Deadlift: its types and how to do it

Deadlift: its types and how to do it
Deadlift: its types and how to do it

The deadlift is considered one of the most popular and important exercises in bodybuilding, powerlifting. Deadlift is a strength exercise that builds the muscles of the whole body. This is an effective method to overcome excess weight, saggy belly and improve overall physical condition in a short period of time. Sport occupies an important place in the life of every person who cares about their health and physical fitness. One of the most popular and important exercises in bodybuilding, powerlifting and not only is the deadlift. This strength exercise uses more muscles than any other, thus actively developing body musculature and strength. The importance of the deadlift for any athlete lies in the ability of the exercise to accelerate the metabolic processes of the body, thereby rapidly leading to the desired result.

Benefits of Exercise

Deadlift, or as it is also called "health-improving", is one of the most effective methods for a short period of time to overcome excess weight, sagging belly and improve overall physical condition. Also, an important advantage of this exercise among other types of power loads is the ability to master the correct art of lifting the barbell, thereby not harming your health, of course, taking into account its correct implementation.

The powerful effect of the method on the human endocrine system, causing the release of testosterone, growth hormone and anabolic steroids, which is the main secret of the successful use of the exercise by many athletes. The method energizes and allows not only to pump up a large muscle group, but also to teach how to work with them correctly. The following muscles receive the maximum load:

  • lats and upper back muscles;
  • gluteal and erector muscles;
  • forearm;
  • biceps hips;
  • quads.

Interesting fact! When the deadlift is performed correctly, the exercise uses about 70% of the muscles of the whole body.

In fact, by doing the deadlift, you are replacing eight exercises at the same time, namely:

  • leg press;
  • shrugs;
  • flexion and extension of the back;
  • pulling down with straight arms;
  • twisting the press;
  • lifting toes;
  • flexion of the wrist.

Deadlift technique

Deadlift: its types and how to do it
Deadlift: its types and how to do it

There are different types of deadlifts, each of which has its own advantages. The following varieties are distinguished:

  • classic;
  • sumo;
  • Romanian or on straight legs;
  • cravings in Smith's car, et al.

Attention! Before performing any type of traction, you should warm up well, warm up the ankles, knees and hip joints. This is a prerequisite for avoiding injury. 1. The classic deadlift is used by bodybuilders primarily for the development of the back muscles.

Classic thrust technique:

  • legs slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart, feet parallel slightly turned to the side;
  • the bar of the bar should run in the center of the foot;
  • when gripping the bar, hands are at a distance of 50 × 60 cm from each other;
  • the lower back should not be bent;
  • the chest protrudes forward, the legs are bent at the knees, the pelvis is laid back;
  • at the time of lifting the barbell, the body weight should be distributed as evenly as possible over the entire foot, and not transferred to the socks;
  • lifting the weight, push your chest forward and fix the barbell for a few seconds;
  • at the end, also distributing the weight over the entire foot, lower the barbell to the floor.

2. The method of "pulling sumo" is a favorite of powerlifters, as it is considered the most convenient for lifting critical weight. Sumo deadlift technique:

  • legs apart as wide as possible;
  • the feet are turned to the side;
  • gripping the bar with hands at shoulder level;
  • for better fixation, the bar is grasped with one hand from above, the other from below;
  • you should straighten your back, while not lowering your head, bending your knees, sit under the bar;
  • the back is tense, and the pelvis is as close as possible to the bar;
  • the weight is distributed on the heel, so that the socks come off the floor;
  • the weight should be taken off the floor with the help of the leg muscles, thereby leaving a trace from the bar on the shins;
  • at the moment when the bar is at waist level, the body should be fully straightened, the shoulder blades are brought together, fix this pose for 1? 2 seconds;
  • gently lower the barbell to the floor, at this moment the back does not relax, thereby controlling the movement of the barbell.

Video how to do sumo pull:

3. The Romanian deadlift (or straight-legged deadlift) is characterized by raising the barbell to the middle of the lower leg. Lifting and lowering the weight is carried out according to the principle of the classical scheme. The main load is directed to the muscles of the back of the thighs and buttocks. It is important to observe the exact technique of execution, since with this version of the exercise there is a high risk of back injury.

4. Smith Machine Exercise is ideal for beginners or athletes who have been injured in the past. Least traumatic option, with minimal back strain. The device is designed so that it will not allow the approach to be performed incorrectly, and will maintain balance. The disadvantage of this type is less efficiency than when performing deadlifts of other types.

Useful Tips

Do not forget about the most important and, probably, the only drawback of the deadlift - it is a serious load on the lower back. Therefore, if you have had back injuries or have been diagnosed with pathological changes in the spine, it is better for you to refuse to perform traction.

For beginners, you should initially strengthen the muscles of the lower back with hyperextension, and the legs with squats, and only then start deadlift.

During the approach, the back should not be rounded, it always remains straight, its muscles are tense. This moment must be constantly monitored, especially at the beginning of your classes, since injuries most often occur due to an incorrectly placed body.

Watch your breathing. It is necessary to take a deep breath and hold your breath at the moment of the most difficult stage of lifting the bar.

Always use a weightlifting belt when performing the deadlift, it will help reduce the risk of injury and ease muscle work by properly redistributing the load.

Lifting the weight should not be due to the movement of the arms, and the entire load should lie on the back. The legs are key, the main load should go on them. The buttocks are immediately activated, later the quadriceps and finally the back of the thighs are activated.

This is a classic load on the muscles of the legs, it can be modified depending on the type of deadlift. Regarding the hands, they perform the function of holding the bar, you do not need to strain them specially, this will happen automatically when you raise the bar to hold the weight with your palms. Also, your hands should always be dry.

It is necessary to lift the weight evenly and gradually; never do it in a jerk. Do not forget about the locks, they must always be worn, otherwise there is a risk that the "pancake" may come off at the time of the approach. When starting to perform the deadlift, remember that well-coordinated work of the whole body is important in this exercise, do not rush to lift a lot of weight at once, increase it gradually. And, of course, all your actions should take place under the supervision of a qualified trainer, only he will be able to choose for you the necessary set of exercises that will give you maximum results, and will not lead to injuries!
