How to get rid of leg acne?

How to get rid of leg acne?
How to get rid of leg acne?

How can acne on the legs look like, what are the reasons for their appearance? Ways to get rid of this problem: drug therapy, folk recipes, prevention. Acne on the legs is a very common dermatological problem, especially during the cold season. During this period, the skin is constantly under clothing, does not breathe, and as a result, the pores are clogged with subcutaneous fat, and inflammation occurs. It is noteworthy that the problem is typical for both women and men. However, the first, as a rule, is much more important to solve it, because beautiful well-groomed legs are one of the main weapons of the beautiful half of humanity.

Description and types of acne on the legs

Small acne on the legs
Small acne on the legs

Human skin is an indicator that, by its state, indicates the presence or absence of internal problems. This fact means that if acne or other skin disorders appear on one or another part of the body, this indicates a malfunction in the body, starting with an innocent excessive activity of the sebaceous glands and ending with severe infectious diseases and hormonal imbalances.

Acne on the legs can take on a different "guise", which is determined by the reasons that provoked the inflammatory process, as well as the characteristics of a particular organism.

Let's take a look at what picture we encounter most often:

  • White acne on the legs … They are papules filled with white content. Usually located singly at a considerable distance from each other. They can be both large and small.
  • Red acne on the legs … They look like papules of a reddish or deep pink color, at first glance it seems that they are not filled with anything. However, as it matures, a white-yellow purulent head is visualized on the red tubercle. Usually, such inflammations are quite large, and therefore cause discomfort and even painful sensations, especially if you have to wear tight clothes.
  • Small acne on the legs … Usually they gather in groups. At the same time, they can both rise above the skin, and be on the same level with it. In the first case, they are most often filled with an aqueous liquid or white content, in the second, they are colored red and are not filled with anything.
  • Dry acne on the legs … As a rule, they are small in size and are collected in groups, but they differ from the previous ones that they are dry and rough to the touch. There is no pus or other content inside them. They can be easily knocked off the skin, but of course, you should not do this.
  • Hard pimples on the legs … They are dense to the touch nodules of various colors and with or without various contents. One of the features of this type of acne is the long treatment period.

Note! We have considered only the most basic types of acne, in fact, there are many more of them. Cosmetologists even have to work with "multi-colored" inflammations - in this case, papules are filled with implicit blue, yellow, green and other contents. This situation, as a rule, indicates a protracted acne disease.

The main causes of acne on the legs

Taking antibiotics as a cause of leg acne
Taking antibiotics as a cause of leg acne

Many girls who pay great attention to personal care are surprised why their skin condition leaves much to be desired. The problem is that these same girls see the skin as an autonomous outer shell, the appearance of which is determined only by what kind of care products "please" it. However, the meaning of the skin, as we said above, is much deeper; it is, recall, an indicator of the state and correctness of the work of all internal organs. Of course, there are times when external factors harm the skin - improper care, inadequate hygiene, improper clothing, and so on, but still more often certain inflammations are evidence of various internal disorders.

Let's look at what are the reasons most often provoke the appearance of acne on the legs:

  1. Decreased immunity against the background of vitamin deficiency, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.… Avitaminosis is one of the most common causes of skin problems, which becomes especially important in the spring, when the body's reserves of vitamins from summer come to an end. In addition, the body is weakened by ARVI transferred in the winter period.
  2. Blockage of the sebaceous glands … This is just one of the few reasons that are usually not associated with internal pathologies. Sebaceous ducts are closed as a result of wearing tight clothing, and in the case of sensitive skin, inflammation can occur upon contact with unnatural tissues. This reason usually manifests itself in winter, during this period, our skin practically does not breathe, it is constantly wrapped in several layers of clothing and even at night we do not give it a rest, covered with a warm blanket.
  3. Incorrectly selected care products … In this case, as a rule, small acne appears, and they cause discomfort - itching and itching. The solution to the problem is very simple - to change the cosmetic product, since your body perceives some of its components as an allergen.
  4. Long-term use of potent drugs … In particular, we are talking about antibiotics, which, as we know, harm not only harmful bacteria, but also useful ones. As a result, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as you know, do not affect the skin in the best way.
  5. Improper shave … If you use a simple disposable razor, problems with ingrown hairs are inevitable, which can also cause acne.
  6. Hormonal imbalance … One of the most common causes of acne on the legs and other parts of the body in women. A natural imbalance that does not indicate pathology is typical for menstruation, pregnancy and lactation. Acne that appears during these periods does not need treatment and, at the end of the problem period, go away by itself. However, if the hormonal imbalance is pathological, you need to see a doctor.
  7. Infectious diseases … Acne on the legs is a typical symptom of many infectious diseases of a dermatological, venereal and other nature. At the same time, their appearance is of great importance, for example, a small watery rash on the inner side of the thigh and in the groin area may indicate the presence of genital herpes.
  8. Poor hygiene … Of course, this can also cause acne on the legs. Particles of dust and dirt clog the sebaceous glands, and the inflammatory process does not keep you waiting.

It is worth noting that dealing with the cause of acne is, in fact, not always easy. Sometimes the problem lies on the surface - your period is approaching, or you changed the shower gel, or bought new tight workout leggings. But in most cases it's not that simple. We strongly recommend contacting a cosmetologist or dermatologist who will either take care of the treatment on their own, or redirect you to a specialized specialist.

How to get rid of leg acne?

As you may have guessed, the way to get rid of acne will largely depend on what its appearance is and what is the reason for its appearance. So, for example, if vitamin deficiency has become a prerequisite for skin inflammation, treatment will necessarily include vitamin-mineral complexes and a change in diet, if the cause is an imbalance in hormones, the doctor will prescribe hormonal treatment, etc. However, in terms of the treatment not of the cause, but of the effect, that is, the acne itself, a number of the most popular and effective methods of therapy can be distinguished. We will talk about them below.

Medicines to treat acne

Salicylic ointment
Salicylic ointment

Various ointments, creams, gels for external use are the main remedies for the treatment of acne. In this case, the choice of the remedy is determined by the reasons that gave rise to the problem.

Let's take a look at the most popular tools and their specifics:

  • Salicylic ointment … Perhaps the most affordable and well-known remedy for dealing with skin problems. Salicylic ointment does not have any special therapeutic effect, however, it perfectly dries the inflamed areas, bringing them into a more attractive appearance, and also disinfects well, which prevents the appearance of new papules. An analogue of the agent is salicylic acid.
  • Skinoren … Healing ointment with a pronounced antibacterial effect, quickly relieving inflammation. It is prescribed when the rash is acne. Good analogues of Skinoren are Azelik, Skinoclear.
  • Skin-Cap … Another antibacterial ointment against acne, however, it has an additional powerful antifungal effect due to the presence of pyrithione-zinc in the composition. The remedy prevents fungi and bacteria from multiplying and is effective even in psoriasis. Its counterparts are Tsinocap and Friederm Zinc.
  • Akriderm … An excellent skin ointment, usually prescribed if pimples on the legs itch or cause other discomfort. It also helps in case of rash caused by allergies. A complete analogue, but much more expensive - Triderm, is also a good alternative - Radevit ointment, but it will be ineffective in case of allergies.
  • Eplan … A complex remedy for skin problems of various kinds, from acne to burns. It has a bactericidal and regenerating effect. It also works as a pain reliever, meaning if acne is painful, eplan is a great choice. The drug is unique in composition, and it has no absolute analogues, however, in terms of pharmacological action, it is similar to drugs such as Bacitracin, Aldara.

It is worth noting that pills against acne are antibiotics (Erythromycin, Levomycetin, Metronidazole), retinoids (Roaccutane, Erase, Retasol), as well as hormonal drugs (Yarina, Zhanin, Diane-35, Jess), which are often used to treat facial rashes, - practically not assigned with a similar problem manifested on the legs. Note! It is better not to use all these drugs without a doctor's prescription, so as not to aggravate the situation. It is important to remember that each remedy has specific side effects.

Folk remedies for acne on the legs

Tea tree oil for acne on the legs
Tea tree oil for acne on the legs

Folk remedies also play an important role in the treatment of acne. There are many grandmother's recipes for getting rid of this problem, let's take a look at those that have been tested over the years:

  1. Aloe lotions … It is a well-known herb for treating a wide variety of skin conditions. Acne is no exception. The therapeutic procedure is carried out as follows: an aloe leaf is cut off, and the papules are lubricated with juice from the cut.
  2. Potato lotions with honey … If aloe does not grow in your home, then such an effective remedy can be used as an ointment: mix 100 ml of potato broth and a teaspoon of honey, lubricate problem areas with this "tonic" at least 2 times a day.
  3. Essential oils … The simplest remedy for acne treatment that does not require any special preparation and manipulation. Tea tree oil and fir oil are especially helpful.
  4. Clay mask … Clay cleanses and dries the skin well, so its role in acne treatment is also irreplaceable. Prepare a "mask" from any clay (but preferably white or blue), diluting it with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, and apply it pointwise on pimples, rinse off after 10-20 minutes.
  5. Thyme broth … It has a pronounced sedative effect and also works as a natural antibiotic. It can be used both internally and externally - external use is especially recommended if acne itches and itches.

In general, it is worth noting that herbs are a good help in treating almost any disease. Moreover, for each case, you can find one or another alternative. For example, in our situation, if St. John's wort is not at hand, it may well be replaced with an infusion of chamomile, nettle, string. Again, both topical use and ingestion are helpful. Nobody forbids taking these herbs not individually, but in a mix.

Note! Treatment with folk remedies also does not tolerate self-activity, and before using this or that remedy, you need to consult a doctor.

Preventive measures for leg acne

Consultation with a doctor
Consultation with a doctor

Well, generally speaking, acne on the legs, for the most part, is a nuisance that is easier to prevent than eliminate. Prevention of the problem is achieved by following the following recommendations:

  • Proper hygiene … Don't overdo it, but don't neglect it either. Take a daily shower (twice during hot periods). Scrub and / or exfoliate, especially before shaving. Instead of a scrub, an ordinary hard washcloth is also suitable. Don't forget to nourish and moisturize, especially if you have dry skin type, and squared especially in winter.
  • Choose the right care products … Buy products based on natural ingredients, less chemicals - fewer problems, and not only for your skin.
  • Watch your diet, drink vitamins … Try to stick to the basics of a healthy diet. Of course, you can also allow yourself to be weak, but in most cases it is better to make a choice in the direction of healthy food. Do not forget about vitamin and mineral complexes during the period of vitamin deficiency.
  • Choose the right clothes … This recommendation is especially important if you have sensitive skin, which can react with irritation of a different nature, both to tight clothing and to wearing unnatural fabrics.
  • Let the skin breathe … Try to maintain a healthy microclimate in the apartment, monitor both temperature and humidity. Do not wrap yourself up too much, especially in the cold season, let your skin breathe, at least when you are at home.
  • See a doctor in a timely manner … If you feel any discomfort of one nature or another, consult a doctor immediately. Infectious diseases, one of the symptoms of which may be acne on the legs, is much easier to cure at the initial stage than in the neglected one. The same is true for hormonal balance.

It is also worth recalling that you should not forget about visiting a beautician if the problem of acne on your legs is chronic for you. How to get rid of acne on the legs - watch the video:

Acne on the legs is an unpleasant problem, and not only in visual terms, papules often cause discomfort and pain. It is very important to start competent therapy in a timely manner, which should begin with a visit to a specialized specialist. You do not need to self-medicate, since there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of acne on the legs, and many of them indicate a disruption in the work of one or another body system.
