Learn how to count calories correctly to gain at least 5kg of lean muscle each month. Today there are a large number of mass-gaining nutrition programs for athletes. Each author of the diet tries to bring something of his own into it, and most often these innovations turn out to be completely useless. If you paid attention to a nutrition program in which you are asked, say, to limit the list of food products, say, to eat only red vegetables, then you can safely walk by.
Today we will describe how a regimen should be organized for gaining muscle mass, based on research in the field of nutrition and practical experience. Now you will not be able to get acquainted with a separate nutrition program for gaining mass, but you will learn the basic principles of building a diet that will help you progress. You must remember that the increase or decrease in the energy value of the diet should always be gradual. The body needs time to adapt to new nutritional conditions.
The basic principles of nutrition during the period of muscle gain

Eat 5 or 6 times a day
In the course of their research, scientists have proven that after a meal, the anabolic background increases by about four hours. It is this fact that explains the recommendation to eat at least five times a day. Such a regime for gaining muscle mass does not load the digestive tract, and the body constantly receives nutrients. If you eat the same amount of food in three meals, then nutrients will enter the body in large quantities and will be converted into fats.
Food must have a high energy value
Approximately 70 percent of the food you eat should be high in energy. If you increase the amount of high-calorie foods, then there may be problems with the work of the digestive system. Fruits and vegetables are very useful for the human body, but the regimen for gaining muscle mass assumes their content in the diet in an amount of no more than 30 percent. This is due to the fact that plant fibers increase the contractility of the intestinal tract and, as a result, large amounts of high-calorie foods will simply not be processed.
Reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates and fats
You should limit your intake of saturated fat. For muscle to grow, you need carbohydrates, and in a high-calorie diet, saturated fat will be stored in fat cells (adipocytes). It is also necessary to consume as few simple carbohydrates as possible, the most dangerous of which is sugar. To a lesser extent, flour products pose a threat.
Simple carbohydrates quickly enter the bloodstream and thereby increase the concentration of glucose, which will then be converted to fat. You can consume simple carbohydrates only after the end of the class. This increases the rate at which the powerful anabolic hormone such as insulin is produced. In addition, after intense physical exertion, all body tissues are able to quickly assimilate glucose, and it does not turn into fat.
Follow the correct drinking regimen
During the work on the mass, a large amount of toxins is produced in the body and to accelerate their elimination, you need to consume enough fluids. During the day, you must drink at least three liters of liquid. Also, you should be aware of dehydration, which should not be allowed. As soon as you start to feel thirsty, drink water.
Distribute food evenly
When gaining muscle mass, you need to eat equal portions. At the same time, try to consume about 70 percent of the total daily diet by four in the afternoon. At the same time, scientists now believe that the distribution of food throughout the day does not play a major role in maintaining the correct regimen for gaining muscle mass.
It is very important not to eat sweets, flour products and fatty foods in the evening. At this time, the food you eat should contain a large amount of protein compounds and be quickly absorbed by the body. It can be fish, eggs, vegetables, sour milk products, etc. About 120 minutes before the start of the training, you must eat food. Eat foods that contain slow carbohydrates and protein compounds during this period. This will allow you to increase the body's energy potential and activate anabolic reactions.
After training, the body needs nutrients. We recommend that you drink a portion of the gainer immediately after class. A full meal should be taken no later than an hour or an hour and a half after the end of the workout. You also need to eat foods that contain protein compounds and carbohydrates (even a small amount of simple ones). All nutrients entering the body during this time will be used for recovery.
Correct Nutrient Ratio in the Diet
Your diet should contain between 50 and 60 percent carbohydrates during the bulking period, most of which should be complex. The amount of protein compounds ranges from 30 to 35 percent. As you should know, it is this nutrient that is used to increase muscle mass as a building material. At least half of the total protein compounds should be obtained from natural food, and the rest can be supplied through sports nutrition.
Fat in your diet should be no more than 20 percent. At the same time, this indicator should not fall below 10 percent, as it can lead to unnecessary restructuring of metabolism. Priority should be given to vegetable fats, and fish can be consumed in any quantity. It should also be said that the above nutrient levels are approximate. There are no guidelines that can be useful to all athletes. You need to experiment and determine the optimal nutrient ratio for yourself. Start with the indicated values and experimentally find the most effective for yourself.
The main principle of mass gain is that muscles can only grow if you consume more energy (calories) than you expend. It is also important to remember that our body strives to achieve balance (homeostasis) in everything. Thus, you can increase the caloric content of the diet by even 30 percent and this will not lead to a set of fat mass.
Often, athletes have to consume 50 percent more calories throughout the day compared to their usual diet. Only in this case they begin to grow. Here's some advice on how to determine the caloric content of your diet that will promote muscle growth. Gradually increase the calorie content of the nutrition program, achieving weekly weight gain of 0.6–0.8 kilograms. If this figure is lower, then continue to increase the calorie content. Otherwise, start reducing this figure.
What foods do you need to eat to gain weight?

Although it is generally accepted that there are a lot of products containing protein compounds, athletes can actively use a small amount.
- Meat - the product should not be greasy and from this point of view the bird looks most preferable. At the same time, red meat should be present in your diet.
- A fish - this should also include various seafood. You can eat any kind of fish, even fatty ones. Do this at least 2-3 times throughout the week.
- Milk - as in the case of meat, you should try to eat non-fatty dairy products.
- Eggs - during the day, you can safely use up to eight eggs, and together with the yolk. Today, scientists are sure that if a person does not have problems with cholesterol, then eggs are not capable of disrupting this balance.
- Legumes - these are the main sources of protein compounds of plant nature. At the same time, you must be careful with soybeans, as this product is often genetically modified. But beans, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas are perfect for you to maintain a regimen for gaining muscle mass.
If we talk about carbohydrate foods, then first of all you should pay attention to grains: cereals, bread, pasta, muesli and cereals. Also note that pasta should be made from durum wheat, and try to use only black bread.
We have already spoken about fats - they must be of plant origin. Also, by eating fish, you will supply the body with omega fatty acids, which are extremely important for it.
Learn how to eat cheap and tasty while gaining muscle mass. The following video will help you with this: