Pork skewers: onion marinade

Pork skewers: onion marinade
Pork skewers: onion marinade

A step-by-step recipe for making pork shashlik with an unusual marinade - onions, without vinegar, beer and wine.

Pork kebab recipe, onion marinade
Pork kebab recipe, onion marinade

Today there are a huge number of varieties of making kebab marinade. But I want to talk about a non-standard method, which consists in one onion and spices, ground into porridge (learn about the calorie content of onions and their beneficial properties), even salt should be put two hours before cooking, and vinegar will only be needed to sprinkle the meat during frying. Wine and other alcoholic drinks are not required.

To make the shish kebab juicy and tasty, you need to adhere to all stages of cooking (make a good marinade and keep the meat in it for the right time, as well as properly fry it on coals), right up to the choice of meat, otherwise you will not see success. By the way, this applies to any cooking recipe, not just mine. If you are going to make pork shish kebab, then choose meat from the animal's neck, it is the most tender and moderately fatty.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 218, 9 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 9 Medium Full Skewers
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


  • Pork (neck) - 2 kg
  • Onions - 1 kg
  • Bay leaf - 6 pcs.
  • Salt
  • Spices (I put: dried dill, parsley, oregano, basil, ground black pepper)

Cooking pork kebab and marinade:

It is necessary to marinate the kebab with onions only in the evening! If you do not have time to wait so long, then you should choose a different marinade recipe.

Pork kebab step 1
Pork kebab step 1

1. Peel the onion, wash, cut into quarters and mince or as I grind in a blender.

Pork shashlik step 2-4
Pork shashlik step 2-4

2. I had to make pork kebab from the back, the neck was not in the store. Cut the meat into medium pieces across the fibers.

3. Add spices to the meat to taste, I put dried parsley, dill, basil and oregano, and also added black pepper ground. Attention, do not add salt at this stage!

4. Now you can pour all the ground onion into the meat and mix well with your hands. Leave the marinade to stand like this overnight.

Pork shashlik step 5-6
Pork shashlik step 5-6

5. In the morning, as you reach the resting place, you can start lighting a fire or barbecue to get enough coal for barbecue.

6. Two hours before frying, remove the whole onion and bay leaf from the meat and salt it well.

Pork shashlik step 7-8
Pork shashlik step 7-8

7. Put the marinated meat on skewers. You can take another peel and cut into rings of fresh onions and alternate with meat, or simply stick onion gruel from the marinade on top of the meat put on skewers, it also works very well (I made one skewer for a sample and did not regret it).

8. Then put out the fire, spread the coals evenly and cook the kebab over the heat. Separately, drain the marinade juice into a small plastic bottle, add vinegar and, if necessary, water, this is necessary for sprinkling the meat on top so that it does not burn and is juicy.

Pork kebab ready over the fire
Pork kebab ready over the fire

Enjoy your holiday with a cheerful company in the fresh air! And remember, Monday starts the way you spend your weekend, so go for the pork kebab and onion marinade.
