How to get rid of pride

How to get rid of pride
How to get rid of pride

Pride and the reasons for the formation of this personality defect. The article provides practical advice on how to get rid of the problem yourself with accompanying recommendations from specialists. Pride is the overconfidence, arrogance, and arrogance of a person who puts himself one step above the rest. With this vice, a person quite often considers himself undeservedly offended, worries if his talents are not extolled, he himself often behaves in a boorish way with others. Even the Bible condemns pride, referring it to the seven deadly sins. An overestimated ego in most cases makes it difficult to adequately assess the existing reality, therefore it is necessary to get rid of such an attitude towards oneself and society.

The main reasons for the development of pride


The formation of arrogance and arrogance is usually based on the following factors:

  • Wrong parenting model … Some parents from childhood instill in their children that they are better in all respects than their peers. As a result, the child grows up to be an egoist, who already at a more mature age begins to consider himself a celestial.
  • Luck in everything … There is such a category of people whom Fortune loves. A person begins to take good luck in life for granted, attributing it to his exceptional abilities and eventually becoming an arrogant person.
  • Possessing a striking appearance … Beautiful people are quite often frankly proud of their outstanding appearance. And they do not miss the opportunity to get maximum benefits, as well as emphasize their superiority over the rest. In especially difficult cases, they exalt themselves so much that they almost completely lose touch with others, since they are unable to withstand an arrogant attitude and narcissism.
  • Activation of the protective mechanism … Low self-esteem can also lead to ostentatious pride, just like having good looks. Fearing to be ridiculed, a person with complexes begins to demonstrate their "unique" mental abilities and put themselves above ordinary people.
  • Living in megacities … Some snobs, having their homes in large cities, openly make it clear to the provincials that they are second-class people for them. Arrogant persons demonstrate their superiority in front of them, even without sometimes having education and prestigious work.
  • Aristocratic roots … Pride often stems from this factor. The well-known expressions "blue blood" and "white bone" in themselves indicate that some people consider themselves the elite of society.

Important! Whatever the origins of the formation of pride, it is rather difficult to call such people pleasant persons. They have practically no friends, because few people like the dismissive attitude towards themselves.

Manifestations of pride in humans

Selfishness and pride in a girl
Selfishness and pride in a girl

It is not difficult to calculate people with the described character warehouse, because they behave defiantly and in some cases even aggressively:

  1. Ignoring someone else's opinion … Reflections of relatives and strangers are not just not listened to, but initially refuted by arrogant people. For people with pride, there are no authorities other than the point of view of their own person.
  2. Striving to be the first … You can even say that a person with such a character does not try to seem the best of the best, but considers himself to be such. Rivalry arises only if the same proud person stands in his way.
  3. Unreasonable criticism of people … The imperfection of each and every one is quite clearly formulated by a person with an informal model of behavior. The illusion of greatness leads him ultimately to cruelty and a complete lack of tact when communicating with the interlocutor.
  4. Selfishness … Proud people usually go to extremes, considering themselves either the center of the Universe, or possessing many hidden complexes. At the first problem, it is very difficult to maintain contact with such a person, because in order to satisfy his own needs, he is able to commit unworthy acts.
  5. Desire to lead everyone … Considering even the closest environment to be small people, persons with signs of pride try to become leaders in any team. Power in this case goes beyond all the boundaries of permissible moral norms, causing discontent among the most peaceful persons who are faced with such an attitude towards themselves.
  6. Inability to be grateful … Proud people take signs of attention to their person for granted. Dividing people into statuses and categories, they do not consider themselves to be obliged to anyone due to their ranking in a lower rank in society.
  7. Vanity … When an individual has such a quality as pride, he cannot calmly observe happy and successful people. Consequently, persons with a nasty and arrogant character will try to assert themselves at the expense of others in all spheres of human activity.
  8. Boasting … To show off in front of a large audience is the hallmark of the proud. Many of their stories about life, love affairs and rapid career growth actually turn out to be a banal lie or an indisputable embellishment of facts.
  9. Pathos … If a person has pride, all his speeches will be filled with magnificent phrases and complex terms. With such a demonstration of intelligence and erudition, they try to show their education, focusing on the fact that it was received in a well-known and prestigious educational institution.

Ways to combat self-pride

Psychologists argue that such a defect over time can lead to a complete degradation of the personality. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously think about how to get rid of the existing problem.

