Dried dates - famous fruits with a thousand-year history

Dried dates - famous fruits with a thousand-year history
Dried dates - famous fruits with a thousand-year history

Calorie content and composition of dried dates. What are the benefits to the body of the components contained in dried fruits. Who better not to eat them? A product in cooking: how it is eaten and cooked. But the main benefit of dried dates is in the micro and macro elements contained in the product:

  • Potassium … Helps maintain water balance, prevents the leaching of salts from bones, is essential for the heart and musculoskeletal system.
  • Calcium … Responsible for the preservation of bones, teeth, participates in the production of insulin, starts metabolism.
  • Magnesium … It is considered the main anti-stress component, also supports the cardiovascular system, the normal functioning of the endocrine apparatus.
  • Sodium … The main component of water-salt metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Phosphorus … In tandem with calcium, it forms the basis of teeth and bones, making them strong and preventing fragility, helps restore vision, nourishes the optic nerve, and normalizes blood vessels.
  • Iron … This is a substance without which the normal assimilation of B vitamins, the production of hemoglobin and hormones is impossible.

Also, the product contains most of the essential amino acids. These are substances that are extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but are not produced in it. Therefore, their constant supply from outside is needed.

Useful properties of dried dates

What dried dates look like
What dried dates look like

There is a legend that the benefits of the fruit are so great that for several years you can only eat it and drink water. We do not recommend experimenting, but we will tell you about the scientifically proven benefits of dried fruits.

Eating them regularly can reduce the following health problems:

  1. Heart diseases … Prevention of diseases such as hypertension, tachycardia, heart attack, stroke, anemia is carried out. The heart rate normalizes, the pressure decreases, the level of bad cholesterol decreases, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the level of hemoglobin is normalized, and blood circulation improves.
  2. Excitement of the nervous system … Sleep becomes healthy and full, stress resistance increases, depressive symptoms, headaches and anxiety go away. The work of the brain is activated, concentration of attention increases, memory improves, headaches and migraines disappear.
  3. Puffiness … Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, excess fluid is removed from the body.
  4. Kidney stones, bladder and gall bladder … Helps them to remove the mild diuretic and choleretic effect. There is an outflow of bile from the ducts, the liver is cleansed.
  5. Reduced immunity … Efficiency increases, well-being improves, the body becomes less susceptible to viruses and bacterial infections.
  6. Gastrointestinal problems … The activity of the digestive system is corrected: getting rid of heartburn occurs, intestinal motility increases, and its microflora is restored.
  7. Poor skin, hair and nails … The condition of the nails improves - they become stronger and shinier. Hair becomes stronger and thicker. The skin is cleansed, fine mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.
  8. Acute PMS … The intensity of the premenstrual syndrome decreases, the cycle of menstruation is regulated, it becomes less painful.
  9. Fear of childbirth, poor lactation … There is a normalization of the psychoemotional state, relief of labor, an increase in milk production.
  10. Low potency … Male strength increases, prevention of prostate adenoma is carried out.
  11. The presence of helminths … These and other parasites do not like the smell of the product, therefore, they leave the body with constant consumption of the fruit.

Contraindications and harm of dried dates

Diabetes as a contraindication to dried dates
Diabetes as a contraindication to dried dates

Despite the positive properties of the product, there are people who can be harmed by the African fruit. It is not recommended to lean on these dried fruits if you:

  • Are obese … High calorie and carbohydrate levels can negatively affect the process of weight loss.
  • Have problems with enzyme production … A rather heavy product that causes discomfort in the digestive tract with enzyme deficiency.
  • Have gastritis … Excessive use can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Prone to enteritis and colitis … Irritation of the colon and small intestine is not excluded.

Dried dates can also harm diabetics. The presence of a disease such as diabetes mellitus is an absolute contraindication to their use. The thing is that the fruits of the date palm are the record holder for the glycemic index. They have an increased ability to increase blood sugar levels.

How to choose dried dates

What Dried Date Palm Fruit Looks Like
What Dried Date Palm Fruit Looks Like

When you buy this delicacy, first of all appreciate its color. It should be homogeneous, not quite dark, as this indicates spoilage, but also not quite light - such fruits are considered unripe.

Wrinkles are a must. Their absence indicates underdrying, because of which they can ferment. And an excessive amount shows overdry.

There should be no stains, and dried dates should be intact with no protruding pits.

But if you come across raw dates - take it without hesitation, in our area it is a rarity. And all because they, as a rule, do not dry, they are already plucked from the palm tree dry and transported in this form for sale. If you are lucky, when buying, pay attention to the integrity of the fruit, its uniform red-brown color, the absence of any damage, flaws, dots. Ripeness will be indicated by a slight separation from the junction with the branch and the slipping of the seed.

It is recommended to keep both dried and raw fruits in the refrigerator. The former can lie down for several weeks, the latter for several months. With intact original packaging - up to a year.

How are dried dates eaten?

Dried date fruit
Dried date fruit

Date palm fruits are one of the most famous dried fruits in our region.

The high calorie content of dried dates makes them an excellent snack, and the presence of nutrients is classified as healthy food. The main thing is not to overdo it. It is optimal to consume no more than 10 fruits per day.

But when added to dishes, you can increase their number, since heat treatment partially changes the structure of the product. Nutritionists note that the presence of this dietary supplement in foods and drinks eliminates the need to add sugar.

Dried Date Recipes

Baked mackerel with dates
Baked mackerel with dates

Dried fruits are such a versatile product that they are used in many dishes - first and second, hot and cold, appetizers and salads, meat and fish, desserts and drinks.

We will help you understand the information and tell you about the most popular dishes that acquire a special piquancy thanks to the famous dried fruits. After all, wondering what to cook from dried dates, housewives can get confused, so there is a great variety of the proposed recipes.

We advise you to definitely try the following gastronomic delicacies:

  1. Beef in sauce … Even the tough part of the beef becomes soft and tender thanks to this sauce. Fry the diced 500 g of beef in olive oil until golden brown. Dry a few slices of rye bread in the oven. Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a cast iron, add 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, 200 g of dried dates, rye croutons and meat to it. Pour a glass of boiling water, simmer under a closed lid over low heat for 40 minutes. Thanks to the gravy, this meat goes especially well with mashed potatoes and cereals.
  2. Sweet chicken … An excellent recipe for the original preparation of such a popular product as chicken. Dried fruits will give it a sweet touch, accentuate its softness and juiciness. Rinse thoroughly, then dry the medium chicken. Dice 100 g of ham, finely chop 100 g of hazelnuts, add 1 raw chicken egg, 100 g of finely chopped dried dates, 2 tablespoons each of white wine and brandy, a pinch of salt and pepper. Rub the inside and outside of the chicken with a mixture of salt and pepper and a clove of garlic. Start the poultry, secure the skin with toothpicks so that the filling does not fall out, place in a saucepan or baking dish, and surround with orange slices and whole dates. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for an hour and a half, until the skin becomes golden and crispy.
  3. Spicy appetizer … It will appeal to everyone who likes to experiment with products, discover new shades and combine seemingly incompatible products. Take 150 g of dried dates. Rinse them, dry with paper towels, carefully remove the bones. Place a slice of any blue cheese in the middle of each date, cover the fruit, wrap it with a thin strip of bacon. Better to secure it with a toothpick. Place the appetizer in any baking dish or baking sheet, covered with parchment. Sprinkle each roll with balsamic vinegar. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, bake for 20 minutes - be guided by the readiness of the bacon, it should be crispy. Serve hot or cold. This appetizer tastes fantastic.
  4. Fish with dates … As a rule, mackerel is taken for this recipe, but, by and large, you can choose any medium-sized fish. Take fresh or thawed fish, free from entrails. It is not necessary to cut the head off as it will look better when served. Cut the onion into half rings, line the fish with it, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Remove the onion, wipe it on all sides (including the inside) with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stuff with whole dried pitted dates. Secure with toothpicks. Grease the carcass with olive oil on top, wrap in foil and bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 40 minutes. Then open the fish slightly, grease the top with oil again and bake for another 5-10 minutes. Serve chilled.
  5. Beer cupcake … The peculiarity of this cake is in a very piquant, spicy taste. It literally melts in your mouth, leaving an incredible caramel aftertaste. For its preparation, take 100 g of black and white raisins, 150 g of dried dates, 100 g of candied fruits. Rinse thoroughly and then dry the dried fruits, cut the dates to the size of raisins and candied fruits. Pour 300 ml of dark beer into a saucepan with a thick bottom, send dried fruits to it, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, a pinch of dry ginger, cardamom and nutmeg, zest of one orange. Bring to a boil and make a small flame. Add 120 ml vegetable oil and cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool thoroughly. Beat 3 eggs until frothy, send them to the cooled dried fruit mixture, gradually add 320 g of pre-sifted wheat flour. Line the form with paper, pour the dough into it. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, bake until tender (about an hour). Lubricate the finished hot cake with honey, let cool, wrap in parchment. Leave in this form for a day. Then cut into pieces and serve.
  6. Healthy sweets … This homemade sweetness will be a great alternative to store-bought sweets, the content of which is always unknown. Sweets will delight both adults and kids, and parents will not only be sure of their safety, but also enjoy the health benefits. Rinse well in running water with 100 g of pitted prunes, raisins, dried apricots and dried dates. Let drain, dry with paper towels. Take 100 g of any nuts - cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts or almonds. Dry lightly in a skillet. Grind all ingredients in a blender or meat grinder. Add 3 tablespoons of honey. Form balls, roll in cocoa. Serve with tea.

There are also many recipes with dried dates, thanks to which every housewife can easily prepare delicious and healthy drinks. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Almond drink … Has a strong tonic effect. Take 50 g of almonds and soak in water overnight. Drain the water, grind the nuts with a blender, add them to 200 ml of mineral water, pass through the blender again. Strain the mixture, add 50 g of dried dates, a pinch of cinnamon and a couple of mint leaves. Beat again with a blender. Refrigerate, add honey if necessary.
  • Milk smoothie … An invigorating and tasty drink will charge you with good mood for the whole day. Grind in a blender half a large avocado, 100 g dried dates, 1 tablespoon cocoa, 30 g oatmeal, a couple of ice cubes. When the mass is homogeneous, add 250 ml of cold milk to it, mix again. Serve with a mint leaf.
  • Dried fruits compote … This is a great drink not only for adults but also for children. Cut 4 ripe apples into large pieces (variety to taste). Pour a dozen dates with warm water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse and place over the apples. Pour the base with 2 liters of water, bring to a boil, make a small flame and cook for 20-25 minutes. Add a pinch of cinnamon 5 minutes before finishing. The compote should cool in a saucepan, under a closed lid. Chill and enjoy the rich flavor, accented by aromatic cinnamon.

Interesting facts about dates

How the fruits of the date palm grow
How the fruits of the date palm grow

It should be noted that dates are fruits with a thousand-year history. The Indians believe that the world owes the appearance of palm trees to them, but scientists tend to think that the birthplace of the tree is Mesopotamia, where, according to historical evidence, a fruit plant was grown in the 4th millennium BC. He was often painted on the walls of Babylonian and Assyrian temples. It is repeatedly mentioned in the scriptures - the Bible and the Koran.

From then until today, raw and dried fruits have remained a popular food staple in the Middle East and North Africa. Due to their high yields, they have always been one of the most affordable in places of growth. Most Russians can afford them.

Watch a video about dried dates:

In modern cooking, there are many ways to prepare this product. How to eat dried dates - alone or in dishes - is up to you. But the fact that at least occasionally you need to indulge yourself with this sweetness is a completely unambiguous statement. It is not in vain that people have paid tribute to the beneficial properties of the fruit for thousands of years.
