing weight for the first time are surprised. But the inclusion of red pepper in the diet with certain foods will give an effective result. I won't write about the fact that you can't eat starchy foods and sweets.
But there are contraindications for an acute diet! This method of losing weight should be abandoned for people who have inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and liver disease. These categories of people should not eat spicy at all, so that such a diet will not work, it is better to try the Agapkin diet, it is also very effective.
This method of burning excess fat came to us from distant Asia, more precisely from Taiwan. It was in this country that doctors discovered the secret of capsicum and discovered in it a substance (alkaloid) called capsaicin (8-methyl-6-nonenoic acid vanillilamide). If you strictly follow the acute diet regimen, you can achieve impressive results. Thanks to this element, an accelerated metabolism occurs in the human intestine, which subsequently "turns on" the natural process of burning fat cells, which provoke unwanted obesity.
Spicy diet menu

To feel the result of this diet, you need to adhere to a certain diet every day, or rather, include the following foods:
- ground red pepper - 1-2 teaspoons per day (can be partially replaced with fresh);
- from meat it will be limited only to chicken breast (boiled) - up to 250 grams;
- bread can only be eaten with rye and no more than 50 grams per day;
- chicken egg (boiled) - no more than one in two days;
- low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk (read: "how to cook fermented baked milk at home") or milk - 1-2 glasses a day;
- vegetables can be eaten in any quantity;
- fruits and berries - up to 0.5 kg.
- honey - 10-15 grams per day (find out about the weight of honey in a teaspoon);
- weak tea and mineral water can be drunk in any volume.
If you replace black tea with green tea, the result will be much better. It is also better to drink it without sugar. After drinking tea without sugar for a long time, you will no longer be able to put it there, the tea will seem disgusting to you, this is a fact. Coffee should be discarded, as it, on the contrary, affects the appearance of excess weight and provokes obesity by increasing blood sugar after eating fatty foods.
Red pepper does not need to be eaten with a teaspoon. It should be added to salads, or to a low-fat (light) first course. By the way, in Thailand and Taiwan, locals put a teaspoon in the first one and calmly eat it. Maybe that's why they don't suffer from obesity so much …
An acute diet should not be adhered to for long - 7 days will be enough, and you can repeat it in 2-3 weeks. It is not worth getting too carried away, as I wrote above - this can provoke a number of diseases.
Contraindications for an acute diet
Before embarking on such an aggressive method of losing weight, consult with a specialist and find out if you can follow such a diet. After all, an acute diet can provoke diseases such as pancreatitis, diabetes, gastritis or stomach ulcers.
Be healthy and beautiful!