Working on yourself while showing pride

Work on yourself
Work on yourself

A person cannot cope on his own only with those pathologies that seriously distort his vision of the world and his place in it. In other cases, the following ways of rehabilitating oneself as a person can be put on the agenda:

  • Acknowledging that there is a problem … The first step towards realizing your dream of becoming a full member of society should be the decision to observe your own behavior from the outside. Pride is not an innate character trait, because with such a defect they do not come into the world, but form it in themselves during their life.
  • Analysis of your own ambitions … After admitting the existence of a certain problem, it is necessary to understand what exactly annoys a person in other people. You can limit communication with such individuals, without projecting their shortcomings on literally every person. However, in most cases, a detailed analysis shows that personal claims against most people are unfounded.
  • Keeping a diary … It is recommended to divide it into two parts, which will describe the positive aspects of pride and the negative consequences of its appearance. After observing this pattern for a week, many people will be unpleasantly surprised by the comparison of both sections of the diary.
  • Teaching humility … This quality helps a lot in life, because a person does not try to jump above his head. However, a proud man should not go to extremes and try to engage in self-flagellation instead of comprehending his actions, while becoming a puppet in the hands of some unscrupulous personalities.
  • Refusal to evaluate people … The closest circle of the obstinate and the people outside of him are not at all obliged to comply with his moral criteria and invented norms of behavior in society. In response to such a desire to change acquaintances or colleagues, he will receive exclusively a wave of negativity, which can be prevented by abstracting from other people's shortcomings.
  • Courtesy training … Communication culture implies tolerance and a sense of tact in relation to the interlocutor. This rule should become a law for a person with a vice in the form of pride. You can also familiarize yourself with the works of Dale Carnegie "The Language of Success", "How to win people over" and "How to win friends."
  • Work on self-realization … It is necessary not to suffer from megalomania, but in fact to work on yourself every day. Proud people often have a feeling of envy towards more successful people. They will not have such a negative outburst of emotions only if they themselves take place as individuals.
  • Accepting constructive criticism … It is difficult not to respond to any insult with some kind of taunt, but with wise advice, you need to learn to listen to them. In some cases, someone else's experience is invaluable information. In addition, people are attracted to an interlocutor who knows how to listen and respects their opinion.
  • Altruism … Confronting your own selfishness in this way will be an excellent way to combat pride. In addition, changes in behavior in this direction will allow you to expand your circle of contacts and make real friends.
  • Doing dirty work … Some people, who consider themselves the elite of society, refuse any occupations that are unpleasant for them. If you want to get rid of pride, you can work in the garden or do a general cleaning of the house yourself. A new stage in life has come when it is necessary to forget about the old habits of the little haired woman.
  • Refusing flatterer friends … Pride can appear even in a tolerant person, before whom hypocritical friends openly flatter. This is done both out of a desire to get closer to a person who is more popular in society, and for selfish purposes. Such communication will do nothing but harm, so it is necessary to stay away from insincere people.
  • Using the Prayer of Repentance … This method of getting rid of pride will help believing parishioners. In addition, while reading it, the soul calms down, and all gloomy thoughts leave the consciousness. The words of the prayer can be arbitrary, provided that they come from the very heart.

Any of the proposed methods of eliminating pride in your soul is an accessible method for every person. The main thing in this case is to have the desire to correct the situation and establish contact with the people around.

Help from psychologists if you want to get rid of pride

Girl's pride
Girl's pride

In parallel with your own attempts to change your life for the better, you can put into practice the following advice from experts:

  1. Mental bows method … This method is quite popular in Asian countries, which also have their own proud people. When meeting with even a person of lower status and wealth in the mind, it is necessary to bow to her. In this way, an act of respect will be performed that effectively combats the ambition of the arrogant person.
  2. Projection method … If you have pride, you need to mentally imagine the internal dialogue of your friends. In a conversation with them, there were unambiguously some half-hints of dissatisfaction with the behavior of the arrogant man. Thinking unflatteringly about other people, one should assume what opinion on their part they may have about the arrogant person.
  3. Analysis-comparison … Antiheroes of all times and peoples have always been proud, even with their existing complexes. This list can start with Lucifer (Satan) and end with dictators who are responsible for the destruction of a huge number of people. A small percentage of patients after such a session with a psychotherapist with an accompanying thematic conversation will want to be like a person with negative energy.
  4. The method of analysis of perishable glory … A minute of triumph at the expense of humiliating another person is not worth loneliness in the future after being condemned by the inner circle. When asked how to get rid of pride, you should make a virtual trip to the future in order to descend from heaven on earth and soberly assess your attitude towards people.
  5. The principle of "internal is equal to external" … Some factors from the outside must be changed in parallel with the correction of one's own "I". You can change the decor for a while, replacing it with a more modest apartment. It is also recommended to reconsider your diet, replacing expensive delicacies with cheaper healthy foods.
  6. Group therapy … In some cases, experts recommend that proud people talk to people with the same problem. Someone else’s bitter experience is often better perceived than learning from our own mistakes. During such sessions, patients talk about themselves, recognizing the fact that they have arrogance and arrogance in their character.

How to get rid of pride - watch the video:

The question posed to oneself, how to deal with pride, already testifies to a person's desire to change his life and attitude towards other people. It remains only to heed the recommendations voiced in order to get rid of the existing problem of a personal nature once and for all.
