Pomegranate flower tea: benefits, harms, how to brew

Pomegranate flower tea: benefits, harms, how to brew
Pomegranate flower tea: benefits, harms, how to brew

Features of pomegranate flower tea, brewing methods. Calorie content and composition, effect on the body, restriction on consumption. Welding in home cosmetology.

Pomegranate flower tea is the dried buds and petals of a plant, that is, dry tea leaves. The drink that is made from it has a pink, red or burgundy color, depending on the strength; taste - sourish, tart, pleasant; the smell is faint pomegranate, dusty. Collecting from inflorescences is rarely used independently. To improve the color, taste and enhance the beneficial properties, the main ingredient is combined with other components: bark, pomegranate leaves and juice, as well as black or green tea. The drink is drunk hot and cold, used to quench thirst, to keep warm and for medicinal purposes.

Composition and calorie content of pomegranate flower tea

Girl drinking pomegranate tea
Girl drinking pomegranate tea

The energy value of floral drinks is zero. But with the addition of additional components, it can increase, albeit slightly.

When drawing up a menu for weight loss, you can safely enter tea from pomegranate flowers with a calorie content of 0 kcal per 100 g - the weight will not increase, and the body will be replenished with useful substances.

The infusion contains all the substances for which the subtropical fruit is valued, albeit in smaller quantities. Among the vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, ascorbic and pangamic acid predominate.

The latter nutrient enters the body through herbal products. It has a positive effect on organic processes vital for the human body: it normalizes the synthesis of creatine and phospholipids, stimulates the dissolution of harmful cholesterol, participates in the work of the adrenal glands, and helps the liver to cope with its function - elimination of toxins.

Of the minerals, most of all are potassium, calcium, sulfur, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, fluorine and boron.

Pomegranate flower tea contains essential oils, alkaloids, the amount of which increases when mixed with grains and peel. Popular store-bought infusions include vitamins A, K, and folic acid.

The benefits of pomegranate flower tea

Pomegranate flower tea
Pomegranate flower tea

The drink is not only tasty, but also has healing properties; it is introduced into a therapeutic regimen to combat various diseases. The effect varies depending on the type of additives and slightly depends on the preparation method.

The benefits of pomegranate flower tea:

  1. Replenishes vitamin and mineral organic reserves.
  2. It has anti-inflammatory and bacteriological properties, suppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity and intestines, stomatitis and periodontitis, relieves exacerbation of chronic diseases - pharyngitis, tonsillitis and enterocolitis. It can be used for preventive purposes during the SARS epidemic season.
  3. Improves appetite, helps to recover from debilitating diseases.
  4. Normalizes metabolic processes.
  5. It accelerates the cleansing of the body, has absorption properties, isolates toxins and radionuclides accumulated in the blood as they pass through the intestines, and then stimulates the elimination in a natural way.
  6. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, stabilizes the pulse rhythm.
  7. Increases bone strength.
  8. Improves falling asleep and has a calming effect.
  9. Restores the quality of skin and hair, accelerates the regeneration of epithelial tissues and oral mucosa.
  10. It has a positive effect on thyroid problems.

Pomegranate flower tea can be used to treat stomatitis. Only in this case it is not swallowed, but the oral cavity is rinsed. But even if you just drink it, the painful sensations decrease.

The beneficial properties of pomegranate flower tea are enhanced by the action of additional ingredients:

  1. A drink with leaves stimulates the secretion of bile, eliminates swelling. The calming property is replaced by a tonic one.
  2. Infusion with crusts stops diarrhea, reduces gas formation, helps to get rid of intestinal spasms in colitis and enterocolitis.
  3. Tea with fruit juice quickly relieves anemia and restores hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  4. Fruit seeds, no matter how they are used, fresh or dried, help to normalize the work of the endocrine system and adrenal glands. In women, the menstrual cycle becomes stable, soreness decreases, and the volume of bloody discharge decreases. The quality of sperm improves in men. A drink from such a brew is recommended for people who have suffered from radiation.
  5. The mixture with black tea strongly tones up, increases blood pressure.
  6. A drink with green tea and oolong helps to enhance the cleansing effect, the pressure decreases, the mechanism of fat burning is triggered - weight loss is accelerated.

It is not necessary, however, to introduce flower tea into the therapeutic regimen. When hot, it will help you warm up quickly and eliminate shivering caused by cold or emotional distress. And in cold weather - it quenches thirst on hot days, at the same time replenishing the reserve of minerals that the body loses during increased sweating.
