How to treat nymphomania

How to treat nymphomania
How to treat nymphomania

Nymphomania and the main signs of its manifestation. The publication will talk about uncontrolled sex attraction to men with accompanying advice on how to eliminate such a problem. Nymphomania (andromania) is a rather rare pathology that occurs against the background of hypersexuality in the fair sex. It is usually formed in young girls and women of more mature age at the onset of menopause. Such addiction to sex can bring a lot of problems to a woman, so over time she needs to seek help from a doctor.

What is nymphomania

Nymphomania as a constant change of men
Nymphomania as a constant change of men

A similar disease is often confused with other manifestations of hypersexuality in beautiful women. Some women consider themselves victims of this pathology with love addiction, erotomania and increased libido. To figure out how to treat nymphomania, you should distinguish between four essentially different concepts.

Erotomania is, first of all, a lot of words spoken aloud about intimacy in the absence of specific actions in this direction. Women with this pattern of behavior with the opposite sex talk endlessly about sex and love to watch porn films. However, they do not go further than discussions on an intimate topic.

Love addiction is quite similar to nymphomania, but with it, a woman every minute dreams of intercourse with a certain man. With a real opportunity to get together with another partner, she completely loses interest in sex.

With increased libido, the fair sex is very active in intimate life, but she does not transgress beyond the bounds of what is permitted. She has an excessive appetite for carnal pleasures, which, however, never turns into promiscuous relationships.

True nymphomania is a real problem in which a lady is constantly changing men. She is not able to lead an active life in society, because all her thoughts are aimed at realizing herself sexually. Each new gentleman is not interested in her as a person, because such women are little concerned with the inner world of their temporary partners.

Important! Do not panic if an increased attraction to men seems to someone from the immediate environment an excessive manifestation of feelings. Obsession with each other in a couple in love is all the more not a deviation from the moral norm.

Causes of nymphomania

Mental illness as a cause of nymphomania
Mental illness as a cause of nymphomania

Any disease occurs due to certain pathological changes in the human body. However, some deviations in the psyche of women can manifest themselves from their very childhood.

For example, doctors state congenital nymphomania. Uncontrolled attraction to the male sex from a fairly young age becomes a personal tragedy for any woman. In most cases, specialists are powerless to help such persons, because congenital nymphomania is practically not subject to correction. As a result, a very young girl degrades at a rapid rate, becoming an easy victim for asocial personalities.

If nymphomania in a woman is not a congenital pathology, then doctors attribute it to acquired andromania and can help cope with the problem. It usually occurs for the following reasons:

  • Brain damage … Such an anomaly is formed after trauma, which led to the appearance of various tumors. It should also be noted in this case, neoplasms in the brain, which appeared without the influence of any aggressive external factors on it.
  • Mental illness … Manic-depressive syndrome is quite often accompanied by an increased interest of women in the stronger sex. In this case, the effect of the "crazy bride" is triggered, which needs a constant change of partners.
  • Chronic intoxication … Asocial individuals who regularly use alcohol or drugs very often acquire a disease such as nymphomania over time. Under the influence of intoxicants, any man seems to them an enviable gentleman.
  • Climax … Hormonal changes in women often give them unpleasant surprises. In addition to the "ebb-and-flow" syndrome, they can become andromanks even with a happy family life before the announced period.

The listed reasons for nymphomania indicate that it is a serious mental illness. Quite successful women, after any trauma or as a result of age-related changes, can turn into lecherous persons from circumstances beyond their control.

The main manifestations of nymphomania

Relationship with a stranger as a manifestation of nymphomania
Relationship with a stranger as a manifestation of nymphomania

In most cases, manifestations of uncontrolled attraction to the opposite sex are as follows:

  1. Sex with strangers … For a woman with so-called "uterine rabies" it does not matter what their next partner looks like. They are only interested in the process of the next adventure, and not in the composition of its participants. Consequently, a man at any age and even with an unprepossessing appearance has a 100% chance to enter into an intimate relationship with a nymphomaniac.
  2. A large number of partners … In addition to casual relationships, a woman with a similar problem can be married and at the same time have several lovers. Men from her environment are often not aware of their rivals, because a nymphomaniac is usually a cunning and prudent person.
  3. Lack of fear of sexually transmitted diseases … Any sane woman will first of all care about the safety of her health. Nymphomaniacs do not ask this question and rarely resort to contraception, because they come into contact with strangers in the most unexpected places.

Attention! Such a disease is dangerous not only by the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted infections, but also to face an aggressive person. Andromancy women quite often become victims of maniacs, a meeting with whom can be fatal for them.

Treatment methods for nymphomania

At the initial stage of therapy, it is necessary to establish that the patient has no brain tumors that can provoke pathological hypersexuality. For this, the lady who has applied for help will be offered to undergo an examination in the form of CT or MRI. Then a blood sample is taken to determine the presence of genital infections in a woman's body. Next, the patient should visit an endocrinologist and psychiatrist. Depending on the identified cause of nymphomania, treatment will be carried out by different specialists under the general supervision of a psychiatrist.

Treatment of andromania by a neurosurgeon

Treatment of nymphomania by a neurosurgeon
Treatment of nymphomania by a neurosurgeon

If the source of the disease is a neoplasm in the brain, then it is necessary to start a course of therapy with this doctor. Based on the analyzes and tests performed, the neurosurgeon will decide on the advisability of removing the existing tumor. In some cases, drug treatment is initially prescribed to the patient in order to eliminate foci of inflammation and reduce swelling of the brain tissue.

The neurosurgeon also usually suggests to his patient with nymphomania for a tumor in the brain to use corticosteroid drugs such as "Prednisolone". In parallel with this medicine, the doctor may prescribe anticonvulsant drugs, if there is an urgent need for it.

Androphobia can also occur against the background of a disease of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Such a pathology provokes the activation of libido in women and is treated exclusively on an individual basis, because its healing depends on many factors.

Treatment of andromania by an endocrinologist

Examination of a woman by an endocrinologist
Examination of a woman by an endocrinologist

Quite often, women with menopause experience ovarian dysfunction, which can lead to nymphomania. Older women suffer from the disease that has arisen much more often than young beauties, because they no longer have the same external data to attract the attention of a young lover. Their second halves also passed the peak of their sexually active life and the spouses are simply not able to satisfy the appetites that have arisen.

If the analysis of hormones in an Andromanian woman after a visit to the laboratory shows an alarming result (an overabundance or lack of them), then the endocrinologist will prescribe an additional examination of the glands.

After all the manipulations carried out, a specialist in this field can recommend the intake of estrogens and gestagens. Such hormonal therapy is contraindicated for malignant tumors of the endometrium and breast, vaginal bleeding, liver problems and thrombosis.

In other cases, the symptoms of nymphomania are alleviated with the help of Femoston, Hormoplex or Divina. It should be borne in mind that self-treatment with hormones can lead to serious side effects.

Treatment of nymphomania by a gynecologist (venereologist)

Treatment of nymphomania by a gynecologist
Treatment of nymphomania by a gynecologist

The causative agents of some infections, for example, toxoplasmosis, Epstein-Barr virus, syphilis and mycoplasmosis, can not only render a woman infertile, but also provoke her “mad bride” syndrome. They act on the principle of passage through the blood-brain barrier, damaging the structure of the brain during this procession. If the tests reveal any sexually transmitted infection, then it is urgent to get rid of it.

If the patient has another reason for the formation of nymphomania (hormonal imbalance, tumors in the ovaries or brain), the visit to the venereologist cannot be postponed either. After contact with strangers, a woman, without knowing it, can have many diseases of the genitourinary system. In the event of a voluntary arrival of the injured party to a medical institution, a specialist will prescribe treatment for her, based on the diagnosis. With trichomoniasis, therapy with antibacterial drugs is not suitable, therefore, a course of Metronidazole is prescribed.

Genital warts are eliminated exclusively by the method of radio waves. In other cases, antiviral treatment is used so that the disease does not become systematic in the form of relapses.

Elimination of nymphomania at a narcologist

Woman at an appointment with a narcologist
Woman at an appointment with a narcologist

If the cause of andromania lies in the abuse of substances that destroy the psyche, then one cannot do without visiting this specialist. In very rare cases, women independently seek help from a doctor at the initial stage of alcoholism or drug addiction. Most situations reach such a critical point that it is already necessary to resort to compulsory treatment in a closed institution. Relatives of a nymphomaniac with bad habits often try to resort to traditional medicine and homeopathic remedies. However, the verdict of the specialists sounds unambiguous: to place the patient in a closed-type rehabilitation center before the onset of remission.

Treatment of nymphomania by an immunologist

Avoiding alcohol when fighting nymphomania
Avoiding alcohol when fighting nymphomania

In this case, the specialist will coordinate a special diet for the patient, which will exclude the following ingredients:

  • Seafood … This component of the diet of some women contains large amounts of iron and zinc. A similar combination in a lady with nymphomania will cause even greater sexual excitement, which will lead to another relapse.
  • Mushrooms … Once this product was exclusively food for the elite. At the moment, it is available to almost everyone due to its taste. However, nymphomaniac women need to exclude mushrooms from their menu, because they are deservedly considered a source of sexual energy due to the zinc present in them.
  • Nuts … With excessive hyperactivity of some women, they need to limit the use of almonds and pistachios to the maximum. It is in them that a large amount of riboflavin is found, the magical properties of which have long been noticed by the people of the East as a kind of aphrodisiac.
  • Chocolate … This delicacy is also called the "pleasure hormone" because it is rich in a high content of such an amino acid as phenylalanine. With progressive nymphomania, a woman will once again put her decision to change under attack if she consumes large quantities of chocolate during the course of complex therapy.
  • Spicy dishes … Spices have always been an additional pathogen for those who want to improve the quality of their sex life. However, nymphomaniacs are strictly prohibited from eating peppers (including chili), caraway seeds, onions, curry and garlic.
  • Alcohol … Any alcohol, even in small quantities, can lead an Andromaniac woman into a state of overexcitement. Some ladies believe that a glass of the same champagne or wine cannot bring significant damage to their psyche, which is not true.

Treatment of nymphomania by a psychotherapist

Treatment of nymphomania by a psychotherapist
Treatment of nymphomania by a psychotherapist

In case of deviations in the psyche in the form of schizophrenia, paranoia or manic phobias, the patient is prescribed treatment in a closed institution under the supervision of a specialist. If the problem does not have such a global scale, then the following measures to combat adromania can be dispensed with:

  • Drug treatment … In this case, doctors advise to cool down your excessive love ardor with the help of ankylosing spondylitis and bromine. If you want to use herbal preparations, the patient is invited to take tinctures of mint, motherwort and valerian.
  • Coordination of the daily routine … Treatment of nymphomania most favorably occurs during physical exertion in a woman who cannot control her sensual desires. Being busy at work during sessions with a psychologist will also not prevent the patient from thinking less about finding another partner.
  • Picture-in-picture method … It is very difficult to induce a feeling of shame for one's behavior in a nymphomaniac, and in many cases it is almost impossible. However, some women with this problem have children whom they do not stop loving. This method is a tough attempt to return the adromaphobic woman to the family. During the session, she is invited to try to remember all her adventures, and then advice is given to change mentally roles with her already matured daughter.
  • Watching movies … True nymphomaniacs often love the products of the porn industry. However, in some cases, experts recommend that they familiarize themselves with films in which overly frivolous persons suffer at the hands of maniacs.
  • Hypnosis … If nymphomania is not a congenital pathology in a woman, then her behavior can really be corrected by finding out the cause of the problem. During the introduction of the patient into a state of trance, the specialist, using skillfully asked questions, can build a further treatment regimen.

The use of folk remedies for nymphomania

Soothing bath for nymphomania
Soothing bath for nymphomania

The experience of ancestors will not be able to completely rid a woman of uncontrolled attraction to men, but it is able to offer her effective means to calm the nervous system:

  1. Herbal infusions … Willow earrings have proven themselves in this regard, one spoon of which is enough to prepare a medicinal drink. The raw materials must be poured with half a liter of boiling water, after which the folk medicine is recommended to be infused for an hour. It is enough to consume three cups of such a drink during the day to reduce the hypersexuality that goes beyond the bounds of decency. If you don't have willow earrings at hand, you can replace them with hop cones, lemon balm and mint. The scheme for taking an infusion from such a collection is identical to the already voiced recipe, but the raw material should be increased to two tablespoons per half a liter of water.
  2. Soothing baths … During the period of recurrence of nymphomania, you should temporarily abandon the contrast shower, which gives the lady additional energy in the next search for a partner. It is recommended to organize relaxation sessions at home, in which the water in the bathroom should not be excessively hot. If it is not possible to purchase chamomile, mint, sage or black currant leaves, then all of the listed components can be replaced with a base for water procedures purchased at a pharmacy.

How to treat nymphomania - watch the video:

It can be difficult to figure out how to get rid of nymphomania on your own. The problem requires a serious approach to its resolution with the help of specialists. Without the elimination of the main source of pathology, therapy will not bring significant results. Therefore, if you want to correct the situation and get out of the vicious circle, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of your mental and physical condition.