Bath brooms: types and features

Bath brooms: types and features
Bath brooms: types and features

For the manufacture of bath brooms, herbs and branches from bushes and trees are used. Each plant has its own healing properties. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the types of bath brooms and the benefits of their use. Content:

  1. Deciduous brooms

    • Birch
    • Oak
    • Lime
    • Aspen
    • Maple
    • Oreshnikovy
    • Eucalyptus
    • Rowan
  2. Coniferous brooms

    • Juniper
    • Spruce
    • Fir
  3. Herbal brooms

    • Nettle
    • Bamboo
    • Wormwood
    • Mint

A fragrant whipping broom is one of the main accessories of a Russian bath. Ancient healers argued that bath recovery is impossible without a good broom. Each ligament has its own strength and is used for different diseases. In this article we will look at the types of bath brooms and their features.

Deciduous brooms for a bath

This type of broom is the most popular and is characterized by the presence of a large number of leaves, which gives the product a good "fluffiness". Deciduous brooms are convenient for steaming and rubbing.

Birch broom in the bath

Bath broom made of birch
Bath broom made of birch

A birch broom cleanses the skin of acne and rashes, leaving it clean, smooth and supple. It has a good cleansing effect and removes toxins, toxins and salts from the body. Birch leaves stick well to the body, absorb harmful substances and fall off.

The use of such a broom is very important for people with kidney disease and bronchial asthma. It helps to dilate the small bronchi and excrete phlegm, and also improves lung ventilation.

A birch broom for a bath is indispensable for pains of the musculoskeletal system, treatment of purulent wounds, abrasions and cuts. It is recommended for women to use it to get rid of stretch marks.

Oak broom for steam baths

Oak broom for the steam room
Oak broom for the steam room

Oak brooms for a bath are very relevant for people with oily or problem skin, as well as skin diseases. Contains many useful ingredients and essential oils, thanks to which the skin acquires a pleasant matte shade and becomes more elastic.

In addition, oak has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that promote rapid healing. Steaming with oak leaves soothes the nervous system, prevents high blood pressure and normalizes the circulatory system.

Lovers of intense heat will surely like such a broom: it has dense and wide leaves, which are very convenient for fitting steam to the body.

Linden broom for a steam room in a bath

Linden bath broom
Linden bath broom

With the increased popularity of birch and oak brooms, people have completely forgotten about linden. But the properties of linden are no less useful, and in some cases even more powerful.

Linden broom for a bath has excellent diaphoretic properties and cleanses the body well. Linden flowers and leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, which boosts immunity and promotes healing of small wounds. It is simply irreplaceable for viral diseases: it reduces fever, cleanses the lungs and kills germs.

Linden has an analgesic effect and harmonizes the nervous system, therefore such a broom is especially useful for people with nervous exhaustion.

Aspen broom for a bath

Aspen broom
Aspen broom

The bark and leaves of aspen contain substances that eliminate microbes and bacteria, therefore, an aspen broom is very relevant for colds. It has analgesic properties and enhances immunity.

Aspen brooms for a bath will help relieve depression and nervous tension, harmonize the general condition. It should be noted that aspen is an excellent remedy for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

For best use, the broom must be steamed and pressed to the sore spot. During the massage, it is not necessary to hit on the body strongly, the effect will be much better from light stroking.

Maple broom in the bath

Maple broom for steam room
Maple broom for steam room

Maple leaves have good healing properties. They help to eliminate inflammation and heal wounds, have a bactericidal and analgesic effect. Maple products are recommended to be used for viral, fungal and microbial diseases, long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers.

It should be noted that maple leaves absorb toxins and toxins well, absorb sweat, cleanse and tighten pores.

Young leaves have the strongest effect. For the best effect after vaping, it is recommended to apply a maple broom for a bath for 5-10 minutes to the feet.

Hazel broom for a bath

Hazel broom to the bath
Hazel broom to the bath

A hazel broom is characterized by the following properties:

  • The plant contains many essential oils that contribute to vasoconstriction, which is very important for people suffering from varicose veins.
  • The presence of a large number of nutrients strengthens the immune system and stimulates the body.
  • The hazel broom helps with skin diseases.
  • The plant improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • The product has a beneficial effect on the circulatory, digestive and urinary systems.
  • Hazelnut accelerates the healing of abrasions, wounds and even trophic ulcers.
  • Hazelnut fallow has been found to be beneficial for diabetics.

A fresh broom will give a hazelnut aroma that is not only pleasant, but also healing.

Eucalyptus broom in the steam room

Eucalyptus broom
Eucalyptus broom

The disinfecting properties of eucalyptus are known to many. It has a good effect on the mucous membrane and clears the airways. Eucalyptus sauna whisks whiten the skin and improve blood circulation, relieve pain in joints and muscles, as well as sprains, abrasions and bruises.

Treatments with a eucalyptus broom will help relieve fatigue and stress, get rid of negative thoughts and invigorate. Its scent relaxes, tones and calms the body.

The disadvantages of this broom include insufficient "fluffiness" - eucalyptus leaves are narrow, long and hard. Therefore, it is recommended to combine them with other plants.

Rowan broom in the bath

Rowan broom for steam room
Rowan broom for steam room

A mountain ash broom is preferable to use in the first half of the day, as it has a stimulating effect, restores physical and mental activity, and tunes the body to work.

