We make blinds, a tray, flower pots from wallpaper

We make blinds, a tray, flower pots from wallpaper
We make blinds, a tray, flower pots from wallpaper

Having learned how to make blinds from wallpaper, you will find a worthy use for this material. You can also make a screen out of it, gift wrapping, home decor elements and much more. If you have several small windows, then make the same number of roller blinds. To make them better fix and look, attach two ribbons to each side. See how you can make a simple mechanism to raise or lower a roller blind by pulling one rope.

Roller blind mechanism design scheme
Roller blind mechanism design scheme

Continuing with the paper theme, you can quickly tell how to make newspaper blinds. After all, this waste material remains with people even more often than wallpaper.

Check out the following tutorial on how to make another economical home item.

Blinds from newspapers

What newspaper blinds might look like
What newspaper blinds might look like

This is how they will be in the end. But to make blinds with your own hands, first prepare everything you need:

  • newspapers;
  • paint;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • wooden plank;
  • fishing line;
  • glue;
  • rope.

After all the newspapers are in front of you, painstaking work lies ahead. Depending on how you want to see the thickness of each blank, you will need a whole small newspaper or its segments for one part.

Screw each piece of paper onto a knitting needle, securing it with glue.

Twisting paper blanks on a knitting needle
Twisting paper blanks on a knitting needle

You can immediately fasten the made newspaper tubes or do it when there are enough of them. You can connect these blanks with each other not only with ropes, but also with a fishing line.

Joining workpieces with a fishing line
Joining workpieces with a fishing line

At this stage, it is better to use fishing line, the decorative cord will be needed a little later.

Newspaper tubes will vary in size, so you need to trim the ends to keep the edges straight. Now color your slats. When the paint is dry, you need to weave some cords into them. The wider the blinds, the more there are.

Weaving cords into blinds
Weaving cords into blinds

All that remains is to hang the blinds from the newspapers on the window and close yourself from prying eyes and from the too hot sun. You can choose not to paint the newspapers, leave them in their original form, or decorate them in various ways, for example, using decoupage techniques.

Drawing on blinds from newspapers
Drawing on blinds from newspapers

Paint them the same color first. If the decoupage is darker, then it is better to make the background light and vice versa. Remove the top layer from the colored napkins and spread with PVA glue or decoupage glue on the blinds where you will attach the napkins. Do it. When the glue is dry, cover the decoupage elements, or all the blinds, with varnish.

Newspaper blinds installed on the window
Newspaper blinds installed on the window

If you plan to lift this window drape, then it is better to carefully cut with a clerical knife between the lamellas where the decoupage is glued. If the blinds are closed from prying eyes and will remain down, then you do not need to do this.

What newspaper blinds look like from the street
What newspaper blinds look like from the street

But back to our wallpaper again. After all, you can make so many interesting things out of them. After seeing the following ideas, you will probably not throw away wallpaper scraps, but turn them into designer accessories.

How to update furniture with wallpaper?

All the same materials will help to realize this idea. If you have an old cabinet that is a shame to throw away, but already looks pretty shabby, here's how to update it. Take:

  • sandpaper;
  • white paint;
  • wallpaper;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • leg-split;
  • varnish.

Remove the drawers from the chest of drawers, sand their front surface with sandpaper. Paint them and other parts of the cabinet with white paint. Cut the wallpaper to fit the front of each drawer, glue it on. When the glue is dry, paint the paper over with a water-based varnish. Wind the twine around the handles, sticking it to them so that these parts are updated as well.

Wall-paper furniture
Wall-paper furniture

This method of freshening up your furniture will allow you to use leftover wallpaper.

With the help of such waste material, you can make unusually beautiful furniture, even if it is very old. The technology is the same.

  1. You must first sand the surface well to get rid of the old paint. Now all parts are covered with a new one.
  2. When it dries up, it's time for creativity. You can update old furniture if you cut the wallpaper into the desired size. The technology is similar to the decoupage technique, as the thick bottom layer of paper is removed from the wallpaper, leaving only the top one.
  3. If it is very thin, then you do not need to glue it, but coat the surface to which you will attach. PVA is used as glue, diluting it in half with water or special glue for decoupage.
  4. Wait until the surface to be decorated is dry, then cover it with acrylic varnish in 2 layers.
Furniture decorated with wallpaper on a white background
Furniture decorated with wallpaper on a white background

If you are updating a wider and simpler surface, then it is advisable not to disassemble the wallpaper into layers, but to take it entirely and cut it along the contours of the furniture being decorated.

Dish cabinet decorated with colored wallpaper
Dish cabinet decorated with colored wallpaper

But the coffee table can be updated using decoupage napkins or the entire top of the wallpaper.

Wallpaper decorated coffee table
Wallpaper decorated coffee table

These materials will even help decorate the stairs, but do not forget to paint the rest of the elements to match.

Wallpaper-covered steps
Wallpaper-covered steps

If you have a floor lamp, but the lampshade has already lost its former attractiveness, you can also make an update in the decoupage style for it. Use wallpaper for this as well.

Wallpaper on the lampshade
Wallpaper on the lampshade

To make this beauty, take:

  • wallpaper;
  • scissors;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • soft cloth.

Lay out the wallpaper on your work surface, place a lampshade on it and make a pattern on it. Glue this paper decor to the surface to be refreshed, then you can paint it with varnish.

They make original clocks from old wallpaper, using old ones or making new ones.

Original clock from wallpaper
Original clock from wallpaper

If not only the outside, but also the inside of the boxes does not look right, then decorate them with the same wallpaper.

The interior of the clothes drawer decorated with wallpaper
The interior of the clothes drawer decorated with wallpaper

You just need to cut the paper leftovers to the size of the boxes and put them here.

How to decorate walls with wallpaper leftovers?

If you have them in plain colors, please the children by cutting out such a house from the remnants of the wallpaper. Kids will love to play next to him.

Wall decorated with the remnants of wallpaper
Wall decorated with the remnants of wallpaper

Tell your child the names of continents, countries and you can significantly expand his horizons.

Continents lined on the wall from the remnants of wallpaper
Continents lined on the wall from the remnants of wallpaper

It is now fashionable to decorate the walls with various posters. To make pictures from wallpaper, take:

  • the remains of wallpaper;
  • cardboard or hardboard;
  • framework;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Cut a piece of wallpaper to fit the frame, glue the blank onto cardboard or hardboard. When the glue is dry, insert the decor item into the frame. Make some of these pictures and hang them on the wall.

Several pictures from the wallpaper in the frame on the wall
Several pictures from the wallpaper in the frame on the wall

You can make a large frame based on cardboard and wallpaper. Photos will look good here and the wall will not get dirty.

What a frame made of cardboard and wallpaper remnants might look like
What a frame made of cardboard and wallpaper remnants might look like

If you have wallpaper with flowers, you can make a mini floristic exhibition using fragments of these building materials.

Several pictures from wallpaper with flowers
Several pictures from wallpaper with flowers

It would be nice to make a large frame and attach it to the head of the bed.

Large frame of wallpaper in the bedroom
Large frame of wallpaper in the bedroom

If you like the Asian style in the interior, then take the wallpaper and roll it up to resemble Chinese scrolls. In this position, the upper and lower parts are fixed with tape.

Chinese wallpaper scrolls above the bed
Chinese wallpaper scrolls above the bed

You can complement Asian motifs with Japanese-style murals. At the same time, a frame consisting of several rails is hammered together. They need to be painted in a dark color, and the wallpaper fragments should be lighter.

Panel in Japanese style from the remnants of wallpaper
Panel in Japanese style from the remnants of wallpaper

From this material on the wall, you can make a patchwork-style composition. The main thing is to pick up the fragments to match.

Composition of patchwork from pieces of wallpaper
Composition of patchwork from pieces of wallpaper

Make an applique in the nursery, also using the remnants of wallpaper. It can be your favorite cartoon character or animal.

Silhouettes of animals from wallpaper
Silhouettes of animals from wallpaper

To make your photos look better on the wall, stick them onto the wallpaper that is attached to a piece of cardboard. Framed and hang on the wall.

