This article will provide tips on how you can reduce your appetite, and what foods are best for this. Most often, when dieting, the desire to eat something tasty arises at the most inopportune moment. But once you give vent to your appetite, it will be very difficult to stop. There are methods and foods that suppress appetite. This is what will be discussed now.
Protein to reduce appetite
Perhaps this method is the most popular and most effective. Eating a reasonable amount of protein significantly increases the feeling of fullness, and this has been proven by numerous studies. Scientists have found that protein compounds act in a special way on hormones and cell receptors, thereby reducing hunger.
The ideal option is to get protein from food throughout the day. However, if these options are not available, then you can use protein supplements. It will be a great addition to appetite suppressants.
Fiber to reduce appetite

When receiving food, the body begins to synthesize various hormones, informing the brain about satiety. This may be due to both the products themselves and the presence of certain compounds in their composition. After food enters the intestine or stomach, as a result of stretching of these organs, mechanoreceptors begin to function, sending a signal to the brain that there is a sufficient amount of food.
The same effect is observed with the use of fiber, which thickens once it is in the stomach. It is important to note, however, that most foods high in fiber are low in calories. These appetite suppressants include whole grains and vegetables.
In medicine, there is the term "roller coaster of sugar levels." It is used to describe a sharp decrease or increase in insulin and sugars. This is typical of diabetics. When sugar levels are high or low, it can cause irritation and fatigue, and sometimes hunger. To avoid this, it is necessary to draw up a balanced nutrition program. However, this does not mean that carbohydrates should be excluded from its composition. Exercise also affects insulin levels.
Stress and appetite

Modern man is constantly under stress. This is due to a variety of events taking place in the family, at work, etc. If a little stress can become a stimulus, then excessive stress only causes negative consequences. Emotional overeating is one of these influences. Unfortunately, this is much more difficult to cope with than physical.
For this reason, there is a strong craving for your favorite dishes, which for the most part turn out to be harmful. By far the easiest way to combat emotional overeating is by controlling stress. But this is not always possible. When you can't get your stress under control, herbs called adaptogens can help. These plant foods include ginseng, radiola, omega-3 fats, and others.
How to control your appetite?
The desire to consume harmful foods is temporary, and after a certain period of time it will recede. It is necessary to wait, and the craving will disappear by itself.
Recently, there have been studies of various methods of distraction. They varied widely, from strategies to influence thinking, to activities of short duration, such as patting the leg. It turned out that they are very effective, and they should be used if necessary. If you are tempted to eat an unwanted food, read a book, solve a crossword puzzle, or just walk down the street.
Exercise to suppress appetite

Scientists have found that physical activity can not only increase muscle mass or burn fat, but also reduce appetite. During exercise, blood in large quantities begins to flow to the muscles, leaving the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to a decrease in appetite. Also, physical activity forces the body to synthesize hormones that affect appetite. If you want to eat an unwanted food, just squeeze yourself off the floor a few times. This will not only reduce appetite, but will also benefit the entire body.
Foods that suppress appetite and reduce hunger
First of all, coffee can be attributed to this group of products. This drink contains a lot of caffeine. There are also stronger stimulants such as synerfin. This substance is extracted from the extract of bitter oranges. These substances redirect blood flow and reduce appetite.
The more often a person uses stimulants, the more efficiently they work. Also, using their cyclical application, you can eliminate addiction. For example, an avid coffee lover will not get the same effect from fat-burning drugs as a person who drinks little of this aromatic drink. A high-quality fat burner or coffee can perfectly reduce your appetite.
Of course, it is very difficult to fight the cravings for delicious foods, but the tips described above can help you with this. Don't forget about appetite suppressants.
Video about foods that reduce appetite: