Can I run every day?

Can I run every day?
Can I run every day?

Find out what are the advantages of people who are always running and how to start running correctly so as not to harm your body. If you ask any person about the benefits of running, he will immediately come up with several arguments. It may seem to many that the topic of "the benefits and harms of daily running" is already worn out, because we know from childhood that this sport has many positive effects on the body. However, everything in our life has not only positive, but also negative sides. Today we will talk in detail about the benefits and dangers of daily running. Scientists have long argued that running can be hazardous to health.

The benefits of daily running

Boy and Girl Jogging Together
Boy and Girl Jogging Together

Let's start talking about the benefits and dangers of daily running with the positive qualities of this sport.

Helps to Lose Weight

Now more and more people start every day with a morning run to get rid of body fat. The fact that we are starting to think about our health and beauty cannot but rejoice. Many people believe that running is the best way to lose weight. Actually, it's hard to argue with that.

During training, a large number of muscles are actively working, which leads to an increase in energy expenditure. If you do not go into details, then no doubts arise. However, it should be remembered that in one run of 60 minutes of jogging, the body gets rid of only 360 calories.

This suggests that jogging alone is clearly not enough to lose weight. To achieve your goal, you also need to do the following:

  • observe the correct diet;
  • take into account your metabolic rate;
  • train regularly;
  • give up unhealthy high-calorie foods.

If you decide to lose weight, then you should not consider jogging as a panacea. You have to make a lot of effort to achieve the task. The fat loss benefits of running are undeniable, but not limitless either.

Blood circulation is normalized

Most running aficionados believe that their workouts strengthen the circulatory system. Let's not argue, because this is a scientifically proven fact. Through running, blood flow accelerates and the body is saturated with oxygen and various nutrients. Scientists have proven that with normal functioning of the hematopoietic system, people are less susceptible to all kinds of viruses and pathogens.

However, this issue has its own nuances, primarily related to morning workouts. The fact is that immediately after awakening, the blood has a rather thick consistency. It takes about 120 minutes for this indicator to return to normal. If you do not wait, but immediately go for a run, then an unprepared person may have blockage of blood vessels, fatigue of the heart, and cholesterol plaques may also break.

However, these risks will be minimized in the following situations:

  • run not in the morning, but in the evening;
  • warm up well before each run;
  • start moving at a low pace and do not accelerate from the start;
  • do not bring the matter to muscle overstrain;
  • control your breathing and heart rate.

The condition of the whole organism improves

Surely you know the saying - movement is life. It started the process of spreading the opinion about the ability of running to improve the general condition of the body. As one of the proofs, facts from the life of the ancient Greeks were cited. It is among this people that the beauty of the body has become a cult concept. According to the sources discovered by archaeologists, in ancient Greece, the population had excellent health.

However, in our life, almost everything can not only be beneficial, but also be harmful. Each person is able to withstand only certain physical activity and running is no exception. Scientists say that:

  1. For the untrained athlete, running can be very stressful.
  2. The cardiovascular system may be affected.
  3. With excessive load, the risks of microtrauma to internal organs increase.
  4. For some diseases, running is contraindicated, for example, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, etc.
  5. You should not go jogging after undergoing surgery until the moment of complete recovery.
  6. Muscle tissue can be injured.
  7. Forbidden for people with problems with the work of the musculoskeletal system.

By now, you have learned that the health benefits of running are not always possible. You must remember this in order not to harm your body.

Increases endurance

If girls go in for jogging mainly to combat fat accumulation, then men, among the advantages of this sport, note an increase in endurance. That's right, if you exercise regularly, then the muscles are in excellent tone and can tolerate higher loads well.

The benefits of this are quite obvious, but you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Exercise regularly according to your schedule.
  2. Each lesson must necessarily begin with a high-quality warm-up.
  3. The time allotted for training should be used as efficiently as possible and the pace of movement should be alternated for maximum results.
  4. Control your breathing.
  5. Don't overexert your muscles.
  6. Use only special running gear.

The activity of the hormonal and defense systems increases

You can often hear from athletes that the benefits of running every day are to strengthen the hormonal and immune systems. It is useless to argue here, because in the course of numerous studies this fact has been confirmed. However, not everything is as simple as it seems.

Scientists have found that a similar effect is achieved through the accelerated production of anabolic hormones. However, this is only possible with a certain psycho-emotional state. To achieve this, jogging is clearly not suitable. However, you can solve this problem by alternating the pace of movement. At the same time, this running technique is not suitable for people who have problems with the articular-ligamentous apparatus, the cardiovascular system and with atherosclerosis.

Improves mood

Healthy lifestyle aficionados unanimously talk about running as an excellent anti-depression remedy. This is due to the accelerated synthesis of endorphins and is definitely a positive side of running. However, the question arises - for what reason do most novice athletes have to overpower themselves in order to go for a run?

Perhaps it’s a matter of ordinary laziness, or is it not? Scientists most often answer this question in the negative. Jogging at a monotonous pace does not in any way contribute to an increase in vigor. Agree, it's quite boring to run slowly even for half an hour. However, there are ways to fix this flaw:

  1. Combine jogging with other sports like swimming, soccer, etc.
  2. After training, the body must be given sufficient time to fully recover.
  3. Change your running style and training location often.
  4. Use moderate physical activity to avoid overwhelming your body.

From all of the above, we can conclude about the benefits and dangers of daily running. If you want to improve your health, then take any sport seriously.

The harm of daily running

Heavily sweated girl
Heavily sweated girl

Speaking about the benefits and dangers of daily running, one should also talk about its negative sides. It should be noted right away that the conversation is now only about amateurs, not professional athletes. In the course of studies, it was found that excessive loads experienced by pro-athletes have a much worse effect on the body in comparison with a passive lifestyle.

However, most people do not start running to achieve high results, but simply strive to improve their health. Jogging is especially dangerous for the articular-ligamentous apparatus. This is due to the high impact load that occurs when the leg lands. But these risks can be minimized by using special running shoes. These sneakers are equipped with a special sole with a high cushioning rate.

Speaking about the dangers of running, it should be noted that there are contraindications:

  1. Ailments of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Problems with the musculoskeletal system and especially the spinal column.
  3. Acute form of any disease.

In addition, care must be taken during classes and people suffering from obesity, asthma, epilepsy and during pregnancy. We recommend that you buy a heart rate monitor or use the appropriate smartphone software. This will allow you to track your heart rate and, if necessary, make operational adjustments to your running pace. To benefit from your jogging, your heart rate should be 50-60 percent higher than normal.

How to run correctly?

Girl jogging in a pink jacket
Girl jogging in a pink jacket

In order not to harm the body, your training should be carried out in accordance with certain rules. Only in the case of a well-built training plan will you receive benefits, not harm, from daily running. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

  1. Fresh air. This is a fundamental prerequisite for getting the positive effects of running. Choose a place for training so that there are no industrial plants and highways nearby. A park can be a great place to jog.
  2. Running shoes and comfortable clothing. We have already said that during running, shock load affects all elements of the joints. It is she who is the main negative aspect of this sport. To minimize the risk of injury, you should only use proper running shoes. Now on the market there are a large number of such products from the world's leading brands. You should not save on your health by purchasing cheap fakes. Do not forget that clothes should be as comfortable as possible. If you run during the cold season, dress appropriately for the weather.
  3. Time of the training. We have already briefly touched on this issue when talking about the positive effects of running on the circulatory system. Only you should choose the time for the classes in accordance with your plans for the day. However, if you want to run in the morning, then wait at least an hour from the moment you wake up.
  4. Physical exercise. It is extremely important to find the optimal loads. If you are just starting to run, then use a slow pace with a minimum distance. According to the research results, men are not recommended to run more than two tens of kilometers per day. For women, this figure ranges from ten to fifteen.

For how to start running every day, see the video below:

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