Decorating the living room with wallpaper leftovers
Decorating the living room with wallpaper leftovers

Make three-dimensional letters from cardboard, paste over them with the remnants of wallpaper and hang on the wall. This will help the child learn to read faster and his overall development. Moreover, such letters perfectly decorate the premises.

Volumetric letters from the remnants of wallpaper
Volumetric letters from the remnants of wallpaper

Here's what else you can make from this material.

How to make a tray of wallpaper?

Wallpaper tray design option
Wallpaper tray design option

For its manufacture, you can use a variety of materials, for example, an old suitcase. First, you need to cut out the tapes from the fabric and glue the sidewalls of the suitcase lid with them. Wallpaper is glued inside. Once the mortar has dried, you will have a wonderful serving tray.

For it, you can use the facade of an old box, which must first be painted. Insert the wallpaper inside, which must be glued to the base.

Wallpaper tray in the form of a picture with a frame
Wallpaper tray in the form of a picture with a frame

With the help of the remnants of this building material, a variety of things can be created and transformed. Read on for more details.

How to make a screen, decorate boxes and folders?

Wallpaper screen

What a wallpaper screen looks like
What a wallpaper screen looks like

Such a product will help fence off the corner of the room, divide it into two parts. To make a screen, take:

  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • wallpaper;
  • scissors.

Stick to the step-by-step master class:

  1. It is best to take cardboard from underneath large items, such as a refrigerator box. Since it is tetrahedral, you need to carefully disassemble its two vertical sides, fastened together. Cut off the excess at the top and bottom.
  2. For the size of each canvas, mark the wallpaper and glue it here from the front and back. Attach wallpaper so that it does not cover the edges of the screen. Then there will be no difficulty in folding them.
  3. If you have remnants of this material of various colors, then you can combine them, creating a screen, or glue one color on one side and a different color on the other.

If you have not found a large cardboard, then fasten a few sheets of a smaller size with thick masking tape. You can make a screen of hardboard, in this case, use piano loops to fasten its sections.

Folder decor

Your workplace will be cozy if you decorate folders with the same material.

Wallpaper decorated folders
Wallpaper decorated folders

You will need to attach folders to this thick paper and outline the large and small sides, as well as the bottom. These parts are glued to the base. Decorate the inside of the folders if you like.

How to decorate boxes?

It's time for New Year's holidays, gifts. You can put presents in boxes, which are decorated with the same both remaining after repair. Such containers will come in handy in any household. Fold hats in them, and put shoes in others, then these things will not lose their former shape and remain in good shape until next season.

Wallpaper Decorated Boxes
Wallpaper Decorated Boxes

Postcards and gift wrapping made from leftover paper rolls will also come in handy. Tie them with satin ribbons, putting congratulations inside.

Holiday cards from pieces of wallpaper
Holiday cards from pieces of wallpaper

How to update flower pots with wallpaper?

Decorate flower pots using decoupage technique. If the wallpaper is thick, try removing only the top layer and using it. If they are thin, then you can start working right away. Grease the paper blanks generously with PVA glue. Wash the pots first, dry them, make the surface smoother with fine sandpaper. Glue the prepared wallpaper here.

Smooth gently with a roller or sponge using a dabbing motion. After the glue dries, apply two coats of varnish. If the pot has an upper protruding edge, especially if it is corrugated, then you can not paste over it with wallpaper, but apply acrylic paints here to match.

The chair is also decorated with the remains of paper construction and repair material.

Wallpaper Decorated Flower Pots and Chair
Wallpaper Decorated Flower Pots and Chair

If you have textured vinyl wallpaper, leftovers will also be a great decoration for your flower pots. It will be necessary to carefully grease the container outside and the wallpaper with glue and fasten them together. Even ordinary cans are transformed in this way. Vinyl wallpaper does not need to be varnished on top.

Flowerpot wrapped in vinyl wallpaper
Flowerpot wrapped in vinyl wallpaper

Here are how many interesting ideas this material gave.

We bring to your attention a video that will delight you with other exciting ideas

See how to make wallpaper blinds. The process is interesting and exciting
