A step-by-step recipe for jam from viburnum and pumpkin: choice of products, cooking technology. Video recipes.

Jam from viburnum and pumpkin is an incredibly tasty delicacy. According to the recipe, the set of ingredients is small and does not include any preservatives, dyes or flavor enhancers, so this blank is considered safe. Such a natural dessert, prepared with one's own hand, contains a large amount of vitamins and other valuable substances, therefore it can be used to maintain the body in the cold season.
To make the perfect jam, choose only the freshest ingredients. Viburnum berries should be ripe, fleshy and have a uniform red tint. The best time to harvest them is closer to winter with the arrival of the first frosts, when the fruits stop bitter and acquire a delicate taste.
Only small to medium sized pumpkins should be purchased. In large fruits, the pulp is fibrous, which can negatively affect the quality of the finished viburnum and pumpkin jam. The sweetest and most aromatic is the one whose color is bright orange or rich yellow. The rind should be intact and firm enough.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipe for jam from viburnum and pumpkin with a photo, which will allow you to prepare an excellent healing dessert for the winter.
See also how to make pumpkin jam.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 163 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 50 minutes

- Viburnum - 500 g
- Pumpkin - 500 g
- Water - 1 tbsp.
- Sugar - 0.7-1 kg
Step by step preparation of jam from viburnum and pumpkin

1. We start making jam from viburnum and pumpkin with the preparation of berries. To do this, carefully remove all the fruits from each branch, rinse them under running water, boil for 3-4 minutes and grind in any convenient way, for example, grind in a meat grinder, beat in a blender or crush in a mortar. This will break the upper shell, and the fragrant pulp will come out.

2. The resulting gruel, according to the recipe for jam from viburnum and pumpkin, must be rubbed through a sieve to remove all the peel and small bones. As a result of such painstaking work, the output is the most delicate viburnum fruit drink. This allows for maximum uniformity in the finished jam.

3. Next, the preparation of the vegetable part of the dessert is carried out. We divide the pumpkin into large elements, select all the seeds and remove the peel. Next, grind with a sharp knife into square pieces with a side of 2-2.5 cm, place in a saucepan, fill with a small amount of water and boil over low heat until soft. After that, drain the water and beat the pumpkin pieces with a blender. If it is not possible to achieve uniformity, then additionally grind the product through a sieve.

4. Next, mix both ingredients in a small saucepan and set over low heat. Pour in the minimum amount of sugar indicated in the step-by-step recipe for jam from viburnum and pumpkin, mix. During gradual heating, the sweet crystals dissolve, after which a sample must be removed. Add more sugar if necessary to achieve the perfect taste.

5. The cooking time for jam should not exceed 30-40 minutes. The fire should be low and the stirring should be practically continuous. So the jam from viburnum and pumpkin will not burn and will not lose its healing properties, pleasant aroma and amazing taste. At the end of the process, we transfer the product to storage molds.

6. Small glass jars are the best option for storing the workpiece, although plastic containers can sometimes be used. Before laying out the pumpkin and viburnum jam, the dishes must be sterilized. This will allow you to preserve the beneficial properties of the dessert for as long as possible.

7. Jam from viburnum and pumpkin is ready! It can be served to the table in a deep bowl, accompanied by lemon wedges and mint sprigs. You can make delicious sandwiches with it, spread on a piece of white bread, or use it to make pies and pies with a filling. In any case, the dish will not only delight you with an amazing fresh taste, but also benefit your health.
See also video recipes:
1. Pumpkin jam with viburnum

2. Jam from pumpkin and viburnum