Ceiling Albes, its characteristics, calculation of the configuration and stage-by-stage installation technology. Due to their durability, wide range of colors and durability, suspended slatted ceilings are often used in the interior design of premises for various purposes: offices, swimming pools, bathrooms, kitchens and others. One of the types of such suspended structures is the slatted ceilings of the Russian company Albes, which has long been a leader in the production of domestic building materials due to a large assortment of its products, affordable prices, high quality and advanced production technologies.
Ceiling characteristics Albes

Albes suspended ceiling set includes: aluminum panels of various configurations, colors and widths, panel inserts for open-view systems, corner profile, guide rails - stringers and hangers. When assembled, the aluminum ceiling slats are adjacent to each other with their long sides. Using strips of different colors and widths in the ceiling structure, you can create various combinations that decorate the interior of the room.
The standard thickness of the Albes ceiling slats is 0.6 mm, and it is optimal. At a lesser thickness, they will sag, and at a greater thickness, the entire structure of the suspended ceiling will become too massive.
The standard length of the ceiling panels is 3 or 4 m, for large rooms, panels up to 6 m in length are made to order. The width of the slats reaches 50-200 mm. Using various methods of fixing them, you can achieve the effect of monochrome, continuity, or make colored and decorative inserts.
The advantages of using the Albes ceiling are:
- Easy to install;
- Excellent performance: strength, durability, moisture resistance, reliability and environmental friendliness;
- Availability of design materials and non-standard solutions, for example, "chameleon" or imitation of natural materials;
- Possibility of making slats from perforated exhaust mesh;
- Creation of relief shapes of slats, thanks to which you can get original interior solutions.
- Fire safety and ability to reflect light;
- Ease of use and the ability to combine with engineering equipment.
The cost of the Albes system ceilings depends on the texture of the material of manufacture, the color and size of the structure. The price of slatted panels is on average 400-1500 rubles / m2… Ready-made ceiling kits cost 900-2000 rubles. per set.
Ceiling calculation rules Albes

To calculate the necessary elements of the Albes slatted ceiling, the following measurements should be made:
- The total length of the corner profile can be obtained by measuring the perimeter of the room in which the installation of the suspended structure is planned.
- The required number of panels can be easily calculated after measuring the area of the ceiling or room, knowing the width and length of the slats.
- To determine the total length of the stringers, you need to draw parallel lines on the ceiling with a step of 1 m, the direction of which should be perpendicular to the future placement of the rails along their length. The total length of the lines will correspond to the length of the stringers.
- The number of suspensions is also not difficult to calculate. The standard spacing of the hangers is 1.2 m, and the distance from the outer hangers to the nearest wall should not exceed 40 cm.
The entire calculation of the Albes ceiling is convenient to do according to a pre-prepared layout of the suspended structure. The above calculation method does not take into account the presence of waste during its installation. Therefore, it is worth adding about 15% to the results obtained.
Features of installing the ceiling Albes with your own hands
The installation of the Albes slatted ceiling should be carried out only after the completion of the electrical installation and finishing work. The process of installing the structure includes several stages: preparation, marking of the ceiling and walls, installation of the suspension system and fastening rails (panels) to it. Let's consider everything in detail.
Preparatory work before installing the ceiling Albes

Before starting work, you should determine the type of utilities and the amount of space allocated for them in the space between the slatted ceiling panels and its base surface. This is necessary to install the slatted ceiling at the optimum height from the floor. Such communications may include: ventilation ducts, fire-fighting equipment, pipes, cable ducts, etc.
The hidden parts of ceiling recessed luminaires also require a certain amount of space behind the ceiling panels. For incandescent lamps, you need at least 130 mm in height, and for LED lamps - 70 mm.
In rooms up to 2.6 m high, the distance from Albes panels to floor slabs is kept to a minimum. Stringers are attached directly to the base surface using shims. Pendant lamps are used for lighting. It is not necessary to use stringers in narrow rooms up to two meters wide - the panels can be laid on skirting boards.
To carry out the installation of the Albes slatted ceiling, you will need a perforator, a screwdriver, pliers, a screwdriver, a tape measure, metal scissors, screws, dowels and a boot knife.
Surface marking before installing the Albes ceiling

Having stepped back 300 mm from the evenest wall, parallel to it on the ceiling, you need to draw a line for installing the stringer. The same line should be drawn from the opposing wall. Now the distance between them must be divided into equal sections with a width of 1-1, 2 m and, along the marked points, draw in parallel all the attachment lines for the rest of the stingers.
On the lines, the attachment points of the guide rail suspensions should be noted. The minimum distance of the extreme points from the walls is less than 400 mm, and between the suspensions - no more than 1, 2 m.
Then, stepping back from the walls by 30 cm or more, you need to draw a line for attaching the ceiling slats perpendicular to the direction of the stingers. After that, an orthogonal grid with a line spacing of 0.5-1 m is required on the ceiling and mark on the base base of the installation location of the fixtures.
Then on the walls it is necessary to mark the location of the guide U-shaped profile using a hydraulic or laser level. The resulting points need to be connected with a line around the entire perimeter of the room. The line can be broken off with a paint cord.
Installation of stringers for the Albes ceiling

Before installing the stringers, it is necessary to fix the guide U-profiles on the walls according to the markings. This is done using a hammer drill, screwdriver and self-tapping dowels.
Then you need to install the hangers according to the markings on the base ceiling. You can use adjustable hangers on pins or springs, as well as simple hangers on self-tapping screws with a height of the space between the ceiling and panels up to 20 cm. The hangers are fastened with anchors. They are driven into pre-prepared holes 40 mm deep and 6 mm in diameter. Suspensions are not used for low ceilings.
The stringers must be attached to the hangers and installed in such a way that the first ceiling panel is located entirely, and the last, after cutting it in width, is close to the wall. The gap should not be more than 3-5 mm.
After installation, the stringers must be aligned horizontally. This is done by moving the clips for the stud hangers or by tightening the spring for the spring hangers. Screw hangers are adjustable by screwing or unscrewing the screws.
After installing the stringers, you can install a decorative skirting board that will mask the joint between the ceiling slats and the walls. The skirting board is installed along the marking line on the leveled base of the wall. Its fastening must be carried out using self-tapping screws, screwing them in with a step of 600 mm.
Fastening of ceiling panels Albes

Before installing the rails on the manufactured suspension system, make sure that all the necessary communications are fixed to the base ceiling: equipment is installed, electrical wiring is connected to the lamps, etc. For pendant luminaires, an appropriate fixture must be provided in the ceiling.
When installing the Albes ceiling, the installation of its panels must be started from the wall to which the whole uncut strip is adjacent. If the width of the rail is a multiple of the dimensions of the room, installation can be started from any wall. If any stress occurs, check that the stingers are parallel and in the same horizontal plane. In problem areas, the panel can be cut by 3-5 mm.
The ceiling panels must be inserted into the grooves of the stringers until a characteristic click is heard, which is a sign of tight fixation of the edges of the slats on the tabs of the guide rails. The end and longitudinal parts of the slats are inserted into a U-shaped profile located along the perimeter of the walls of the room.
Before mounting the panel on which the luminaire will be installed, a hole must be made in it to fix this accessory. The diameter of the hole for the pendant light must be large enough to accommodate the installation fittings. Spotlights are mounted on the ceiling panel. The holes are cut with a knife; wires must be inserted into them in order to avoid the need to disassemble the ceiling when looking for them.
For slatted ceilings, LED or halogen spotlights are recommended. LED luminaires are more durable and economical.
After finishing the installation of all panels, it is necessary to make a final check of the assembly of the structure visually or using a rack level.
When planning a slatted ceiling, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the joining lines of the panels. Most often they are located from the window opening to the opposing wall. Narrow rooms visually change their proportions with the transverse arrangement of the slats; in square rooms, diagonal ceiling stripes are perfectly perceived. Watch the video about the installation of the Albes slatted ceiling:

The assembly of the Albes suspended ceiling can be done independently and at the same time make sure that such a thing is quite within the power of a home craftsman. Good luck!