Rowan broom improves blood circulation and metabolism. It is especially useful for people with high blood pressure and patients with atherosclerosis. It also has diaphoretic properties and removes harmful substances from the body.

Rowan steam disinfects the room well, therefore it is suitable for people with viral diseases.

If you add 2-3 branches of tansy to a bunch, you get an excellent refreshing agent.

Coniferous brooms for a bath

They contain a large amount of healing essential oils that are found in needles. They exude a great scent that improves mental well-being and prevents colds. But each coniferous tree has its own characteristics that help solve various health problems. Consider what kind of brooms are made of pine needles for a bath.

Juniper broom in a steam bath

Juniper coniferous brooms
Juniper coniferous brooms

Contains essential oils that eliminate bacteria and inflammation. It contains natural antibiotics that disinfect the air and prevent the spread of germs. Therefore, a juniper broom helps to quickly get rid of colds and reduce high body temperature.

Juniper removes toxins and toxins, accelerates wound healing. It also helps improve blood circulation and relieve pain. Its scent restores mental balance.

Before using a juniper broom for a bath, you need to steam it thoroughly. Thus, the skin will more easily tolerate the touch of the prickly product. As with the bamboo broom, massage should be done quickly and easily.

Spruce broom for the steam room

Spruce broom in the Russian bath
Spruce broom in the Russian bath

Spruce needles contain oils that have antimicrobial and wound healing properties. They are able to quickly heal even the strongest and deepest wounds. Fumes of spruce perfectly cleanse the lungs.

It was found that a spruce broom for a bath helps to get rid of cellulite and extra pounds. This is due to the warming effect of the spruce branches, which promotes active fat burning.

Massage with a spruce broom perfectly stimulates blood circulation and perspiration, relieves pain from problem areas of the body. After the procedures, it is recommended to wrap yourself up and sit like this for a while.

Fir broom in the bath

Fir brooms for a steam room
Fir brooms for a steam room

Fir disinfects the air, prevents respiratory diseases and increases the body's immunity. It has bactericidal properties, therefore it perfectly cleanses the skin of microbes, heals wounds and relieves exacerbations. Fir broom removes pain in the spine, back and muscles.

Bath procedures with a fir broom have an excellent effect on the circulatory and nervous system. When the healing scent fills the steam room, you breathe easily and freely.

It is recommended not only to massage, but also to rub with a fir broom so that more oils get on the skin (the needles are not prickly, but flat and soft).

Our ancestors used an infusion from fir to treat scurvy.

Herbal brooms for a bath

Bath brooms are created not only from the branches of shrubs and trees. Herbs have equally beneficial properties. Brooms made of nettle, fireweed, wormwood, mint and bamboo are very popular. Let's take a look at some of them.

Nettle broom for steam baths

Nettle broom for steam room
Nettle broom for steam room

Nettle contains a variety of proteins, carbohydrates, beneficial vitamins and mineral resins. Its leaves contain formic acid, which tones the skin, improves blood circulation, heals wounds, and also removes harmful bacteria.

A nettle broom can help heal boils, acne, and even some skin conditions. It eliminates joint aches, muscle and back pain. The use of a nettle broom restores strength, improves immunity, and improves mood.

Before bathing procedures, you should thoroughly steam. In order for the nettle to stop burning, it is necessary to hold it several times in cold and hot water for 3 minutes. Massage is carried out with light movements.

Bamboo broom in the bath

Bamboo broom in the steam room
Bamboo broom in the steam room

It is an ordinary bundle of thin sticks. But compared to other brooms, it is quite hard, therefore it requires careful handling. It is important not to overdo it with the force of the blow - the movements should be light and fast.

A bamboo broom for a bath has the ability to draw out pain, therefore it is indispensable for painful conditions. From the touch of bamboo, abrasions, wounds and scratches heal much faster.

It normalizes blood circulation, helps to reduce weight, and improves the appearance of skin and hair. Women are advised to do anti-cellulite massage with a bamboo broom. Also, bamboo helps fight depression.

Wormwood broom for a steam room in a bath

Wormwood herb broom
Wormwood herb broom

During epidemics of cholera, wormwood was laid on the floor and fumigated with it at home. This plant perfectly disinfects the air, promotes the dispersal of blood and lymph. It successfully relieves headaches, fatigue and stress.

A wormwood broom normalizes cell function, metabolism and water-salt balance, so a wormwood broom helps to reduce weight.

But pregnant women and people with sensitive skin should use it very carefully. In addition, the wormwood smell is quite specific and strong, so not everyone will like it.

Mint broom in the steam room

Mint brooms in the bath
Mint brooms in the bath

It contains many useful substances, but the basis is menthol, and the exceptional smell is due to the presence of essential oils of a complex composition. Peppermint inhalation clears the airways.

A mint broom has the following properties:

  • Peppermint soothes and tones the skin.
  • The herbal broom removes bacteria from the skin and mucous membranes.
  • The product is characterized by analgesic properties.
  • Peppermint improves brain function and improves concentration.
  • A mint broom relieves insomnia and nervous tension.
  • The herb has a good effect on the functioning of the circulatory and digestive systems.

Note! You can create a combo broom by including several types of twigs and herbs. The benefits of such a "mix" will be even greater. What are the brooms for a bath - watch the video:

It is difficult to say which broom is better for a bath, because each of them is endowed with special healing properties. Correctly selected plants will eliminate some health problems and harmonize the general condition. Do not forget to steam the broom before visiting the sauna. Enjoyable and healing procedures!
