Features of the procedure for laser tattoo removal, contraindications to its implementation. Description of the most popular devices for removing permanent make-up. Technique for removing pigment from eyelids, lips, eyebrows. Laser removal of permanent make-up is a time-tested technique that is safe for health and practically painless when contacting an experienced specialist. But it is definitely not worth waiting for quick results from her, it can take several months to eliminate the pigment.
The price of laser tattoo removal
The cost of laser tattoo removal depends on several factors. First, from the area where you plan to remove permanent makeup - it can be lips, eyelids or eyebrows (in whole or in part). Secondly, from the apparatus on which the procedure is carried out. And thirdly, on the qualifications of the specialist performing the manipulations.
As a rule, one session is enough to remove tattoo from lips and eyelids. Removing dye from the subcutaneous area of the eyebrows may require two to three procedures, since the pigment usually lies deeper.
In most cases, the cost of anesthesia is paid additionally. And expert advice on the procedure is free.
The average cost of laser tattoo removal in Russia is 1000-12000 rubles
Laser tattoo removal | price, rub. |
Lips | 2500-10000 |
Eyelids | 1500-8000 |
Brows | 1000-12000 |
Salons in Moscow offer the service of laser tattoo removal, as a rule, at a higher price than in the regions.
The price of permanent makeup removal in Ukraine ranges from 400-1500 hryvnia
Laser tattoo removal | Price, UAH. |
Lips | 500-1500 |
Eyelids | 600-1000 |
Brows | 400-1500 |
In Kiev, the cost of tattoo removal services is on average higher than in other cities of Ukraine.
Often in cosmetic centers, when ordering a complex of services for the removal of permanent makeup with a laser from different parts of the face, a discount of up to 10% is provided.
Description of the procedure for laser tattoo removal

This is a minimally invasive procedure for removing permanent makeup from lips, eyebrows and eyelids. It is easily tolerated by the patient and is considered quite simple, therefore it can be carried out both in a medical center and in a tattoo parlor or in a beauty parlor. Laser tattoo removal is performed by a dermatologist, cosmetologist or permanent makeup specialist. The principle of the technique is the destruction of pigment paint by light radiation. To remove light tattoo, long waves with a wide spot are used, and black ones are eliminated with short ones, and it is they that are easier to remove.
This requires a special installation. To solve the problem, you need from 2 to 7 sessions, depending on the size and duration of the tattoo. After each of them, the skin should recover, it takes it at least 28 days.
Contraindications to laser tattoo removal include:
- Diabetes … You should not do this with both the first and second types of the disease. This is due to the fact that in people with high sugar levels, wounds heal very slowly, which in one form or another may remain on the skin.
- Inflammation on the face … It may indicate the presence of an infection in the body, in which the skin recovers more slowly after exposure to the laser. You also need to postpone the procedure if you have herpes on the lip.
- Mechanical damage to the skin … This is dangerous only when its integrity is violated directly at the place of processing. In this case, it may become inflamed and slow to heal.
- Skin lesions … Localization of their value does not matter, the tattoo should not be removed, even if the bumps are located outside the zone of laser action - radiation can provoke their growth.
- Diseases of the blood … Anemia, immunodeficiency, hemophilia - all these are contraindications to permanent makeup removal. This is due to the fact that with such problems the ability of the skin to regenerate is weakened, which can increase the rehabilitation period after the procedure.
Specialists in the removal of permanent make-up do not accept patients directly after sunbathing, during pregnancy and lactation.
Review of laser devices for tattoo removal

To remove black, green, blue contour makeup, mainly alexandrite laser is used. It penetrates the skin no deeper than 0.5 cm, with a beam up to 775 nm. In the case of red and brown pigments, a carbon apparatus is suitable, and a neodymium one, the latter emits a wavelength of up to 1064 nm in the infrared range. It is invisible to the human eye and is therefore safer than the alternatives.
The very first laser, which began to be used in dermatology, was the ruby one, with its help, tattoo of any color can be removed now. Erbium type of radiation is no less popular, but it is effective only for removing surface make-up. Otherwise, there is a high risk of scarring after using it. Quite popular and high-quality devices are described below:
- KES MED 810 … This is a new generation device for professional use in tattoo parlors or medical centers. It works on the principle of absorption of the light energy emitted by the installation by the pigment, and its further disintegration into small particles, which are subsequently removed from the body through the lymphatic system. Its gentle effect on the skin shortens the recovery period to 2-3 days. The device has an interface in 12 languages, weighs 16 kg and operates at a power of 250 W. The diameter of the beam it creates is 2-5 mm, the projection frequency of the wave is from 1 to 6 Hz, and the length is 532 nm and 1064 nm. The device is powered from the network. For ease of use, it is equipped with a display that provides information on the current settings.
- Laser Plus G199 … This unit has a carbon cap that can be used to remove blue, black, red and brown pigments. In order to deduce the first three, a length of 1064 nm (green) is required, and the last one is 532 nm (infrared). The exposure to the beam destroys the membranes of the cells containing the dye, creating a photoacoustic effect. Then the pigment goes out through the lymphatic system. The device manufacturers guarantee the removal of dense tattoo in 5-8 sessions. Employees of medical centers for which it is purchased are trained by the supplier company to work with the device free of charge.
- Q-switch NBR 1 … This is the most versatile device, since it allows you to remove both colored tattoos on the body and dark permanent makeup on the lips, eyebrows and eyelids. For this, 4 operating modes are provided here. Ease of use is provided by a touch display and a pedal for monitoring the pulse frequency. The set includes several protective glasses for the client and the specialist. There are fewer languages here than in KES MED 810, only 11, but there is Russian. There are two nozzles for tattoo removal, which conduct waves at 532 nm and 1000 nm.
- Lumenis LightSheer … This equipment is manufactured in the USA and is therefore very expensive. The kit includes everything you need to remove permanent make-up: power cord, operating instructions, keys, safety glasses in duplicate. The device is diode, and the success of its use is due to the destructive effect on the pigment. The maximum power of the installation is 1600 W, while the spot size is small, 9 * 9 mm. But such parameters are quite enough to obtain a visible result already at the first session and a complete solution to the problem in 5-6 visits to a specialist.
How is laser tattoo removal done?
Techniques for performing the procedure for different parts of the face are almost identical, but whatever area is treated, local anesthesia with cream or lidocaine, cleansing the skin of fat and calming it at the end of the session is almost always required. The only difference between them is that it is easier and safer to remove permanent makeup from lips than from eyelids and eyebrows, since there is a sensitive mucous membrane of the eye next to them.
Laser lip tattoo removal

Unlike working in the eyelid area, local anesthesia is not always required here, since the area near the lips is less painful. Removing permanent make-up requires 3 to 7 sessions, each of which lasts an average of 5 minutes. The greater the depth of penetration of the paint and the older the permanent makeup, the longer it will take to get rid of it. The process of removing a tattoo using a laser is as follows:
- The patient lies down on a couch covered with a disposable sheet and covered with a diaper on top.
- Special glasses are put on the eyes to protect them from harmful radiation.
- Rub the lips with a cotton pad dipped in an antiseptic solution.
- With the fingers of one hand, they squeeze the lips and bring the emitter to their border.
- Within a few seconds, the tube is led along the edges, after which it is withdrawn and moved on.
- Rub the lips with a damp cotton pad.
- If necessary, if there is swelling, ice is applied to the treated area.
Laser removal of eyelid tattoo

This is the most dangerous procedure due to its proximity to the eyeball. It is performed with gentle, slow movements, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane. To successfully solve the problem, you need to take a course of 2-3 sessions with an interval of 28 days between them. A break is needed to eliminate puffiness and redness, which often occur after visiting a specialist. The eyelid tattoo removal technique is as follows:
- The patient is laid on a couch and a disposable gown and cap are put on, collecting hair under it.
- The skin is cleansed of make-up and grease with special formulations with antibacterial components.
- In order for the patient not to change abruptly from painful sensations at the most crucial moment, the eyelids are treated with an analgesic cream based on lidocaine.
- At this stage, individual parameters are set on the device: length and thickness of the beam, exposure time, etc.
- The doctor puts on disposable sterile gloves.
- Covering the eyes with a napkin, with the other free hand, the doctor acts on the tattoo with pulsed radiation, holding its conductor at a distance of 5-10 cm from the patient's face.
- Wipe the skin with an antiseptic solution.
It takes no more than 1.5-2 minutes to process one eyelid, while one session lasts about 6-10 minutes.
Laser eyebrow tattoo removal

This procedure is relatively painful and therefore requires local anesthesia. It is carried out in the supine position of the patient for 7-10 minutes; the brighter the permanent makeup, the longer it takes. The specialist works alone, without an assistant. This service is provided both in a tattoo parlor and in a medical or cosmetic center. The interval between sessions should be at least 20 days so that the skin can calm down.
Step-by-step execution implies the following actions:
- The patient is asked to collect hair and put on a disposable gown and cap, after which he lies down on a couch facing the ceiling.
- The skin is wiped with a swab dipped in a cleanser to remove dirt and make-up, if available.
- The site of laser action is treated with lidocaine or a cream based on it to reduce pain during the procedure.
- The specialist chooses the duration of the radiation, the thickness and the length of the beam.
- A special sphere is placed on the eyeball to protect it from the effects of the laser, this is a prerequisite, otherwise, if it hits the mucous membrane, visual impairment and even blindness are possible.
- Wearing rubber gloves, the doctor brings the guide wire to the eye and places it at a slight angle.
- The device is turned on, and the eyebrow is exposed to pulsed radiation every 1-3 seconds.
- The skin and hair are wiped with a disinfecting and soothing solution.
After about 20 days, after all the consequences have come to naught, the patient will have a second stage, which may not be the last. If the tattoo was done strong, then more than 3 sessions will be needed.
Facial care after laser tattoo removal

Within a week after the session, it is necessary to wash so that water does not fall on the treated areas. For the same reason, you should not visit the pool and beach. All this time, the skin should be lubricated with the anti-inflammatory cream "D-panthenol". It should be applied twice a day, leaving until completely absorbed. In the first 5 days, you should not sunbathe in the sun, but if you still do this, it is recommended to use a cream with a high degree of UV protection (at least 35 SPF). This warning is due to the fact that the sun's rays can provoke hyperpigmentation in the area of laser exposure due to the accelerated production of melanin in the tissues. If the procedure is carried out in the summer, then after it you need to wear glasses.
In no case, within three days after the end of the session, you should not lubricate the skin with alcohol and products based on it. It can cause redness, inflammation, irritation, and itching. You should also not visit the sauna and bathhouse. In order for the treated area to recover faster, it is not recommended to bandage it and cover it with a plaster for at least 3-5 days.
Effect and undesirable consequences of laser tattoo removal

The results can be seen immediately after the end of the first session: the eyelids, lips and eyebrows after laser tattoo removal become less bright due to the "erosion" of the paint. Over time, the hairs completely acquire a "gray" tint, and sometimes even completely discolor. Naturally, then they simply grow back and look natural. After removing permanent makeup from the lips, a wide white or black border may appear along the edges. It usually goes away completely after 7-10 days. At this time, a dry crust often forms here, which sometimes also bleeds. In no case should it be ripped off in order to avoid infection, within about a week it will go away by itself. Side effects include redness, itching, irritation and slight swelling of the treated areas. Usually, all this goes away on its own 2-3 days after the session.
In severe cases, when it comes to removing the tattoo of eyebrows or eyelids by a non-professional doctor, the laser may hit the mucous membrane and deteriorate vision, and even, we repeat, its complete loss.
Among the possible complications, it is worth noting edema that often appears after laser removal of tattooing, as well as infection, getting a burn and a large scar, loss of eyebrows and bleeding out of age spots. In this case, you urgently need to contact the specialist who performed the procedure, or a dermatologist.
Real reviews of the laser tattoo removal procedure

Tattoo removal is used in cases of unsuccessful application of permanent makeup, as well as under the influence of fashion trends. Many women report that this procedure feels similar to tattooing.
Natalia, 26 years old
In my case, there was a common mistake when choosing a tattoo artist. I got some very bad permanent shooters. In just a couple of years, they swam, began to fade, and in some places the pigment was completely discolored. Probably, I could wait a little longer, until this “dirt” completely disappeared from my face. But I was so tired of trying to hide an unsuccessful "permanent" with decorative cosmetics every morning that I decided on a laser removal procedure. I understood in advance that this was not the most pleasant manipulation and it would be painful. It hurt under anesthesia, I could feel my eyelid swelling. And also the awful smell of a burned body. Immediately after removing the arrows, the eyelids were swollen and reddened. The next day, the eyes turned into continuous bruises. Here it is worth noting that my skin is like that - just stick your finger, and a bruise. Therefore, perhaps, there were such large hematomas. After the traces of the procedure were gone, I finally saw my pure and natural myself in the mirror. I did only one procedure, so there were small, inconspicuous tips of the arrows. But only on closer examination can they be noticed. In general, the shooters left without a trace. And now I recommend everyone to think three times before putting themselves in the hands of a dubious tattoo artist!
Oksana, 24 years old
I started experimenting with the shape of my eyebrows in the ninth grade. It was then that I first picked up a drawing pen and a pencil. Over the years I have changed more than one eyebrow shape. And at 17 she decided to get a tattoo, which was then a very fashionable procedure. It seemed to me then that this was the optimal solution so that every morning I didn’t “sweat” with the removal of clear eyebrows. I made myself fairly thin eyebrows with a sharp bend. Moreover, they were almost black. At first I liked it, but then the fashion for thin "strings" went away, and I began to recall my natural thick eyebrows with nostalgia. Then I decided to withdraw the tattoo and return to the natural form. I had six procedures, each for five minutes. It hurt, but bearable. There are no scars left. The pigment was removed completely and without a trace. Literally a week after the last procedure, not a trace of permanent make-up remained. And the eyebrows began to grow at a frantic pace. The master warned about this - this is how the laser affects the hairs. This, of course, made me happy. Now a year has passed since the procedure, and I have returned my thick, wide eyebrows, which is very happy!
Elizabeth, 34 years old
Permanent makeup has been on my face for about ten years. At one time, she made lips, eyebrows, and eyelids. I do not like to paint, but this way you can look attractive even in the morning. Despite the fact that I choose the tattoo artists carefully, I was not lucky with the lips. My defect looked like a dark line near the contour of the upper lip, and also the color was rather uneven. Several times I tried to “fill in” the flaws with a different shade, I used a remover, but it didn’t bring any effect. Then I decided to remove the tattoo with a laser. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and I only felt a slight tingling sensation. It took me five sessions, because I can't remove the pigment at once. As a result, after about a couple of months I could enjoy the result in the mirror: my flaw was completely gone, my lips became a natural color. No scars or marks. I am happy with the procedure.
Photos before and after laser tattoo removal

How laser tattoo removal is done - watch the video:

Laser tattoo removal is an effective and generally safe way to solve the problem, and most importantly, it is available to everyone who wants to get rid of permanent makeup or any pattern on the body.