Linoleic acid is quite important for athletes as it has anticarcinogenic properties. Learn how linoleic acid is used in bodybuilding. Chemically, conjugated linoleic acid (or simply CLA) is a combination of isomers of linoleic acid, naturally sourced from dairy products and meat. Many people have heard of CLA but know very little about the substance. However, thanks to the latest research, we can talk about the positive effect of the substance on the body of athletes. This makes the use of linoleic acid in bodybuilding essential.
Linoleic acid properties

Linoleic acid belongs to the group of omega-6 fatty acids and is essential for the human body. Studies on the effects of the substance began as early as 1988. Since then, a huge amount of research has been carried out, which gives reason to speak with complete confidence about the effects of CLA on the human body. It should be said right away that CLA is not synthesized by the body and can only be obtained through food such as whole milk, butter, beef and lamb.
Linoleic acid is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates the immune system and has anti-catabolic and anti-carcinogenic properties. Among the fully studied properties of linoleic acid, the following should be highlighted:
- Accelerates metabolic processes - undoubtedly, this feature of the substance is very important for athletes who need to lose weight and give their muscles a relief.
- Promotes the growth of muscle tissue - during active muscle growth, fats are burned, which increases metabolism, promotes weight loss and makes it possible to control it.
- Reduces cholesterol - many people now suffer from high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. CLA is very effective in reducing the level of these substances.
- Decreases insulin resistance - this reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and it becomes possible to control body weight.
- Reduces the possibility of food allergies - an allergic reaction to food can significantly complicate the fight against excess weight.
- Immunity rises - at present, weakening of the immune system is a serious problem and improving its functioning is very important not only for athletes.
Scientists managed to establish that linoleic acid in bodybuilding has a serious effect on the composition of all tissues of the human body, stops the accumulation of fat cells, and also promotes active growth of muscle tissue. This became possible due to the ability of CLA to inhibit the deposition of carbohydrates and fats in adipose tissues. Linoleic acid increases cellular insulin sensitivity, which allows fats to pass faster through cell membranes without accumulating in them.
We can confidently talk about the ability of linoleic acid to significantly increase the rate of metabolic processes and increase the efficiency of fat burning in the body. All omega-6 fatty acids and CLA, in particular, tend to enhance the body's defense mechanisms, which made it necessary to use linoleic acid in food supplements. It should be recognized that modern people very often suffer from a lack of linoleic acid and the reasons for this lie in the serious changes that have befallen the livestock industry. Due to changes in animal nutrition, significantly less linoleic acid accumulates in products. For example, after the studies, it was found that beef obtained from a cow that ate meadow grass contains 4 times more CLA than when animals are fed compound feed. It has already been said above that linoleic acid is a strong anticarcinogenic. Most athletes use linoleic acid in bodybuilding to accelerate the transport of glucose to muscle tissue cells and enhance the anabolic background. CLA also perfectly stimulates fat burning processes, which is also important for athletes.
Although CLA is very similar in structure to linoleic acid, there are a number of differences. These substances have exactly the opposite effect on some processes. For example, CLA helps to stop tumor growth, while linoleic acid stimulates it. This allows us to speak about the effectiveness of CLA in the prevention of cancer.
Side effects of linoleic acid

It is premature to talk about the possible side effects of CLA at this time, as few long-term studies have yet been conducted. However, there were very few cases of their occurrence, which may indicate the sufficient safety of the drug. However, you should not exceed the established norms.
Use of linoleic acid

CLA is an excellent antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, anti-catabolic and immunomodulator. One of the reasons for the development of obesity is the lack of linoleic acid in the body. Do not forget about the ability of the substance to inhibit the development of neoplasms.
In the course of a number of experiments, the effectiveness of the tool as a fat burner has been proven. The subjects took 4 grams of linoleic acid daily for one month. The result was a decrease in waist size by 1.4 centimeters.
The effective daily dosage is 3 grams, however, it will be very difficult to achieve such a content of CLA in the body with the help of products alone. For this reason, it is much more effective to use special additives.
Learn more about linoleic acid and the foods that contain it in this video: