Fullbody - features of the training program

Fullbody - features of the training program
Fullbody - features of the training program

Learn how to properly train your whole body and what benefits you will get from such training. The full body training program is a simple and at the same time effective training method. Compared to the currently extremely popular split programs, full body involves working on all the muscles of the body in every class. Most often, such programs include from four to eight exercises, which makes it possible to pump each muscle group three times a week. For beginner athletes or those who have had a long break in training, this is one of the most effective methods.

When is full body more effective than split?

Fullbody group workout
Fullbody group workout

In bodybuilding, two indicators are used with which you can determine the severity of training - intensity and volume. The volume of training should be understood as the number of sessions during the week, the exercises used, as well as the number of sets and repetitions. The intensity of the session is the ratio of the working weight to the maximum possible in a particular exercise.

Gradually, with the development of athletic performance, athletes increase intensity and volume in order to continue to progress. The body also improves its ability to recover, but these have their limits. In order to constantly improve, athletes begin to divide the body into muscle groups and work them out on certain days. This training system is called split.

As a result, when using a split, the builder has the opportunity to perform a greater amount of physical activity on each muscle group, while working with large weights. In addition, the split allows you to avoid overexertion and overtraining after such exercises. Since a certain muscle group is worked out at each workout, the duration of rest is about seven days. This is enough for a complete recovery.

In other words, split can only be effective if the athlete already has some experience and has reached a certain level of training. Novice athletes are not able to perform a large training volume for each muscle group, as well as use large weights. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the body, which is possible only when certain results are achieved.

At the first stage of training, it is necessary to use small weights of weights and hone the technique of performing all exercises. Such training does not involve heavy loads, and the body recovers in a short time. That is why for novice athletes, the full body training program will be the best option for training.

Benefits of a full body workout program

Man and woman show muscles
Man and woman show muscles

Let's now point out the main benefits that a full body training program provides for beginners:

  1. In each lesson, all the muscles of the body work, which allows you to improve muscle tone and gain mass at the same time.
  2. During the week, you can carry out from one to three sessions, and the working weight directly depends on the duration of the rest. However, in any case, all training will be effective.
  3. Periodically, it is worth making changes to the full body training program, changing the movements. This will prevent the body from adapting to stress and ensure progress.

Before starting each session, you need to warm up well. Everyone writes about this and probably someone is already tired of this advice. However, it is very important to warm up the muscles before serious exertion to avoid injury. During a general warm-up, you can use a treadmill or exercise bike. After that, a specialized warm-up is required, involving the execution of the first pair of sets in each movement with light weights. As a result, the muscles and nervous system will gradually return to work, which will significantly reduce the risk of injury.

During the first two to three weeks of training, you should devote all your attention to studying the technique of movements. This is very important and heavy weights will not leave you. Only adherence to all technical nuances will guarantee you the maximum effect from each exercise used. During the first week, you need to learn the technique of movements, and in the second week, start picking up the load. Then (third week) increase the load slightly, but do not run into failure. During the first training month, refusal training should not be carried out, since the nervous system is not yet ready for them.

A little explanation should be made here - failure is the impossibility of performing repetitions, after which the set is considered complete. It should also be said about the pause time between sets. Their duration depends on the level of the athlete's training and the individual characteristics of the organism. For one builder, it is enough to pause for 60 seconds, and the second will take a few minutes to regain breathing. You should choose the working weights so that it takes one to three minutes to rest between sets. If you need more time, you should reduce the load. The duration of one lesson should be from 40 to 60 minutes.

Recommendations for a full body workout program

Athlete in the gym
Athlete in the gym

We will also look at examples of full body training programs, but now I want to give some more tips. You've probably noticed that training programs often specify a specific rep range. Adjust the operating weight to meet the upper values of this limit.

If you succeed, then you should increase the weight of the projectile. When working on the muscles of the upper body, increasing the working weight is no more than 2.5 kilograms, and for the muscles of the legs this figure is five kilograms. After increasing your working weight, do whatever number of repetitions is at the bottom of the range. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to the maximum and again increase the working weights. Then this circle is repeated again.

At some point, you will stop at a certain working weight, and will not be able to overcome it. When this happens, try three times. If they were unsuccessful, then reduce the load by 10 or 15 percent and again begin to progress the weight. This tactic almost always helps to overcome stagnation. However, this technique will not always work, and after reaching a certain level of training, you will have to use more complex schemes to overcome the plateau.

It is very important to eat right, because it guarantees you 50 percent success. In addition, it should be remembered that progress is possible only if the body has fully recovered. You need to get enough sleep so as not to overload the nervous system. It is because of failures in the work of the central nervous system that athletes most often end up in a state of overtraining. When, while using the full body training program, you feel that the weights of the weights have become too large, you should switch to split. To begin with, it will be enough to divide your body into two parts - bottom and top.

An example of a full body workout program for men

Fullbody workout with kettlebells
Fullbody workout with kettlebells

This program is recommended to novice builders by Iron Arnie themselves:

  • Squats - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • Bench press in a prone position, wide grip - 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Pull-ups - 3 sets with maximum reps.
  • Army presses - 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • Biceps Barbell Curls - 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Crunches for the abdominal muscles - 3 sets per failure.

As you can see, this full body workout program is very simple but effective. Arnold Schwarzenegger advises to train three times a week and by and large this applies to all similar programs. After training, you need to rest for one day.

Beginners should perform two sets in each movement for the first two weeks, and then follow the recommendations of this program. Since with the help of these movements you can work out the whole body at once, then at the same time the nervous system, the ligamentous-articular apparatus are strengthened, and also the muscle mass grows.

Full body workout program for girls

Girl push up
Girl push up

For girls, a full body workout program in combination with cardio loads and proper nutrition will make your body attractive in a short time. Your task is not to gain muscle mass, which is necessary for men, but to improve muscle tone. Therefore, you do not need to use large operating weights.

Now we will tell you about one effective full body workout program that will allow girls to improve their figure. It has five movements and is circular. Perform three to five circles with 12-15 repetitions per exercise. Note that circular training involves the alternate execution of all exercises with minimal pauses between them.

  1. Weighted squats. As a burden, you can use a barbell pancake, kettlebell or dumbbell. The movement effectively works the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. The wider the stance of the legs, the more actively the buttocks are included in the work.
  2. Reverse push-ups from the bench. You need to rest your hands behind your back on the bench, and stretch your legs in front of you. Then do push-ups. This exercise will strengthen your triceps.
  3. Barbell lunges alternate. With the projectile on your shoulders, you need to perform alternate steps forward with each leg. In this case, the knee joint of the leg located in front should be bent at a right angle. The movement targets the muscles in the legs and back.
  4. Side plank push-ups. You should do push-ups in a plank position and as you move your body up, raise one hand over the side up. This will help strengthen the muscles in your chest, shoulder girdle and triceps.
  5. Curtsy lunges with weights. Holding the pancake in front of you, while in a standing position, you need to take a step backward to the side, as if you are going to squat in a curtsy. With this movement, you can strengthen your glutes, thighs, and core muscles.

Why full body is better than split, see this video:
