Theory and practice of fat burning

Theory and practice of fat burning
Theory and practice of fat burning

Start implementing the most popular fat burning methods using only theory worked out from the practical side by professional bodybuilders. Almost all people who are interested in the theory and practice of fat burning know that the maximum effect can be obtained by combining sports and proper nutrition. However, even with the observance of these principles, there are situations when the fats do not want to leave, although the muscles are in good shape.

Unfortunately, this can lead to the fact that a person simply stops practicing and does not try to find the reasons for the lack of results. And the reasons for this, of course, are, and if you can find them, then achieve the set goals. Today we will look at the theory and practice of fat burning. If you adhere to these rules, then positive results will not be long in coming.

The correct diet and diet for fat burning

Dumbbells, fresh juices and vegetables
Dumbbells, fresh juices and vegetables

If you decide to lose weight, then the first step is to revise your nutrition program. Without a proper diet, all your attempts to lose fat are doomed to failure in advance. Try to eat more foods that help accelerate the lipolysis process, especially fruits. For example, pineapple has a large amount of plant fibers, which has a positive effect on the reduction of adipose tissue.

Also, grapefruit looks very good in this regard, containing special substances that accelerate the process of breaking down fat cells. If these fruits are included in your diet, then you can achieve your goals much earlier. Note that using various spices, you will significantly increase your metabolism, which is of fundamental importance when it comes to the theory and practice of fat burning.

However, it is not only the quality of the diet that is an important part of an effective fight against fat. In addition, you need to eat food correctly. You need to start eating more often, but at the same time consume small portions. If you want to lose weight, then breakfast should be a must for you. Very often, problems with the rate of lipolysis are experienced by those people who ignore breakfast.

If you skip breakfast, then the number of snacks throughout the day will increase dramatically. This is due to the fact that eating in the morning activates metabolism, and all metabolic processes then proceed more actively throughout the day. There should be no breaks between meals that are longer than three hours. Train yourself to eat every 2.5–3 hours.

How to do fat burning workouts?

Girl with a tape measure
Girl with a tape measure

Both theory and practice of fat burning confirm the importance of active sports. Of course, you do not need to strive for records, but you need to be active. Guys should start going to the gym and do strength training to build muscle. Girls can also use strength training, combining them with cardio exercises.

If you do not have the opportunity to practice in the gym, then you can do it at home. In this case, it is not necessary to purchase a barbell or dumbbells, it is enough to use a rope. By exercising for just ten minutes throughout the day with a skipping rope, you can dramatically increase your metabolism.

Of course, based on the theory and practice of fat burning, we can safely say that sports will be effective only if certain rules are followed. We have already said that a combination of cardio and strength training gives excellent results. If we talk about cardio training, then you can do jogging or cycling. It burns fat and swimming very effectively.

Duration of exercise is also of great importance for effective fight against fat. This is especially true of cardio loads, since they can destroy muscles with prolonged use. Gaining muscle mass is very important as muscles require a lot of energy to maintain. Thus, even at rest, the body is forced to burn fat.

Duration of training, both strength and aerobic. Must be at least 45 minutes. This is due to the fact that during the first half hour of training, carbohydrates are used to obtain energy, and only after that the body begins to burn fat. Also, if you have been exercising for more than 30 minutes, then the lipolysis process will be active after the completion of the training for a couple of hours.

This may sound strange to you, but you also need good rest to effectively fight fat. The state of your body is very important for the processes of fat burning. Not resting will slow down the lipolysis process. First of all, you need to sleep at least eight hours a day. This is quite enough for the body to rest.

Scientists have proven that full recovery of the body is possible only during sleep. Thus, for you to be able to successfully fight body fat, you need to eat right, exercise and get enough rest. For more information on the theory and practice of fat burning, see this video:
