How to treat dysthymia

How to treat dysthymia
How to treat dysthymia

The main signs of the development of dysthymia, the principles of diagnosis and the rational choice of therapy. The main methods of prevention of this disease. Depending on the manifestations, this disease can be divided into two groups:

  • Associated with somatic pathologies … It is characterized by a typical onset with depression of mood, impotence and anxiety, which subsequently progress to damage to the autonomic nervous system (tachycardia, excessive sweating, tremors of the extremities, dyspeptic disorders and disturbance of the vestibular apparatus). The next step is the transition from worry to inhibition of any disturbing thoughts or worsening of the situation. The emergence of hypochondriacal ideas and prejudices.
  • Character related … Its manifestations are characterized by blues, absence or reduced perception of pleasure and absolute pessimism.

Note! Such people are characterized by the emergence of thoughts of suicide against the background of an irresistible desire to get rid of the burden of negative emotions.

Features of the diagnosis of dysthymia

Diagnosis of dysthymia by test
Diagnosis of dysthymia by test

The main and most necessary point in the success of therapy is early diagnosis and correct diagnosis. Based on the fact that patients themselves rarely seek help, scientists have compiled several tests with the usual, at first glance, questions about changes in mood in different situations. But after evaluating the answers to the questionnaire, it is not difficult to identify people with dysthymic disorder. Such research is carried out in private and public enterprises, schools and universities. One such test consists of 18 questions and a rating scale for each of them. One positive answer to the question - one point. More than 15 points indicate confirmation of the diagnosis, from 14 to 11 - borderline state. The criterion for making a diagnosis with less than 11 points says that there is no predisposition to the disease.

Before starting treatment, each patient undergoes a complete examination without fail, and only after evaluating its results, a therapy plan is drawn up on an individual basis. The approach to treating dysthymia is complex. Control methods include a combination of psychiatric therapy with pharmacological support.

Important! All symptoms are directly related to depressive disorder. The only difference between the nosological units provided is the severity of symptoms, which is never on a par with depression.

Ways to combat dysthymia in humans

Medication for dysthymia
Medication for dysthymia

Dysthymic disorder responds well to therapeutic intervention. But the achievement of early and long-term remission is possible only if all prescriptions are followed, each of which should enhance the effect of the others. The right combination of ways to deal with the disease significantly increases the chances of recovery and a quick return to full adaptation in society.

Psychotherapy is aimed at improving the patient's understanding of his condition. She teaches him to adjust his emotions and feelings according to the circumstances, that is, to think differently. There are several methods used for this:

  1. Providing advice … Finding out the main negative influences and helping to combat them.
  2. Family therapy … Based on building support for loved ones. Changes their attitude towards the patient, showing the true reasons for his behavior.
  3. Personal therapy … It is addressed directly to the patient himself and to the solution of his problems.

In addition to psychotherapy, drug treatment is mandatory. Usually these are drugs of the antidepressant group, but with a minimum dosage. The doctor selects the dose and course individually, depending on the course of the disease. When diagnosed for the first time, the duration of the course is usually up to 6 months. The drugs of choice are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as Paxil, Luvox, Prozac. It is possible to use substances that affect the reuptake of both serotonin and norepinephrine. Their representatives are cymbals or effexor.

Symptomatic therapy is also included in the treatment of the disease. Mood stabilizers (lithium) or anticonvulsants may be used when manic symptoms develop. When confirming the dependence of manifestations on the season of the year, it is possible to use phototherapy.

In addition to the prescribed treatment, the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle must be remembered. Refusal from stress, smoking, alcohol, regulation of sleep processes and physical activity always has only a positive effect on the patient. Sometimes multivitamin complexes are also prescribed in the maintenance therapy regimen.

Note! Antidepressants have a characteristic "withdrawal syndrome" that can worsen the patient's condition. Therefore, you should consult your doctor about stopping them.

Dysthymia prevention rules

Communication as prevention of dysthymia
Communication as prevention of dysthymia

Proceeding from the fact that the etiology of this disease has not yet been precisely determined, its specific prevention does not exist. But there are general measures and recommendations. They significantly reduce the risk of developing it.

Dysthymia prevention rules:

  • Take time to do something that is interesting to you.
  • Do what you wanted to do, but didn't work before.
  • Visit the museum, exhibition or conference you've always dreamed of.
  • Do the exercise throughout the day: inhale deeply and exhale through the mouth, repeating once an hour.
  • Monitor your facial expression throughout the day and correct it by relaxing your mimic muscles, smile more often and walk with your back straight.
  • Communicate and discuss your problems and grievances, do not keep negative emotions in yourself.
  • Spend your evenings recalling funny, positive stories from childhood or adulthood.
  • Spend time chatting with friends and people close to you.
  • Don't be afraid to get tested to determine your mental health.
  • Allow yourself to visit your doctor if something is bothering you.

How to treat dysthymia - watch the video:

Dysthymia is a complex chronic disease that affects more and more people every year, but it is curable. Therefore, the importance of early diagnosis should be taken into account as the most important factor in cure. The need to screen risk groups can prevent or stop the development of the disease in its early stages.