Features of the body's work while observing nutrition on drying the body. Menu for a month, a week, daily diet options. Precautionary measures.
Drying the body is a nutritional program for reducing subcutaneous fat, which consists in gradually reducing the portion of carbohydrates in the menu while maintaining and increasing the protein content. At the same time, food during drying does not cease to be varied and healthy.
Features of the diet for drying the body

Body drying is traditionally used by athletes to give the figure the desired contours, but the program is also suitable for normal weight loss. The diet contains a minimum amount of carbohydrates and foods with glucose, while protein meals make up the majority of the diet.
As a result, up to 2 kg of subcutaneous fat is lost in the first week. When there is a lack of glucose, the body looks for other sources of energy. At the first stage, glycogen is broken down, then fats. To start the process of fat burning, a smooth transition to a carbohydrate-free diet is important.
If carbohydrates are abruptly eliminated from the menu, the body does not break down ketone bodies, while the blood is oxidized. Ketoacidosis develops, the symptoms of which are vomiting, tachycardia, dehydration, confusion. At the initial stage, the disease is eliminated by introducing carbohydrates into the diet. But with further development, intoxication occurs, a coma sets in.
Important! The body drying menu should be carefully thought out. Follow it strictly to avoid negative symptoms.
Body Drying Nutrition Program

A properly composed menu on drying should consist of 2/3 of proteins and 1/3 of carbohydrates, and their amount is constantly decreasing. Fats are represented by polyunsaturated fatty acids in the amount of 10% of the total diet.
The total calorie content of the diet per day does not exceed 2300 kcal, the minimum does not fall below 1500 kcal per day.
To speed up your metabolism, eat 4 to 7 small meals a day. The drinking regimen is 1.5-2 liters per day. Once a day, it is allowed to dilute the water with lemon juice. It is recommended to drink a cup of kefir at night three times a week.
The amount of protein per 1 kg of weight in the drying menu is 2.5 g. Two-thirds of this volume is accounted for by animal proteins (meat, eggs, fish) and one-third by vegetable proteins (nuts, legumes, mushrooms). Protein foods are present in every meal or at least 4 times a day.
The amount of carbohydrate foods is adjusted depending on the athlete's well-being. Only vegetables, fruits or grains are allowed. Sweet is represented by honey, dried fruits, natural marshmallows or marshmallows. When drying the body, these foods are eaten in the morning.
The volume of seafood and vegetable fats does not exceed 0.5-1 g per kg of body weight.
To enrich the diet, food supplements are included in the menu when drying to fill the lack of vitamins and amino acids.
Permitted and prohibited foods for drying the body

In the photo, food products for drying the body
The body drying menu includes natural and low-calorie foods. With frequent consumption of food, nutrients are absorbed faster, metabolism is accelerated.
The first week is considered preparatory. At this time, pasta in moderation, cereals, and whole grain bread are allowed. Fast carbohydrates are excluded: sweets, cakes, pastries, chocolate. The total amount of carbohydrates for 1 intake does not exceed 3 g per 1 kg of body weight.
The next period lasts 2 weeks. Any flour products are removed from the diet, only oatmeal, buckwheat and pearl barley remain from cereals. During this period, the amount of carbohydrates decreases to 2 g per 1 kg of body weight. Slow carbohydrates (cereals) are consumed in the morning.
3 weeks after the start of the diet, the volume of carbohydrates is reduced to 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. The diet contains some vegetables, fish, eggs, lean meat, cottage cheese, low-fat dairy products.
Consider what you can eat on the dryer:
- eggs;
- a fish;
- dairy products;
- legumes;
- lean meat;
- radish, zucchini, cabbage;
- lemons, apples;
- mushrooms;
- vegetable oil.
From drinks allowed water, herbal decoctions.
Body Drying Menu
The total duration of the diet is up to 1, 5-3 months. In a week, they lose about 0.5-0.7 kg in weight, taking into account muscle growth.
Body drying menu for a month

Taking into account the described recommendations, you can build a menu for drying the body for a month. The good thing about the diet is that it allows you to choose your diet and exercise regimen without compromising your health and losing muscle mass.
Important! Plan your diet for a period when holiday feasts are not provided. The menu excludes the use of fatty and high-calorie foods, alcohol.
Approximate menu for drying the body for a month:
- Week 1 … The amount of carbohydrates is planned at the rate of 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight. Calculate each meal based on the glycemic index and calorie tables. The menu should include meat, fish, dairy products, cereals, eggs. The requirements for the first week are loyal: it is considered preparatory.
- 2 week … The amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. The proportion of protein is 80%. Salt and sugary fruits are kept to a minimum.
- 3 week … The amount of carbohydrates is reduced by 0.5 g. Quail eggs are added to the menu.
- 4 week … A gradual exit from the diet begins. During this period, the diet is partially repeated for 2 weeks.
- 5 week … The menu is the same for 1 week.
After the end of the diet, you can leave carbohydrates in the diet in an amount of 0.5 g or gradually exit from drying, while maintaining proper nutrition.
Body drying menu for a week
To navigate and compose your own diet, check out the example of a menu for drying the body by day for a week:
Day of week | Breakfast | Dinner | Dinner |
Monday | Oatmeal in water, 2 egg whites, sugar-free tea | Boiled chicken, vegetable salad, buckwheat | Baked fish, vegetables (tomatoes, herbs) |
Tuesday | Protein omelet, cucumber, tea | Cauliflower cream soup, vegetables, boiled chicken | Cottage cheese, a glass of kefir |
Wednesday | Oatmeal on water, boiled egg, tea | Fish soup without potatoes and carrots, boiled fish, vegetables | Cottage cheese |
Thursday | Cottage cheese with dried fruits, egg, tea | Mushroom soup without potatoes and carrots, vegetables, boiled chicken | Stewed fish, vegetables |
Friday | Tea, protein omelet, tomatoes | Boiled chicken, buckwheat, protein omelet | Cottage cheese |
Saturday | Oatmeal with raisins, tea | Boiled chicken, green beans | Protein omelet, cottage cheese |
Sunday | Buckwheat, egg, tea | Stewed cabbage, boiled chicken | Cottage cheese with apples |
Second breakfast and afternoon snack on drying the body involve the use of a protein shake made from kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt. Ready meals can be purchased at specialized sports stores.
Body drying menu for 1 day
The drying menu shown is indicative only. In it, you can change dishes, add or exclude products at your discretion, focusing on the calorie tables.
Menu options for drying the body for 1 day:
Eating | First option | Second option |
Breakfast | Oatmeal on water with banana, tea | 5 protein omelet, orange, tea |
Lunch | Cinnamon Vanilla Protein Drink | 100 g of cottage cheese |
Dinner | Cream soup with vegetables without potatoes and carrots, 200 g of boiled beef | Buckwheat, 250 g boiled chicken |
Afternoon snack | Grapefruit, chicken fillet | Protein drink |
Dinner | 200 g baked fish, vegetables | Braised chicken, a glass of kefir |
What is body drying - watch the video:

Reviews on body drying indicate that the results are noticeable as early as 2 weeks of the diet. The volume of subcutaneous fat is noticeably reduced, and muscle relief appears. However, you should not abruptly start drying and quickly get out of it: this is dangerous with a worsening of the condition. With the right approach, it will take up to 5 kg of body weight in a month.