Ceiling painting: step by step instructions

Ceiling painting: step by step instructions
Ceiling painting: step by step instructions

Decorative ceiling painting looks stylish, interesting and fits almost any interior. There are different ways to apply designs that are in line with modern design trends. The choice of painting technique depends only on your preferences. Content:

  1. Ceiling painting techniques
  2. Preparatory work
  3. Hand painted ceiling

    • Features of hand painting
    • Painting "sky"
  4. Painting with stencils

    • Features of stencil painting
    • Painting "butterflies"

Painting the ceiling surface with various patterns and patterns is a long-standing method of decoration. Today it is considered one of the most exclusive finishing methods. To complete the painting, you can contact the specialists, or you can try to do it yourself.

Ceiling painting techniques

Painting the ceiling with oil paints
Painting the ceiling with oil paints

There are several methods to apply a picture to the ceiling:

  • Painting with oil paints … For application, use a brush, spray and roller. Thus, you can apply a pattern with elements of different depths, transparency, volume and softness. The disadvantage of such a ceiling painting is the complexity and duration of the process. In addition, varnish-based paint darkens or turns yellow over time. Drawing a picture requires certain skills.
  • Creating a fresco … This method involves applying paint to a wet layer of plaster. The drawing is durable and can only be removed by removing the plaster, because the coloring composition penetrates deep inside.
  • Using tempera paints … This technique allows you to create unusual effects on the ceiling, since the paint is transparent. Tempera can be used in combination with other colorants. After drying, the paint can darken or lighten.
  • Airbrush … This mechanical device allows decorative painting of ceilings of various sizes with almost photographic precision. Airbrushing is used to create a variety of detailed and complex optical illusions. The image applied in this way is smooth and three-dimensional.
  • Painted with acrylic paints … Acrylate-based formulations are soluble in water. However, after application and drying, the coating becomes water-repellent. These paints are non-toxic, dry quickly and are suitable for interior use. They are currently available in a wide range of colors. To obtain different textures of the pattern, special fillers are used.
  • Luminescent paints … This is a special painting technique. In daylight, the pattern is not visible. It manifests itself only in complete darkness. For painting ceilings in nightclubs or restaurants, those compounds are usually used that appear under ultraviolet light.
  • Stencil painting … This technique is suitable for people with minimal drawing skills. For painting the ceiling, you can buy a stencil in a store or find a drawing and print it yourself.

The choice of drawing technique and coloring composition depends primarily on the purpose of the room and personal preferences. For a bedroom, a drawing in pastel colors is more suitable, and for a nursery, it is better to choose bright colors.

Preparatory work before painting the ceiling

Covering the gap with putty
Covering the gap with putty

You can aesthetically and quickly paint ceilings with your own hands, acting according to a specific plan. It is important not only to properly prepare the paint, sketch, the necessary tools, but also to take care of leveling and degreasing the surface. Only after that you will be able to proceed directly to drawing the picture.

To begin with, we prepare the ceiling for painting and we perform the work in this order:

  1. We clean the surface from the old finish.
  2. We wash the ceiling with water and remove the dust.
  3. We prime the coating with a deep penetration compound. At this stage, if necessary, remove stains (grease, soot, mold, rust, fungus).
  4. We check the surface for voids with a small hammer at the joints and in the corners with a screwdriver and remove the loose plaster.
  5. We cover the cracks with a cement-based putty.
  6. Using the building level, we check the evenness of the coating. With differences of more than 5 cm, level the coating with a layer of plaster. Potholes up to 5 cm are leveled by applying several layers of putty.
  7. After the leveling layer has dried, we grind the ceiling with a sander or sandpaper.
  8. We prime the surface and wait for complete drying.
  9. We apply the finishing putty. The thickness of this layer should be up to 2 mm.
  10. We prime the ceiling with an acrylic-based composition.

Before starting work, you need to wait for the primer to dry. During this time, we prepare sketches and the necessary tools. Depending on the chosen painting technique, you may need: airbrush, spray gun, rollers, brushes, stencils. Also prepare the coloring composition and do not forget about the protective finishing varnish. It is desirable that these two mixtures be from the same manufacturer as the previously applied acrylic primer.

Hand painted ceiling

If you plan to manually apply a drawing, then you will need brushes of different sizes, a soft pencil or charcoal, and a palette. Instead of a palette, you can use a regular disposable plate.

Features of painting the ceiling by hand

Hand painted ceiling
Hand painted ceiling

In the process, we adhere to the following instructions:

  • Apply the pattern to the surface with a soft pencil. Working with a ceiling is quite difficult. If you have a life-size drawing, then hatch its reverse side with a pencil, apply it to the coating and push the contours with charcoal. If you only have a small copy, you can use an overhead projector to draw the borders of the pattern.
  • We mix the desired paints on the palette and use a roller or a large brush to paint the background and large details.
  • Let's move on to painting small elements. Do not forget about the study of chiaroscuro.
  • After the paint layer has dried (after at least 24 hours), apply the acrylic protective varnish using a spray gun or a soft brush with short bristles. It will make the image more vivid and expressive, and also prevent damage to it.
  • Polish the varnish layer with a dry brush.

We recommend preparing a small container of water and a foam sponge at the beginning of work. It will be needed to remove excess or failed strokes.

Painting the ceiling "sky" by hand

Ceiling painting sky
Ceiling painting sky

One of the most popular and demanded surface finishing methods is sky ceiling painting.

In this case, you need to take into account several nuances:

  1. The sky blue tone should lighten towards the center of the ceiling and be slightly darker at the outskirts.
  2. We draw all the clouds of different sizes and shapes, but in the same direction (for example, from east to west).
  3. The curly shape of the clouds is given by white paint, and the volume - by blue.
  4. For a smooth transition from one tone to another, the thickness of the layer and the intensity of mixing the color and white paint change.
  5. To prevent the colors from mixing, close the previous layer using masking tape.

For several weeks after the artistic painting of ceilings with acrylic paints, you need to ensure that dust and tobacco smoke do not get on the coating.

Painting the ceiling with stencils

Even without special artistic skills, you can create a unique pattern on the ceiling. To do this, it is enough to purchase or make special stencils yourself. If you need to repeat the element several times on the coating, then it is better to use different stencils.

Features of stencil ceiling painting

Cutting a stencil for painting a ceiling
Cutting a stencil for painting a ceiling

If the sketches for painting the ceiling are selected, you can start applying paint, adhering to the following procedure:

  • Choose a background color and apply it to the surface. For these purposes, you can use a roller or spray gun. We proceed to applying the pattern after the base has dried.
  • We glue the stencil to the ceiling. Manufactured products are usually self-adhesive. If you printed your sketch on plain paper, then you can stick it on masking tape.
  • We apply paint along the inner contours of the stencil from the middle to the edges. If necessary, draw small details with a brush.
  • After drying, apply a protective varnish layer.

Painting the ceiling "butterflies" through a stencil

Stenciled butterfly on the ceiling
Stenciled butterfly on the ceiling

A drawing of butterflies on a light background looks spectacular in any room. You can make such a stencil painting yourself by following our recommendations:

  1. It is better to apply the pattern diagonally across the room or in one corner.
  2. The "flight" should begin with two or three dark colored butterflies.
  3. Towards the middle, the number of butterflies increases, and their color becomes lighter and lighter.

An interesting effect with stencil painting is achieved by the method of facing. When making a drawing of the flight of butterflies, you can use a separate stencil for each element, but such an application will take a very long time. It will be more convenient to make drawings of a whole square on a stencil at once.

How to paint the ceiling - look at the video:

The interesting decoration of the ceiling by painting it has a rich history. However, even in our time, this method of finishing does not go out of fashion. On the contrary, new techniques appear and new ideas are implemented. You can do the work yourself, even if you don't have artistic skills. Follow our recommendations and follow the instructions, then your ceiling will turn into a masterpiece of art.
