Looking to gain muscle mass and provide your body with healthy fats? Then read the article, in it you will get acquainted with the most popular nuts and their effect on the body. Surely the overwhelming majority of adherents of an active and healthy lifestyle have heard about the beneficial properties of omega-6 and omega-3 fats. The fact is that these substances must necessarily enter the body not only of athletes, but also of ordinary people.
Based on this, a completely logical question follows: what products contain these fats? First of all, in nuts. Therefore, it makes sense to analyze the main benefits of nuts, and find out if they are really that useful.
Almonds - Benefits for Athletes
Almonds are an incredibly healthy product. It contains many useful proteins - they account for 18%. In addition, almonds do not contain carbohydrates, therefore, it is an indispensable element of the diet of diabetics.
Oddly enough, but for bodybuilders, it is even more useful, because the structure of almonds is the ideal ratio of proteins and fats. After consuming it, the feeling of hunger immediately disappears, control over the sugar level is established, not to mention the fact that additional support of the vessels is carried out due to the increased withdrawal of cholesterol.

In addition, almonds contain protein, E vitamins and a number of useful elements, in particular, iron, magnesium, zinc, dietary fiber, potassium, calcium. Athletes who are lactose intolerant can use almonds as a source of all of the above substances. This is especially true in light of the fact that research is increasingly recording poor absorption of calcium from dairy products.
Almonds are high in calories, but despite this they are actively used by nutritionists in the process of forming a healthy diet for weight loss. This nut is able to control appetite and helps to dampen hunger. Recent studies have shown that people who include nuts in their diet, especially almonds, are much lighter in weight than those who do not. In China, almonds are used in medicine to reduce inflammation and spasms, and are often used as a tonic. Almonds should be present in the daily diet of athletes and those who follow a strict diet.
There is also almond paste; it retains the usefulness of whole nuts. But there are more variations of use in the paste. When choosing such a product, it is important to pay attention to the components included in the mixture: only kernels of nuts should be present, only then can the product be considered a dietary one. Oil, sugar and water should not be used in production.
Why are peanuts useful?

Peanuts are not a nut, as many are accustomed to believe, but the seed of a herbal plant belonging to the legume family. Peanut butter is a staple in the diet for a professional athlete. It is worth noting that it is peanuts that are considered indispensable during the course for weight gain.
Peanut butter is a source of protein, although the latter is slightly less in peanuts than in almonds. But it contains vitamins E and B3, as well as magnesium and arginine. Don't forget about dietary fiber.
Peanut butter has a huge amount of calories - exactly what is needed for mass gain. Professional bodybuilders include it in their diet even in preparation for a competition. In the United States of America, pasta is considered dietary and is prescribed for the treatment of the cardiovascular system.
Nutela is the only company engaged in the production of natural peanut and almond butter, which is available to the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space. To buy the original, you will have to visit vegetarian stores. If you buy such a product in a supermarket, then it will contain sugar or butter, and this is unacceptable for you. You can make peanut butter yourself.
You will need peanuts as they are the staple food. It needs to be fried, then grind so that the grinding is as fine as possible - the consistency of the resulting mass will depend on this. If you can grind it down to the smallest grain size, the paste will be soft. But at home, you will have to add a small amount of vegetable oil, without it, the paste will be dry.
Why walnuts are useful

This nut is the most common and inexpensive. But he, like his brothers, is rich in protein. About sixty percent of the nut is fat. The rest is given for vitamins of groups A, E, B, P and C. Walnut is generous with potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine and calcium. Phosphorus deserves special attention, since it is the main assistant for the smooth functioning of the human brain in the process of mental activity.
Walnut is indispensable for professional athletes. It has a positive effect on the internal organs, namely, on the liver and heart, which are strengthened in the process of using the product. This nut can even relieve nervous tension. If you're stressed, eat a dozen walnut kernels.
Pine nuts - benefits
This type of nut is very difficult to grow in a summer cottage, but it's worth trying. Because this is a small gold mine of irreplaceable substances for the human body. A distinctive feature of pine nuts is that linoleic acid is included in the fat of the nut. It is also rich in protein, and in the amino acid composition, the level of arginine is increased.
If we talk about vitamins, then there is a considerable amount of vitamin B, which is responsible for the normalization of the nervous system, improves blood composition, and affects the growth of the body as a whole. Minerals such as copper, cobalt and zinc are present. The main advantage of the pine nut is the easily digestible configuration of vitamins and minerals.
Hazelnut - benefits

If we compare hazelnuts and walnuts, then they differ in composition. Hazelnuts contain a small amount of protein, but provitamin A and B vitamins are present. This type of nut is rich in trace elements such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper and phosphorus.
Similar characteristics are considered to be the factor that hazelnuts are related to food for the brain. Oriental medicine is confident that hazelnuts have the power of crushing kidney stones. Therefore, such a nut will always find its place in your diet.
Benefits of cashew nuts
Let's take a look at the latest members of the walnut family. We bring to your attention your favorite pistachios and cashews. Thanks to research, it is known that they contain standard sets of vitamins and minerals. Cashews differ from pistachios in the presence of vitamin B6 - they contain the same amount of this element as in beef liver.
Pistachios fight extra pounds, just like almonds. And for the stronger sex, this is an excellent product for increasing potency. Cashews differ from their relatives by a considerable supply of carbohydrates, so it is impossible to attribute it to dietary products. Despite the fact that its use is undesirable for us, cashews are actively used in store mixes. Therefore, it is necessary to know about it.

In the medical field, cashews are great for treating toothaches, and everyone knows that this is the worst kind of pain. The nut contains substances that fight bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. In countries where there are many venomous snakes, this nut acts as an antidote.
In supermarkets, you can find pasta and whole cashews, the first option is easy and simple to apply to bread. This representative is often included in cocktails and sauces.
This product can be consumed raw as a snack or as a supplement for breakfast or lunch. Do not forget about all kinds of dishes, where the main ingredient, the flavor stimulant, is the nut. But this topic deserves a separate discussion.
So, after we have analyzed the nut family, we can conclude that these products must be present in the diet of every person, especially among professional athletes.
Video about the benefits of nuts: