Read how to make a lighthouse, giraffe, spider. You will make these items from unnecessary flower pots. Use the same material to make crafts for the New Year. Making a summer residence with your own hands is an exciting experience. You can make wonderful items for the garden out of already unnecessary things. In the spring, summer residents bring flowers and seedlings in pots to their plots. Then the plants are planted in the ground, and the containers are thrown away, or they lie unnecessarily, cluttering the site. See what you can turn flower pots, seedlings.
How to make a lighthouse from a flower pot?
For its manufacture, both plastic pots and old clay pots, which eventually lose their visual appeal, are suitable. If you do not have a summer residence, having learned how to make a lighthouse, make it and decorate the balcony and windowsill with such an accessory. If you install solar-powered lamps on top, then in the evening the lighthouse will add romanticism to the room.
To do it, take:
- 3-4 pots of different diameters;
- adhesive for ceramics and plastics;
- acrylic paints;
- brush;
- alcohol or solvent;
- newspaper.
First, the pots must be well washed, dried, then degreased with alcohol, solvent or other means.
When the containers are dry, place the largest on the newspaper, cover the bottom with glue. Place the second largest pot on top. Glue a small one to it, and place the smallest one on it.

When the glue is dry, paint the beacon white and the protruding border black. After a while, draw windows, put a decorative lantern upstairs.
You can paint the lighthouse with yellow and white stripes obliquely, and make the windows black semicircular, as in the photo. There are many other ideas on how to make a lighthouse.
For example, for the following you will need:
- flower pots;
- white and scarlet acrylic paint;
- trays for pots;
- glue;
- refractory glass;
- candle.
Let's start by covering the round protruding part of the pots with white paint. Decorate the outside with scarlet.
To keep the windows perfectly straight, cut a rectangle inside the sticky note paper. Attach it to the pot, paint the hole black. Cover two trays for flower pots with blue paint. When all this is dry, you can collect our lighthouse. Use glue to hold the three pots together with the largest down and the smallest up. Glue the pallet on the last, put a transparent glass on it, in which place a candle.
For it to burn, you need oxygen. To do this, drill a hole in the second pallet in the center or make it with a heated nail. Turn the pre-painted blue miniature pot over. Glue it onto the prepared tray with a hole. Place this structure on the candle. The lighthouse will be safe, it will decorate the house, dacha.

At sunset you will light a candle and admire your creation at dusk. Such a lighthouse will solve the lighting problem, especially if you make not one, but several.
To do this, check out the following ideas. This can be decorated with pebbles by gluing them to the lower flower pot. Place the lighthouse on a round plinth to be cut out of plywood. Coat this part of the workpiece with glue, wrap it with a rope.

Do you want the lighthouse to become a bird feeder at the same time?

Then place it in a wide bowl or bowl. Here you will pour dry food for birds, thereby helping them to survive the harsh winter and attract them to your gardens. Birds will help control small pests and benefit.
If you are thinking how to make a lighthouse so that it illuminates the path in the country at night and in the evenings, then stick a regular solar-powered lamp into the hole in the upper pot, and the problem will be solved.

You can decorate your creation with a net by tying it. Glue some seashells, and the marine attribute is ready.
If you want, make another item from the pots - the ship bell.

To do this, the containers for flowers must be painted, then sorted by size from small to large. After that, a rope is passed through the hole. At its end you need to hang a plastic ball, and you can hang it at the other end of the rope.
When a grower decides to transplant a potted plant with a closed root system, the container remains. If there are a lot of them, then you can make not only a lighthouse, but also other figures for giving.
How to make a spider, butterflies, caterpillar from flower pots?
A lot is done from the pots remaining after transplanting flowers. Such funny insects can decorate not only a personal plot, but also become crafts for kindergarten, school. Among the flowers, on the windowsill, a colorful butterfly, a striped bee will also look great.

For crafts you will need:
- flower pots;
- acrylic paints;
- pieces of plastic;
- scissors;
- wire;
- Super glue.
We paint each insect in its own color. Let the spider be black, the caterpillar green with white polka dots, the bee's body with yellow and black stripes, and its head black.
The body of the butterflies is also dark, and the head can be yellow or red. Wrap the wire with black thread. Craft a spider is created like this:
- Cut 8 identical pieces of wire, fold their edges into loops.
- Place an inverted flower tray on the table, place the pairwise curved legs of a wire insect on it.
- Lubricate the inside of the top of the pot with glue. Attach it upside down to the pallet.
- For the eyes, take plastic spoons, you will need their rounded parts. Glue those to a small pot that will become the spider's head.
- Pupils can be drawn or cut from a bicycle tube or from an already new rubber item (mouse pad, old toy, etc.).
- Glue the pupils to the squirrels and the insect's head to its body. Here's how to make a spider from flower pots.
For a caterpillar, you will need several of them. Legs and antennae are twisted from wire. You can glue it on or heat the nail by holding it with pliers, punch holes in the pots on the side. Then the wire is inserted here and bent in the form of a mustache and legs.
The body of the butterfly must be installed on the flower pot by gluing. The wings are cut from colored plastic. Here's how to make a spider, butterflies, caterpillar. Other representatives of the animal world are also easily created from this material. You will be convinced of this now.
How to make a giraffe and other animals with your own hands?
Prepare materials, namely:
- 4 identical small flower pots and 1 larger one;
- 4 wooden skewers;
- plasticine;
- acrylic paints;
- brush;
- ready-made eyes for dolls;
- wire;
- Styrofoam;
- liquid Nails.

- Let's start by coloring the pots. First you need to coat them with brown or yellow paint. When it's dry, make dark spots. On a brown background, they should be light.
- Color the wooden skewers too. When they are dry, stick dark plasticine circles on one edge, which will become hooves.
- Use a knife to shape the foam into an oval shape. Cut out two ears from pieces of plastic, stick them into the giraffe's head. Paint this blank with a brown tone, when it dries, draw the mouth and nose, glue the finished eyes.
- Attach the giraffe's legs to its body using liquid nails. Pass the wire first through the bottom inverted pot, and secure it here by twisting. Then lift the other end of the wire up, string 4 small inverted pots.
- Then a giraffe's head is put on this section of the wire. To make its horns, attach plasticine to the wire, stick the workpiece in its place. Instead of plasticine, you can use the same foam. Here's how to make a giraffe from unnecessary flower pots.
By the same principle, you will make an elephant. His body is made from a large pot, and his four legs are made from small ones.

And here's how to make a flowerpot for a summer residence using all the same materials.

The photo shows a way to create such things. Large pots, which will become the head and body of the man, are fixed with a metal rod. The lower end must be pushed into the ground to secure the structure.
Small pots are put on wire. This is how the character's arms and legs are created. To decorate it, glue colored plastic where the dress will be and as a peephole and nose. Paint the mouth with acrylic paint.
It turned out to be a very beautiful flowerpot. By the same principle, you can make other people. Such a couple looks great in any corner of the garden. You can place them next to the lighthouse, the market, to create a sea picture.

Find a spot for picturesque mushrooms too. To make them, turn the white plastic pot over, place the previously painted flower tray on it with the traced circles.

If you want to make a strict school lady out of pots, then put on glasses on her, and attach a brooch to her neck. Decorate this character's head with fake flowers or dried flowers.

If a teacher with a pointer is not your option for decorating a dacha, then make such a Papuan. The top pot is both his head and a container for the fern, which will become the character's hair. On his feet, you can put on old shoes that no one is wearing anymore.

Do-it-yourself flower pots can be turned into the desired item in the kitchen. Draw funny faces on them, choosing any of the presented ones, and you can fold knives, spoons, forks inside.

Crafts for the New Year from flower pots
You can also make them from flower pots. To make a snowman, you will need:
- 4 flower pots of the same size;
- three dark buttons;
- two pallets for pots;
- acrylic paints;
- tinsel;
- tapes;
- brush;
- glue.
If you have white plastic pots, then leave them that way. If they are of a different color, then they must be painted white. Cover the pallets with black.
After the paint dries, turn the pallet over onto the work surface, glue the pot to it. With the help of glue, we connect the other two to each other, the last, the fourth we attach as a head.
It is better to apply the facial features of the snowman first, and then glue the head to the neck. Use a stencil to keep your eyes, mouth and nose straight. Glue the inverted black pallet to the top of the head, fix here artificial or natural spruce branches tied with ribbons. Glue the buttons, tie the tinsel around your neck.

Here's how to make a snowman. It can be crafted even if you only have one pot. Color it like this, and this essential attribute of the New Year will remind you of the upcoming holiday.

If you have a small glass vase, it will come in handy for your next New Year craft. To make it easier, find out what it takes to make another snowman:
- 1 flower pot with white pallet and one pallet;
- glass round vase;
- black and scarlet acrylic paint;
- white filler;
- tennis ball;
- a flap of red cloth;
- scissors;
- glue.
Glue the pallet on top of the inverted pot, drape this place with a scarf of red fabric. Put a white filler in a vase, glue circles of black paper in the form of eyes and mouth on it, cut a carrot nose out of red.
Glue the vase to the pallet, attach the black pallet to which you want to glue the tennis ball. It will become a pompom.
Do not forget to make a Christmas tree as a craft for the New Year. To do this, you must first paint the pots, let them dry, then glue them, placing them evenly from large to small.
The star can be cut out of plastic or cardboard. It should be on a leg made of the same materials. Insert it into the hole in the upper pot and fix it with glue.

For such a Christmas tree for the New Year, you will need only 3 flower pots, which must be painted green. Then decorate your creation with gold braid, multi-colored buttons.
For the next crafts for the new year you will need:
- three flower pots;
- pallet;
- green paint;
- brush;
- candy in the form of cones, balls;
- cotton wool;
- glue;
- cardboard;
- gold wrapping paper;
- scissors.
First paint the pots and tray green. Glue it all in this order. Put a pallet, and on it a large inverted pot, followed by the middle one, glue the smallest one on top.
If you have cotton pads, rub each one with your hands. Glue this supposedly snow to the tree. Also attach candy. Cut the star out of cardboard. You will need two identical blanks. Put a wooden stick between them, glue. Paint the star or paste over it with gold paper.

You can even make a New Year's deer out of pots.

Glue the two white pallets together. Place them on the wide neck of a glass jar. Glue 2 pots, draw eyes, mouth, nose on them. Bend the wire into the shape of a deer's antlers and push its bottom edges into the hole in the pot at the top. Glue the head in place. Here is another craft for the New Year from flower pots ready.
Now you know how you can transform unnecessary containers for plants in order to decorate a summer cottage, a house with them.
Do you want to see how wonderful potted figurines look in personal plots? Then check out a selection of such ideas in the next video.

In the second, you will learn how to make a lighthouse. All stages of work are shown here.