Chrysanthemum tea - what is useful and how to brew

Chrysanthemum tea - what is useful and how to brew
Chrysanthemum tea - what is useful and how to brew

What is a flower drink, the chemical composition of the brew and the effect on the body. Potential harm when consumed. How to brew? Interesting facts about chrysanthemum tea.

Chrysanthemum tea is a drink made from flowers native to East Asia from the Asteraceae family with the botanical name Dendranthema indicum. Botanists know 29 species of annuals and perennials, including hybrids. The taste of the drink depends on the type of raw material and the strength of the brew, it can be sweetish or with bitterness. Color - from light yellow to amber. Chrysanthemums of food varieties for brewing are grown specially, decorative species are not used.

How is chrysanthemum tea made?

Chrysanthemum buds for making tea
Chrysanthemum buds for making tea

Flowers bloom, which are used to prepare an exquisite and healthy drink, in the fall, in November. "Strada" lasts 20 days. The most valuable raw material is half-opened buds.

Since the flowering is not simultaneous, the collection is carried out by hand. Sometimes the heads with sepals are cut off, but in some cases the cups are removed. These varieties are more expensive. Chrysanthemums are cut off only on sunny days, when the dew is completely dry.

The heads are laid out in one layer on parchment. The first drying is carried out in a well-ventilated area, then the branches and the remaining sepals are separated.

Further processing depends on the variety of the future tea:

  1. Doused with a directed steam jet and dried again indoors.
  2. One-time drying in an oven heated to 60-70 ° C.
  3. Dried after sorting on trays, in the oven or in the sun. Steamed and left in a cool, ventilated room until the flower heads absorb moisture from the air. Then it is left for 2 days under the scorching sun (Han Ju variety).
  4. Oven and sun treatments are alternated.

In all cases, to get 1 kg of tea leaves, you need to collect 5 kg of buds without sepals.

Composition and calorie content of chrysanthemum tea

What chrysanthemum tea looks like
What chrysanthemum tea looks like

The nutritional value of all drinks made from flowers is equal, approaches zero and depends on how the brew is made.

The calorie content of chrysanthemum tea, consisting only of half-opened buds, is less than 1 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.1 g;
  • Fats - 0.3 g.

The drink contains many essential oils, organic acids, a complex of B vitamins, vitamins A, C, niacin, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron. But the benefits and harms of chrysanthemum tea are determined by the following components:

  1. Flavonoids … Plant polyphenols are responsible for the color of the petals and have antioxidant properties. Once in the human body, they isolate free radicals traveling in the lumen of the intestine and the vessels feeding its walls, and stimulate the excretion from the body in a natural way.
  2. Triterpenoids … The essential oil of the plant contains more than 50 compounds, among which the action of two complexes is most pronounced. Taraxasterol and sitosterol have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase the body's defenses, and promote the production of protective mucus. Stigmasterol and campesterol arrest the growth of neoplastic cells and prevent malignancy. Other substances of this group - helianthril, elimin and faradiol, also help to reduce tumors, stimulate the production of macrophages - dammarandiol, cycloartenol and gelinol.
  3. Fatty acid … The highest activity is shown by palmitic, stearic and linoleic. In every organism, apostosis occurs - the disintegration of cells, regulated by the organism itself. Acids influence this process and the formation of the DNA strand. In the event of an adverse effect (development of allergic reactions), the use of a drink can provoke early apostosis, which means that it can accelerate the development of age-related changes in the epithelium and pathological degenerative-dystrophic bone tissue. The influence of linoleic acid on the course of oncoprotective processes has not yet been precisely established. There are concerns that it is causing abnormal cell formation. But the beneficial effect of palmitic acid on cardiomyocytes (muscle cells of the heart) has been established. Official research confirms that it prolongs the life cycle.
  4. Peritrins … These are organic insecticides. Have a negative effect on the visual organs.

All these properties of chrysanthemum tea should be taken into account before introducing the drink into the daily menu on a regular basis, for example, for weight loss. When using, you should not only focus on your own feelings and regularly weigh yourself, but after taking it for 2-3 months, donate blood for tumor markers.

Useful properties of chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum bud tea
Chrysanthemum bud tea

Traditional Chinese medicine actively uses decoctions and infusions of flower heads to eliminate organic problems.

The following beneficial properties of chrysanthemum tea are used:

  1. Increases the general tone of the body, replenishes the reserve of B vitamins.
  2. Has antipyretic effect.
  3. Relieves headache, relieves migraine, reduces the frequency of attacks.
  4. Eliminates dizziness, normalizes blood pressure.
  5. It has an antimicrobial effect, suppresses the vital activity of the fungal flora.
  6. It has the properties of an immunomodulator and an immunostimulant.
  7. Has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
  8. Stimulates the production of digestive enzyme and bile acids.
  9. Accelerates intestinal peristalsis, helps to get rid of fecal stones, accumulation of toxins and toxins.
  10. Used to cleanse the liver, dissolves cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels. It has a hepatoprotective effect.
  11. Improves the conduction of nerve impulses, reduces the manifestation of symptoms and restores the condition in diseases, the symptom of which is tremor of the upper extremities, for example, Parkinson's.
  12. Helps to recover from stress and relieve stress with constant emotional instability, eliminates insomnia.
  13. It is a mild diuretic, cleanses the kidneys from calculi.
  14. Accelerates metabolic processes.
  15. Improves the quality of the skin.

The benefits of chrysanthemum tea when applied externally: accelerates the regeneration of the skin, promotes rapid healing after purulent-inflammatory processes, for example, after dermatological problems or acne. Accelerates the healing of scabs after burns and prevents the formation of rough scars.

Contraindications and harm of chrysanthemum tea

Renal failure
Renal failure

If you drink a drink occasionally, there is no negative effect on the body in the absence of individual intolerance. Allergy symptoms can include skin rash, redness, asthma attacks, even Quincke's edema.

With caution, chrysanthemum tea should be introduced into the diet in case of a negative reaction to ragweed, chamomile, sunflower or dandelion.

The harm from chrysanthemum tea is manifested:

  1. In case of hypotension, the infusion interferes with the action of drugs that have been prescribed to increase blood pressure;
  2. With diseases of the spleen, liver or kidney failure;
  3. With a tendency to diarrhea and exacerbation of gastroduodenitis;
  4. With diabetes mellitus.

It should be borne in mind that the drink increases photosensitivity (sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation). According to Chinese tradition, women have always used thick cosmetics. Europeans will have to purchase high SPF sunscreens.

Abuse can provoke general intoxication, its signs are nausea and dizziness, blurred eyes. With the constant use of the drink, the deterioration of vision occurs rather slowly, but the consequences are irreversible.

In Europe and the United States, no studies have been conducted to prove the negative effects of chrysanthemum tea on the health of pregnant and lactating women. However, Chinese healers advise to refrain from drinking tea during this time. Small children should not be given a drink until they are 3 years old.

This type of flower tea is not compatible with antiviral drugs and antibiotics. The interval between drinking tea and taking medications should be at least 4 hours. You can not drink hormonal or antihistamines, pills that normalize blood pressure.

Note! You can not use the drink along with pork, chicken, celery and sorrel dishes.

How to brew chrysanthemum tea?

Classic chrysanthemum tea
Classic chrysanthemum tea

Chinese tea experts follow many traditions, no matter what drink they prepare. But schrysanthemum tea, like black or green, is not worth it.

When rinsing, the infusion loses its beneficial properties. It is enough to rinse the dishes with boiling water to prepare the drink. However, if the dried buds were bought from an unknown seller, you can rinse with clean cold water (not under pressure).

Flower tea recipes:

  1. Classical … When using large flowers for 250 ml of water, take 3-4 pieces, small ones - 4-5. First, carefully lay out the dried buds, then pour boiling water. It is recommended to use a teapot with transparent walls to see the flowers bloom. Insist for 4-5 minutes.
  2. With black tea … First, the favorite variety of tea leaves is brewed, and then, when it is infused, 1-2 flowers are lowered. Drink after 20-30 seconds to enjoy the delicate and delicate aroma.
  3. With green tea … Proportions: 1 spoon of tea leaves, 1 flower bud, 100 ml of boiling water. Insist up to 1 minute.
  4. Vitamin decoction from cholesterol deposits in blood vessels … 2 tbsp. l. hawthorn fruit is mixed with 1 tsp. honeysuckle, 2 chrysanthemum inflorescences. Pour 1, 5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos.

When properly prepared, the flower in boiling water changes color from yellow to white, the petals straighten, the chrysanthemum takes on its original shape. You can not only enjoy the taste, but also observe the changes.

During traditional national tea parties in China, flower brew is infused up to 6 times, increasing the time spent in the water by 30 seconds. The strong aroma and spicy taste change to a delicate one, the person calms down and relaxes.

The taste of chrysanthemum tea is combined with nuts (not candied) and dried fruits. But it is advisable to refuse chocolate, honey, jam or other sweeteners.

Interesting facts about chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea
Chrysanthemum tea

The first mentions of the aromatic drink were found in the annals dated 960. Tea was used to prolong life, return youth and beauty.

The flower is depicted on coins, the state emblem and the seal of Japan, for special services there they are awarded the Order of the Chrysanthemum. The poets of the Ancient East sang the praises of the plant in their poems. By the way, one of the most popular old Russian romances - "The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded for a long time" by Nikolai Kharito - is still being sung.

Chrysanthemum teas:

  1. Bo Ju … Flowers are harvested in Anhui province. The buds are so tender that the slightest careless movement, and the petals fly off. The most pronounced properties are anti-inflammatory and antiviral.
  2. Han Ju … The raw materials are grown in the Zhejiang region. The flower heads are large, bright yellow, the taste of the drink is sweet, the color is light yellow, transparent. Has a beneficial effect on the liver, improves memory properties.
  3. Han Bai Ju … From small-flowered white Indian chrysanthemum. By its properties, the drink resembles chamomile infusion. It is this type of tea leaves that is used for external use and eye treatment - to eliminate fatigue, dark circles.
  4. Huai Ju … Flowers are planted in Hainan province. The color of the petals is mixed, the cost is cheaper than that of other varieties.

There are other varieties that are exported to many countries - Gong Ju, Ye Ju Hua, Chu Ju.

The drink is popular not only in China, Japan and Korea, but also in Malaysia, Laos and other countries. There you can buy tea on tap, buy expensive varieties, packaged in cans or tetrapacks, cheap ones - in cardboard or paper packs.

In the territory of the former CIS, tea leaves are sold by weight. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the integrity of the flower and the aroma - fresh, delicate, floral. If you smell dust, and the color of the bud is gray or brown, it is better to refuse to purchase.

How to make chrysanthemum tea - watch the video:
