What is an oxygen mask and what is it for? The benefits and contraindications of the remedy. Subtleties of application, recipes for home remedies, results of use.
The oxygen mask is a novelty in the cosmetics market that has won the hearts of many girls. It "behaves" in an unusual way: it bubbles after being applied to the skin, turning the face into a kind of fluffy cloud. This effect has given rise to a kind of fashion for "foam" selfies: beauties are no longer shy about showing themselves in a funny way and are actively testing products from different manufacturers. As a result, the product has managed to establish itself in the beauty world. What kind of feedback did the oxygen mask receive, who is it suitable for and how it works - let's talk in more detail.
What is an oxygen mask?

Pictured is an oxygen face mask
In the original, the name of the tool sounds "babble mask". The funny foam comes from oxygen. However, it is not included in the product. But there are aquaftem and perfluorocarbons. They "capture" oxygen from the environment, separate it into molecules and send it deep into the skin. That is, the bubble effect is based on an ordinary chemical reaction.
Further, hundreds of air bubbles gradually burst, slightly tickle, as if massaging the face. No matter how much time has passed after application, the mask does not stop foaming. Oxygen is released even more actively when the composition is in contact with water, that is, when washed off.
An oxygen mask can have a fabric or cream base. In both cases, manufacturers promise about the same result.
Cosmetologists insist that the most effective foaming masks can only be organized in the salon. Here, the mass is applied using an airbrush and so they achieve the deepest possible penetration of oxygen into the skin. This allows you to relieve the face of acne, plentiful acne, fine wrinkles, pigmentation, increased fat content. It is for such problematic and aging skin that this remedy is intended.
If you buy an oxygen mask and use it at home, you will be able to achieve a supportive effect. But provided that the main skin problem has already been resolved.
The big advantage of the babble mask is its versatility. It is suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive. The reason for this is the very mild action. The risk of microtrauma to the dermis is minimal.
For an oxygen mask, price is not always an indicator of quality. When choosing, it is worth considering the manufacturer and its reputation. For example, Korean cosmetics are now becoming more and more popular due to innovative formulations and their effectiveness. But European brands are also trying to keep up. Therefore, in order to finally decide on the purchase, study the opinion of those who have already used a particular tool.
Useful properties of an oxygen mask

Most oxygen masks are based on clay. Under the microscope, its structure resembles shingles - small plates that partially cover each other. Thanks to this, the clay easily absorbs sebum and impurities from the pores. In return, it gives the face micro and macro elements.
Good effect on the skin and oxygen molecules that get deep into the skin. They improve gas exchange in cells, encourage them to be active and renewed.
To get a broader effect, additional ingredients are included in the product. The most common components are: activated carbon, thermal water, citrus extracts, bamboo, spinach and spirulina extracts.
As a result, the oxygen purifying mask also helps to moisturize the skin, exfoliate dead cell layers, make the complexion more uniform and matte.
Contraindications and harm

The tool is aimed primarily at the regeneration of the dermis. Therefore, it is wrong to use it on young and absolutely healthy skin. This can disrupt the natural processes in the cells and provoke the appearance of problems on the face.
In addition, an oxygen mask is contraindicated for:
- intolerance, hypersensitivity to any ingredient;
- skin lesions - wounds, cracks, cuts, burns, purulent formations, etc.
- infectious diseases on the skin of the face.
The tool will have a negative effect if it is used too often. Normal use for an oxygen mask is 1-2 times a week.
Care should be taken to the product for those who suffer from excessive dry skin. If carried out correctly, the procedure will not harm, and if you overexpose the composition on the skin, dryness may worsen.
Important! After the clay mask, the skin will need additional hydration in the form of a tonic and cream.
How to use an oxygen face mask?

Before using a new cosmetic product, be sure to test it. And if sometimes this rule is neglected, then in the case of a face it is worth thinking twice. Even if an oxygen mask is made exclusively from natural ingredients, no one can guarantee that a particular person will not have a negative reaction.
To avoid hurting yourself, apply some new mask to your elbow or wrist. If the package does not indicate an acceptable time for skin contact, keep the product on the body for 10 minutes. When the instruction is written in detail, follow all its requirements. Cosmetics will be safe if, after rinsing, there is no rash, redness or other uncharacteristic manifestations on the skin.
Before the procedure, you should cleanse the skin: wash off the makeup, use a tonic. Then open the pores. To do this, pour hot water or a weak decoction of the string, chamomile into the container. Lean over the vessel, cover your head and shoulders with a towel and wait 10 minutes. Instead of such a steam bath, you can use a compress in the form of a hot, damp towel.
Instructions on how to use an oxygen mask:
- It is enough to print and distribute the product on a fabric basis over the face. Apply the cream mask with a special spatula, flat brush or fingers. Whichever tool you choose, you should work quickly, because from contact with air, the babble mask begins to foam within 10-30 seconds after opening.
- Massage the product from the temples to the center of the forehead, from the bridge of the nose to the temples, from the lips to the ear. Apply as little mass as possible around the eyelids and nasal openings. Due to the large increase in volume, foam can get inside and cause significant discomfort.
- Soak the mask on your face according to the manufacturer's recommendations. This is usually 5-15 minutes. Despite the active growth of bubbles, they stick well together, do not fall off the face. Therefore, in parallel, you can do other things.
- Rinse off the mass with running water. If you wash it off with your hands, the process can be delayed, but with a sponge or brush it will be possible to remove the product in seconds. Make sure your skin is completely clean, as makeup residues can clog pores just like dust and grease.
Homemade mask recipes

In addition to the finished products of different brands, you can make an oxygen mask at home. It is based on 3% hydrogen peroxide. When mixed with other components, the substance releases oxygen, which in the same way gets inside the cells and helps to cope with imperfections on the skin of the face.
Among the homemade oxygen mask recipes, the following are the most popular:
- For acne and blackheads. Mix 10 g of steamed medicinal chamomile, 15 g of white clay, 25 g of oat flour. Whisk together with 100 ml of water with a blender. Add 15 g of peroxide, bring the composition to relative homogeneity. Keep on the face for a quarter of an hour.
- For the most delicate skin. Combine 15 ml of peroxide with 30 g of baby powder. Whisk until thick.
- Nourishing mask. Place 30 g each of almonds and oatmeal flakes in a coffee grinder. Add 15 g of white clay to the resulting powder. Dissolve in 1/2 glass of water, add 10 drops of peroxide. Do not leave the mask on the skin for more than a quarter of an hour.
- Nourishing mask No. 2. Prepare 30 g of avocado pulp, the same amount of water, 10 drops of peroxide. Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Apply for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cool water.
- For oily skin, acne and age spots. Mix 15 g of shaving foam and clean water with beaten egg white. If the composition is completely liquid, add a little wheat flour. Leave on the skin for 20 minutes.
- Whitening mask … Mash the whipped yolk with 50 g of hard cottage cheese. Add 5 drops of peroxide. Keep on the face for 5-7 minutes.
- From rashes … Pour 20 g of yeast powder with 20 ml of still mineral water or the same volume of herbal decoction. Let the yeast ferment for about 20 minutes. Pour in 15 ml of peroxide. Apply for 7 minutes.
It is impossible to stock up on home remedies for future use. After mixing the components, you should immediately use the mask, otherwise the "oxygen" effect will not work. In addition, it is important to use only a glass or porcelain cooking container. Metal and plastic utensils can react with the composition and harm the skin.
Application results

This procedure can be called complex, because saturation with oxygen molecules in combination with the action of other components affects cells from several sides at once.
As a result, we get:
- High rate of metabolic processes in the skin;
- Fast recovery from acne and enlarged pores;
- Adequate tone that promotes rejuvenation;
- Smoother complexion;
- Improving skin elasticity, smoothness due to the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid.
However, this effect will not come after 1-2 sessions. For real changes, the mask should be applied for a month, twice a week. After a 20-day rest, you can repeat the course of procedures.
The composition of a particular product, the presence or absence of heavy compounds, preservatives, dyes and other impurities also matter.
Real Oxygen Mask Reviews

Judging by the comments of the girls on the network, only a few users remain dissatisfied with the "foam" mask. The probable cause is individual intolerance to the ingredients, which causes a burning sensation on the face and an allergic reaction. Another small group came to the conclusion that the babble mask is nothing special and is very similar in effect to traditional cosmetic clay. But for most girls, an oxygen face mask has only positive reviews. Some are delighted with the bubbles, others with the result of the application.
Elena, 28 years old
I used an oxygen mask once every 2 weeks, I did not understand the effect at all. She dried her cheeks, and the T-zone remained normal, because the skin is of a combination type. Acne spilled out as before. Suddenly I broke my right arm, I had to sit on sick leave for two months. Out of idleness, I began to do the mask twice a week and, lo and behold, I finally saw the result. The skin is evened out, the pores are well cleansed. The conclusion was this: for dry it is not at all suitable, because if you accidentally overexpose, it will be bad. For oily skin, it is ideal, and if the skin is combination, you can smear only on the T-zone.
Katerina, 33 years old
I suffer from my oily and overly sensitive skin. Enlarged pores and permanent peeling are added to this "happiness". An oxygen mask at a time, of course, does not remove everything, but it perfectly opens the pores, and dirt can be removed mechanically. I did the cleaning in the evening - there are no open pores in the morning! They became clean and tapered. The skin has become monotonous, smooth, brightened, resembles pictures from advertising soap giving)) In general, I safely advise the mask, it is excellent!
Olga, 25 years old
I didn't expect the bubbly Elizavecca to be different from the standard clay masks. It does not tighten the skin at all. And I'm used to the mask turning into frozen cement, the skin under it itches, tightens, and there is a desire to rinse off the product as soon as possible. Another plus is the economical consumption of the mask. If you spread it with a thin layer every 3-4 days, it will last for six months, or even longer. For the rest, I did not find any differences from the clay mask. I doubt that bubbles somehow magically affect the face. The skin is exfoliated in much the same way as with other similar products. A special spatula, an identification number that is responsible for the originality of the product, a pleasant aroma - cute additions, and nothing more. Of course, the mask cleans the pores. Because it contains activated carbon and clay, which literally "suck" grease and impurities from the pores. But this will remove only the top of the black dots, their "root" will remain intact.
What is an oxygen mask - watch the video:

An oxygen face mask is not just a fashion statement or pajama party entertainment. It is able to help those who have serious skin problems, laxity and wrinkles. For a tangible effect, it is important to choose a mask with good recommendations and use it regularly. At the same time, do not forget about peels, creams and other care products. Only with this approach will the skin look truly well-groomed.