BCAA in bodybuilding

BCAA in bodybuilding
BCAA in bodybuilding

Should you take amino acids? What role do they play in bodybuilding? How do BCAAs help you gain or lose weight? You can find out these secrets right now. BCAA stands for Branched Chain Amino Acid Compounds. This is a whole complex of substances that includes three amino acid compounds: leucine, valine, and isoleucine.

It should be said right away that in the total mass of all amino acid compounds contained in muscle tissues, BCAAs account for about 35 percent. As you can see, one third of all amino acids are made up of these three substances. For this reason, it is easy to imagine the value of BCAAs in bodybuilding.

They are actively involved in all metabolic processes, and also have anti-catabolic properties, keeping muscles from destruction. These substances are not secreted in the body and can only be supplied as part of the food consumed. Compared to the other seventeen amino acid compounds, BCAAs differ in that their metabolism takes place in muscle tissues, and they are an excellent source of energy. It must also be said that BCAAs are completely safe for the body.

Effects of BCAAs

Athlete sprinkles BCAAs on muscles
Athlete sprinkles BCAAs on muscles

BCAAs in bodybuilding produce a lot of positive effects on the body, and it will take a very long time to talk about them all. For this reason, we will highlight the most significant of them:

  • They are a substrate for the production of protein compounds in the muscles;
  • An excellent source of energy;
  • Used by the body to synthesize other amino acid compounds;
  • Activate mTOR;
  • They are excellent anti-catabolics;
  • Accelerate insulin secretion;
  • Promote an increase in the rate of lipolysis.

These effects alone are enough to understand the important role BCAAs play in bodybuilding.

How BCAAs work

The athlete uses BCAAs
The athlete uses BCAAs

Now we will consider in more detail the mechanisms of the effects indicated above. This will allow athletes to better understand the importance of consuming these substances.

BCAAs Affect Energy Sources

The scheme of energy production in the body
The scheme of energy production in the body

During intense physical exertion, the oxidation processes of BCAAs are significantly accelerated. This is necessary to maintain energy balance. All of these chemical reactions are aimed at creating the fastest source of energy - glucose.

In the course of numerous scientific experiments, it was found that after the completion of training in the body of athletes, the level of BCAAs, and especially leucine, is greatly reduced. At the same time, the body starts processes aimed at restoring the concentration of branched-chain amino acid compounds. For this, muscle tissue begins to break down. To prevent these processes, you need to supplement with BCAA in bodybuilding.

Also, now we can confidently talk about the significant role of leucine in the reactions of ATP synthesis. As many bodybuilders should be aware, this substance is the main source of energy in the muscles. When leucine is used to synthesize ATP, more of this substance can be obtained than when using a similar number of glucose molecules. Since the processes of creating ATP from glucose and leucine are similar, the athlete has two equivalent sources of energy. This allows you to significantly speed up the recovery processes.

BCAAs are involved in the production of muscle protein compounds

Bodybuilder training with dumbbells
Bodybuilder training with dumbbells

We have already mentioned that one third of all amino acid compounds in muscle tissue are BCAAs. Thus, these substances can be safely called the main building block for the creation of protein compounds. As you know, when the body is deficient in protein, then muscle growth becomes impossible.

If at rest it is enough for you to consume regular protein shakes and thus you can fully provide the body with the necessary amino acid compounds, then with high-intensity training this will not happen.

The concentration of BCAAs at this moment drops sharply and you need to ensure their delivery into the body. By using sports supplements with BCAAs in bodybuilding, athletes restore the level of these substances, as well as create all the necessary conditions for muscle growth.

BCAAs synthesize glutamine

Athlete and BCAA Bank
Athlete and BCAA Bank

You should be aware of the role glutamine plays in muscle growth. This substance is found in all tissues of the body and is a regulator of the synthesis of protein compounds, promotes a shift in the nitrogen balance towards the anabolic background, accelerates the secretion of endogenous growth hormone, and also increases the size of tissue cells. The high consumption of glutamine that occurs during training can be easily absorbed by the athlete through the use of BCAAs.

BCAAs Accelerate the Synthesis of Insulin and Protein Compounds

The Role of Each BCAA Component in the Bodybuilder's Body
The Role of Each BCAA Component in the Bodybuilder's Body

One of the most effective ways to speed up the production of protein compounds is PI3K. This substance allows you to regulate glucose consumption and increases the rate of delivery of amino acid compounds to muscle tissue cells. It is thanks to PI3K that insulin has its anabolic properties.

BCAAs, and especially leucine, can directly affect PI3K and accelerate insulin production. Even if the level of insulin is low, then with a high level of BCAA, the anabolic background increases. If you use BCAAs together with carbohydrates after completing the training, you can achieve a synergistic effect in the synthesis of insulin, improve the quality of tissue nutrition and, as a result, increase the rate of muscle growth.

BCAA activates mTOR

Synthetic mTOR in banks
Synthetic mTOR in banks

mTOR is a special protein compound whose main task is to regulate the processes of cell growth and division. In the body, mTOR is a kind of energy sensor that is activated when the ATP level is high and is blocked when the ATP concentration falls.

The greatest amount of energy during the work of cells is spent on the production of protein compounds. For this reason, it is necessary to create a high concentration of ATP and thereby ensure the growth of muscle tissue. For the synthesis of protein compounds, the raw material is also needed, which is BCAA, which is used in bodybuilding. Leucine has the ability to activate mTOR, which triggers the production of protein compounds.

BCAAs accelerate lipolysis

BCAA powder
BCAA powder

BCAAs have the ability to activate genes for leptin (a hormone) in adipose tissue. It should be recognized that leptin is a very complex hormone, the main task of which is to regulate the metabolic rate.

With a large fat mass, the body begins to actively synthesize leptin. During cycles of drying or losing weight, the concentration of the hormone decreases, which leads to an increase in appetite and a slowdown in metabolism. In such a situation, even with a decrease in the calorie content of the nutrition program and an increase in the intensity of training, the processes of fat burning are significantly slowed down.

As a result, athletes cannot move from a certain point of balance and do not lose fat mass. To overcome this balance point, BCAAs are used in bodybuilding. You kind of deceive your own body, and forces it to accelerate the production of leptin.

How to take BCAAs

The athlete holds a BCAA in his hands
The athlete holds a BCAA in his hands

During mass-gathering cycles, it is advisable to use BCAAs before the start of the lesson, during its conduct, and also after the completion of the training. It is these time periods that are most important, and the body requires a high concentration of branched chain amino acid compounds.

BCAA solutions are best suited for this purpose. Taking the drug at other times is no longer so effective and the supply of amino acid compounds during these periods will be replenished due to the use of protein cocktails. Often, manufacturers recommend taking BCAAs much more often, but this is only due to the desire to increase the sale of their goods.

During weight loss, it is most optimal to use BCAAs in the same way as when gaining muscle mass. You can also take supplements between meals to stop catabolic processes. However, for these purposes it is still more expedient to use protein mixtures. Take 4 to 8 grams of BCAAs in bodybuilding every day, regardless of your goals. The dosage may be reduced, but the effect of the supplement will also diminish. You can take BCAAs without a time limit and do not use cyclic dosing regimens. Also note that BCAAs work well with all types of sports supplements.

You can learn more about BCAAs and their role in the bodybuilder's body in this video: