Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds: how to freeze

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds: how to freeze
Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds: how to freeze

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds are an easy-to-prepare and hearty dish. It is very convenient that they can be harvested for future use by freezing, and then thrown into boiling water, and in 5 minutes they will be ready. We will learn how to do this in a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Ready-made lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds: how to freeze
Ready-made lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds: how to freeze

Lazy dumplings are a wonderful dish for breakfast or dinner. Many people love them, although they are not often feasted on. Many housewives do not want to bother with the kneading, get their hands and the kitchen dirty with flour … But you can stick a lot of dumplings at one time and freeze the product in the freezer for future use. This method of preparing your favorite dish will especially appeal to those who have little free time for daily cooking. After all, in this way it will be possible to eat "gold reserves" at any time. It will be enough just to dip the dumplings in boiling water, boil for a few minutes and a delicious treat for lunch or dinner is already ready. The main thing is to know how to properly freeze lazy dumplings with cottage cheese so that they retain their taste for a long time and are as convenient as possible for cooking. It is also important to freeze the dumplings so that they do not turn into a clump of dough as a result.

According to the classic recipe, lazy dumplings are made simply from cottage cheese. But in order to improve the taste of the dish, a variety of flavoring fillings can be added to the dough. The most common additive is raisins. But today I propose to make lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds. The cakes will turn out to be delicious and very beautiful, white with a black speck.

See also how to freeze lazy dumplings.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 389 kcal.
  • Servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes for cooking, plus 1-2 for freezing


  • Cottage cheese - 500 g
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Poppy - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Salt - a pinch

Step by step preparation of lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds (how to freeze), recipe with photo:

Cottage cheese is combined with sugar
Cottage cheese is combined with sugar

1. Put cottage cheese in a bowl for kneading dough, add sugar and salt.

Flour and eggs added to the curd
Flour and eggs added to the curd

2. Then add eggs to the curd and add flour.

The dough is mixed
The dough is mixed

3. Knead the elastic curd dough.

Poppy brewed
Poppy brewed

4. Put the poppy in a saucepan and simmer after simmering for 5 minutes. Then drain the water, fill in a new one and boil again for 5 minutes.

Poppy added to curd
Poppy added to curd

4. Tip the poppy seed onto a fine sieve to drain all the water and send it to a bowl of curd.

The dough is mixed
The dough is mixed

5. Stir the dough to distribute the poppy seeds throughout the dough.

The dough is rolled out with a sausage
The dough is rolled out with a sausage

6. Powder the work surface and hands with flour. Take a piece of dough and roll it out into a thin sausage about 2 cm wide.

The dough is cut into pieces
The dough is cut into pieces

7. Cut the curd sausage into dumplings into 1.5 cm pieces. In this case, the dumplings can be put into boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and enjoy your favorite dish.

Dumplings are laid out on a board and sent to the freezer
Dumplings are laid out on a board and sent to the freezer

8. To freeze dumplings, use a board or baking sheet. Wrap them with cling film or flour. Lay out the blanks so that each dumpling lies separately from each other. Send them to the freezer and freeze at a temperature of -20 degrees, it is better to turn on the "quick freeze" mode.

Ready-made lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds: how to freeze
Ready-made lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds: how to freeze

9. When the items are frozen, transfer them to a plastic bag and continue storing in the freezer. Frozen lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds can be stored for several months without losing their taste.

See also a video recipe on how to make lazy cottage cheese dumplings.

How to freeze lazy dumplings with cottage cheese.
